Chapter 271

Anthony's expression darkened. "Didnt you lie here so that someone would come to touch you?" She widened her eyes in disbelief as she wondered if the man before her was mentally ill. “I was just taking a break.”

She could tell that Anthony had had quite a few to drink as well, but then again, it was only natural for one to drink when they were at a bar.

"Who's Charlie?" He questioned darkly, "Another guy?”

Her heart almost stopped when she heard Anthony mentioning Charlie's name, terrified that she might have let it slip in her sleep.


Anne was about to explain wnei Yander walked over to them and said, "You are here, too, Mr Murwocd? What a coincidence. Our department is having a gathering here as well."

Anthony shot him a cold look before looking away from Anne and walking into the gentlemen's room.

Xander tensed at the chilling glare he received and realized he had approached them at the wrong time.

Anne frowned and pouted at the fact that despite not seeing Anthony for most of the past month, she had run into him yet again.

I knew I shouldn't come to this gathering,’ she thought to herself.

"You are lucky that Mr. Marwood showed up here, or someone would have taken advantage of you." Xander saw what had happened when he stepped outside the room.


"You are a pretty girl. Don't you think it's a little dangerous for you to just lie down here?" he reminded her.

Anne tried to think, and her head simply grew heavier as she did.

'So he wasn't trying to touch me but was keeping me from getting molested? It's not my fault, though, Is it? I didn't know..." she thought.

"Wait here and apologize to Mr. Marwood later,” Xander said before leaving.

"But..." She tried to make him stay. Though she was willing to apologize, she did not want to face Anthony on her own. She had not responded to Anthony's question, and she dared not to run out of fear that Anthony might look into it himself. The consequences would be unimaginable if he did, so she had to handle it.

When Anthony came out of the bathroom and saw her standing there, he simply glanced at her and was about to walk right past her when she walked toward him. However, she had moved too hastily, and the dizziness had caused her to stumble right into his arms.

Stunned, she remained still blankly until he lifted her chin and muttered, "It's been a while, and you seem desperate for it, hm?"

His cold fingers on her frail skin had caused her to shiver, and she forced herself to stand tall before him.

"No... That's not it. I'm drunk, but I am not seeing anyone.

Charlie... is my neighbor's kid. I lost my child, and I keep getting nightmares. Seeing those kids makes me think of my own child, so I call out their names sometimes..." she explained as she tried to support her head with her hands.

He stood tall and unmoving as he took in her helpless expression

Anne looked up with flushed cheeks and doe-like eyes before moving out of Anthony's way.

His eyes followed her every movement like a demon before he strode forward and dragged her away by her arm. "Ah! What are you..."

“Stop making a fool out of yourself out here."

“I...1 am not..." Her legs began to tremble as her vision blurred, and she could barely walk properly. Just as she was about to fall, he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up.

The alcohol had slowed her down, and she could not even react. Anne simply leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes.

When Xander headed out of the room to head to the washroom, he happened upon the scene where Anthony carried Anne away.

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