Chapter 278 Bianca stood still and clenched her fists until her nails were stabbing into her palms. The jealousy she felt did not ease until she saw the pool of blood on the ground. “Anne Vallois, you are no match for me!” she thought. Meanwhile, Anthony stormed off with Anne in his arms, and even the driver struggled to react to how terrifying his presence was. "The hospital!" Anthony commanded. The driver immediately started the engine and took off steadily to the highway. Tension continued to rise inside the car, along with a suffocating scent of blood that filled the air. Anne grunted in pain in Anthony's arms and quivered uncontrollably. He grabbed her by the chin and reminded her with a low voice, " Take deep breaths..." She followed the command instinctively, but the pain remained, and even her lips were pale. The sweat scrolled down her forehead and to her hair. "We are almost at the hospital.” Anthony tried to wipe away her sweat but was stunned when he noticed his own blood-stained palm Where did all this blood come from? He had only kicked her once in the stomach, so she could not possibly be bleeding so much. When he met her eyes, he was stung by the pained and resentful look in her eyes. "Don't look at me like that. You are the one who jumped!” Her lips quivered as she struggled to speak. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, and eventually, everything went black... *rt>ey arrived at the hospital, and Kathryn had been informed ahead of time to start preparation. Anthony stood outside the surgery room and found blood all over his right arm. He could still feel the slimy texture of the blood sticking onto his skin through the clothes. If only his shirt and trousers were not black, the others would be able to see the blood stain from afar. In about half an hour's time, the light above the surgery room door was turned off, and Kathryn stepped outside in a face mask. Though he could see her face, he could tell that the situation was bad from the look in her eyes. Anthony had remained in front of the surgery room the entire time, and Kathryn straightaway told him, "She lost her baby.” His eyes widened in disbelief. "She just lost a baby one month ago. 11 "That's not possible. The baby inside her was already two months old. From what I can tell, she was probably already pregnant at the time when she fell and said she didn't feel well,” Kathryn said. His expression darkened as he thought of the possibility of Anne lying to him about getting an abortion. However, he did see the blood on Anne's trousers a month ago, so he asked, "What are the chances for one to bleed during pregnancy?” "Can't say for sure. There are women who would bleed a little throughout the entire pregnancy. There's another issue. The embryo was already two months old, and this incident has caused severe damage to Anne's uterus, so she will not be able to get pregnant ever again,” she said while studying his expression. He widened his eyes once again. "What did you just say?" Despite the pressure, Kathryn repeated, "Considering the severity of the hemorrhage, it's lucky that she even survives. We can't fix the damage to her uterus.” Baam! Kathryn turned in the direction where the noise came from and saw Sarah falling onto the ground after overhearing the conversation. “She can't get pregnant again? So Anne will never have children of her own? How could this happen? That's about one of the worst things a young girl could hear!" Sarah thought. Anne was transferred to the room, and once the anesthetic wore off at around dusk, she woke up and saw Sarah sobbing by the bed. "I'm okay..." She struggled to voice out and noticed that her throat was burning. “You are awake! I have a glass of warm water here for you. Have some." Sarah placed a straw into the glass and fed it to Anne. Anne took a few sips, and the pain in her throat finally eased.

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