Chapter 239

Dr. Brown said nothing.

As a doctor, she naturally knew the side effects of the pills.

After the inspection, no problems were found, so Dr. Brown left. Anne wanted to send her to the door but was rejected.

Hearing the door closing, Anne lay down again, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

She was certainly not pregnant.

She suddenly felt a chill down her back.

Anne hurriedly turned her face and saw Anthony's tall figure beside her bed, looking at her condescendingly.

Anne sat up and looked at him defensively. "You didn't need to call Dr. Brown... I'm fine" She was not grateful.

He was the one who injured her in the first place.

Anthony's indifferent expression made it difficult to see what he was thinking. His figure approached, and he pinched Anne's chin.

He looked down at her dangerously. "Don't hurt yourself. Otherwise, how will I use you next time? Huh?"

Anne dared not move at all.

She was terrified.

Fortunately, after Anthony finished speaking, he let go of her and left the room.

He just wanted to torture her mentally.

She heard the door closing outside.

Anne got out of bed uneasily and went out of the room.

After confirming that Anthony was gone, only then did she dare to relax her tense nerves.

Every time she encountered Anthony, she felt powerless, as if she had lost a layer of skin.

Anne returned to her senses and found the phone in her bag.

She turned to the text message she had sent.

After reading the content again, she still felt flustered and speechless.

How could Chloe send such a text message? Was she just unlucky ?

Early the next morning, Anne went to the sixth floor.

The three little kids in the room were getting dressed with the help of their nanny. They had chubby bodies, and they looked adorable.

Charlie even had his head stuck at the neckline, his whole body staggered to and fro, and he finally managed to wear his clothes.

Anne walked over to help.



"..Mama!" Charlie's little head came out from the neckline, and his little face was flushed.

Anne helped them, and the nanny went to make breakfast.

"Why didn't Mama sleep with us last night?" Chloe hugged Mama's neck affectionately and acted like a spoiled child.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Mama was gone!" Charlie frowned.

"Where did you go?” Chris asked.

Anne thought of this, so she had to tell them something.

She took out her cell phone and asked, "You all took my cell phone yesterday, right? Now answer Mama, who sent this?"

Three pairs of little eyes blinked at the phone and then at Mama with their innocent faces.

Anne raised her eyebrows. "Aren't you going to answer me?"

Chloe lowered her head, and her small eyes kept drifting toward

Mama. "It was me."

"I... gave her the idea!" Charlie offered.

"Me too!" Chris raised his hand.

The corner of Anne's mouth twitched. Why was he raising his hand? Was he proud?

“Why did you send this message? Of all the people you could send it to, you chose to send it to Anthony?" Anne was shocked.

“Mama is 50 angry. We just did it for fun," Chloe said aggrievedly.

"It was an accident!" Charlie said.

“Mama, we don't know Anthony," Chris said.

Anne pondered. They, indeed, had no idea who Anthony was!

It was only a coincidence...

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