As a capable secretary, Oliver naturally knew about it.

"You are here for work? Why didn't I know that the Archduke has extended its business to the medical field as well?" Anne questioned suspiciously.

Oliver shot her a professional smile. "What are you doing here in the hospital, Ms. Vallois? Do you need help?”

She tilted her head and said, "Of course, I need your help. Maybe to find out about the results of my abortion and why the baby was still inside me even after the surgery? Or are we actually looking into the same thing? May I know if you've found anything?"

Her tone was hostile, but Oliver did not react to it and remained polite and professional. "I'm here for something else, so I don't know much about what you are doing here. However, if the hospital is indeed involved in such a thing, it should not be allowed to keep on running here in Luton.”

"If you don't know what I'm here for, do not attempt to stop me from doing anything.” She directed the warning to Oliver, as well as his superior so that he would stop interfering.

With that said, she turned and headed into the hospital. It did not matter what Anthony planned to do, but if she found proof of what happened, she did not intend on letting the culprit escape.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Vallois. We will look into this. If there really was a doctor who accepted a bribe, leading to a medical error, we will be sure to provide you with an explanation,” the manager of the hospital said.

"How long will it take?" She asked.

"From a week to a few months," the manager said.

"That long?" She questioned with disbelief, "Or are you trying to cover this up for your doctor? Where is he? Is he still working here?"

"Ms. Vallois, I can't just fire a doctor based on your words alone. Do you know how hard it is to hire a doctor these days?" The manager's expression darkened.

"What's there to investigate when I've presented you with the report of my abortion along with proof that I've just had a miscarriage? Shouldn't you be looking into this right away?" Anne had been trying her best to keep calm from the moment she stepped into the office, but even a blind person could tell what the manager was trying to do after listening to him.

"Are the police officers supposed to sentence someone to death as soon as they catch the culprit? There is a process to everything. Besides, how do I know if these so-called proofs are real?"

"Why you!" Shocked by how he was bending the truth to his advantage, she retorted, "Why would I bring forged proof here to find out about the truth?"

"You could be here to scam the hospital into paying you off," the manager said casually.

She gritted her teeth and glared at him. "So you are just going to sweep this under the rug?" "Honestly, Ms. Vallois, your request is ridiculous. If everyone comes to us with the same request, our hospital would be out of business. This is a private hospital, not a court, okay?"

"Fine, if you insist, I'm calling the police!" She took out her phone to call the police.

"Are you sure you want to cause a scene? You got pregnant before marriage and came here to get an abortion, if everyone finds out about this, it's not going to do you any good either.” The manager was not at all frightened. For someone who managed to be in his position, he was not someone who would compromise easily.

Anne instantly stopped when she noticed what the manager was hinting at.

"He's right. I am a single woman who got pregnant and went to get an abortion. It's not something to be proud of to begin with,’ she thought to herself, 'I just didn't expect the hospital to be this shameless. I was too naive.’

Her body began to react to the roller-coaster of emotions she was in and her face paled as she gasped for air and slammed her palms onto the desk. "Is this even a hospital? It's more like a bandit lair!"

"Watch your mouth, Ms. Vallois. We can sue you for defamation!" The manager pointed his finger at her warningly.

"You-" Just as she was about to say something else, the door was pushed open without warning. "What are you doing-" The manager was about to snap, but stopped as soon as he saw the man walking in. "You are..."

Anne turned around in confusion and tensed as soon as she met the eyes of the man who stepped inside. Her chest tightened and her heart threatened to jump out of her throat. It was fear at a primitive level, the kick on the stomach had been so traumatic that it left a scar within her...

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