Pirate's Bane; Black Star
Pirate's Bane; Black Star

Pirate's Bane; Black Star

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Alex has lived a lie for so long she almost can't remember the truth, but now she is in unknown of black space on a ship of people all trying to hide. But even in the dark of the space truth shines. You are undoubtedly Ret. Lt Commander Alexandria Maxima Perez, Sol Planetary Alliance Military Service number RI2 764 385 W. Your parents are farmers on Riku. At the age of eighteen you joined the Sol Planetary Alliance Naval academy on Earth. After four years you graduated fiftieth in your class overall but third in three dimensional stellar physics, navigation, and cartography. You were offered and joined the ranks of Project Galileo, where you were implanted with a cranial navigation processor. During your time in Project Galileo you were asked to and designed the navigation system of the Iowa, designs which have subsequently been used on all newer Sol Alliance heavy cruisers and battle ships. Though you designed the navigational systems for the Iowa you were passed up as its chief navigator. You transferred to the destroyer USS Iowa as their chief navigator. In that capacity you were on the front lines of the Telicon incursion,.the front lines of all five months of the "War of Immanent Domain". During which took place the Iowa Incident a in which 15 member Zarinian commando team infiltrated the Iowa and killed the captain, commanding officer, Pilot, and Com officer.

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