Chapter 97 Rex's Wishes

Orlando chose not to pay much attention to his wife's absence but returned to the nearby table, where he resumed reading his work emails online.

The next morning, Orlando was already downstairs bright and early.

He found Anika serving a delightful Western-style breakfast.

But he failed to find his wife.

Sensing his inquiry, Anika quickly clarified, "Ms. Stuart was a bit tired yesterday, so she asked me not to wake her up this morning."

It occurred to Orlando that she must return from the hospital.

But wasn't Cason pretending to be sick?

Thinking about here, Orlando was annoyed.

So as soon as he finished his breakfast, he straightly went towards the waiting car parked outside.

On the first night at Hills Villa, Orlando failed to encounter his wife, whom he hadn't seen in three years.

He wondered about her true intention.

Was she deliberately testing his patience, or perhaps trying to ignite his curiosity?

If it was the latter, he was determined not to be swayed.

Upon arriving at the Fletcher Group, Orlando informed Zane, "Buy something and visit Cason at noon."

Zane nodded in understanding.

At the same time, at Hills Villa, Anika knocked on Penny's door.

And Penny had already finished preparing herself and was awaiting Anika's arrival.

"He's gone?" she inquired.

"Yes, Ms. Stuart. He just left," Anika confirmed.

Penny then descended the stairs.

Anika couldn't help but feel sympathy towards Ms. Stuart and asked, "Should I inform Rex about Mrs. Moran's interference in your marriage?"

But Penny replied, "No need. I never treat you as an outsider, Anika. To be honest, I don't like Orlando."

"I chose to marry him solely for financial reasons. It is reasonable for Mrs. Moran to dislike me. Once Rex became better, I will divorce Orlando," she explained. Anika had no idea but nodded in response.

After breakfast, Penny decided to visit Rex with her well-prepared gift.

As for Rex, he was currently staying alone at Fletcher's mansion, receiving care from numerous servants and doctors.

Perhaps due to being back home, Rex looked great.

Furthermore, when he caught sight of Penny, excitement flooded his face, and he stood up with the help of a cane for support.

"Penny, you've finally come!" Rex exclaimed with joy.

A touch of guilt appeared on Penny's face.

She approached him and explained, "Rex, I'm sorry. My father's health suddenly deteriorated yesterday, and I didn't realize I had missed the time. And here is my gift for you." The gift she handed to Rex wasn't something purchased. After all, Rex could buy anything he wanted.

Penny, embarrassed, presented her painting to Rex.

"I heard you love the 'Seven Worthies of Bamboo Grove', so I tried my best complete the missing portion. I hope it brings you happiness," she expressed uncertainly.

Rex was excited at her gift. After all, he had always expressed regret over the missing portion of the painting.

"Penny, how could I ever laugh at you? I totally appreciate your talented painting skills. Come on, you are the best student of Hudson Arnold!"

Hudson was the current representative of traditional painting.

Penny's modesty prevented her from actively promoting herself despite being Hudson's esteemed student.

Coincidentally, Hudson knew Rex, and Penny had once saved him, deepening Rex's admiration for her.

And this admiration eventually led to the plan of arranging Penny's marriage to Orlando, believing it would be a perfect match for her.

Eagerly, Rex unrolled the scroll.

In his collected half-scroll, only four figures seated on a luxurious blanket, surrounded by servants, rocks, and trees in the background, emanating an elegant and distinct allure. However, the original painting was intended to feature seven individuals, with three of them lost.

Actually, Penny had conceived the idea of repairing the incomplete painting in the college.

But unlike other damaged ancient paintings, it was incomplete. So, it took her several years to copy and recreate the missing parts.

Now, she delicately presented it to Rex, with an ardent wish that it would bring happiness to him.

As Rex laid eyes upon her finished work, an enchanting smile adorned his face.

"If Hudson knew that you were no longer participating in competitions, he would be frustrated," Rex mentioned, expressing his admiration for her talent.

Filled with a tinge of guilt, Penny responded, "Rex, as soon as I finish my current tasks, I will resume painting."

Rex nodded approvingly, affirming, "That's great. Don't delay your striking talents. I truly cherish your gift, and I'll hang it in the study later."

Penny responded with a graceful smile, saying, "As long as you're pleased."

"Penny, when do you and Orlando plan to have a child?" He suddenly asked.

But his words were cut short by a fit of coughing.

Rex couldn't resist it but struggled to conceal his discomfort.

Given his poor health, the only Penny could do is say yes.

She replied gently, "Rex, we will make arrangements as soon as possible."

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