Chapter Twelve: After Last Night

HYACINTH talked with Jean inside the Moonround café the moment she started working there again. She pretended to clean the tables while Jean discreetly talked to her about the events these past few days: her sudden disappearance, Erin’s whereabouts, and what happened when Max fetched her from Greene County out of the blue, considering that Jean didn’t know why her boss suddenly took an interest with Hyacinth.

“We flirted and one thing led to another. We didn’t use protection. That’s why he followed me to Greene County. He wanted to make sure that, if I’m pregnant, he’ll be there to support and father the child.” Hyacinth lied. It will be too much for Jean if she knew the whole story regarding the threads and her time-traveling daughter. “Erin is my cousin so Mr. Bismarck took her with him and used Erin as bait so that I’ll go outside my hide.”

“Maximillian is tenacious when it comes to his goals.” Jean sipped from her cup of hot chocolate. “As for you, I can’t blame you if you wanted to spend the night with a man like Max. He’s attractive and is in his prime.”

Hyacinth let out a sigh of relief. At least Jean believed her plethora of lies.

“But Max has been asking a lot of things about you. Are you sure that the two of you just had a one-night stand? Nothing more?”

Hyacinth shook her head. “If I’m pregnant, he ought to know things about me. I’ll be the mother of his bastard, if ever.”

“Shush, Haya. Mr. Bismarck is coming this way.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“Go wipe the table over there.” Jean pointed at the empty table next to her. “Act normal.”

The door opened and Hyacinth’s heart somersaulted. As Jean instructed, she wiped the nearest table and acted normal. Hyacinth made sure that her back faced the doorway.


She turned to face him. Maximillian Bismarck’s jaw flexed and tightened as soon as their gazes met. He looked so dashing in his usual business suit but, this time, his jet-black hair is combed into a different style than usual. Not his best look, though. He would’ve looked more dashing if he just let his natural waves scatter on top of his head. It will give him a more dangerous look that will cause an orgasm in every woman he looks at.

Hyacinth shrugged at the current thoughts in her head. Since when did I find him hot?!

His employees inside the shop regarded him with an inquisitive gaze. Hyacinth wanted to melt into a puddle at the intensity of the ambiance.

“D-Do you need anything?” She tried to sound so casual.

“You’re not replying to my emails.” There’s a hint of disappointment and worry in his tone.

“There’s no need. I’m busy.” She lifted her gloved hands to show him that she was working at the moment.

“You’re not busy when Philip needs you in SCPD?”

Hyacinth removed her cleaning gloves and grabbed Maximillian’s hand. Almost everyone gasped in astonishment as Hyacinth pulled Maximillian outside of the shop like how she would drag a close friend.

This is worse. She needed to talk to him discreetly.

“I told you I’m busy!” She started to talk with evident irritation in her voice while still dragging him outside. Hyacinth led him to the back of the cafe where she cleans up the rugs she used for cleaning. It is out of view from the plethora of passersby from different buildings. They could talk there.

“I know that. I only came by to get a cup of coffee.” Maximillian held her hand that pulled him into the secluded place and tugged Hyacinth so that she could stop looking around from surveying the place.

Hyacinth pulled her hand away from him, realizing that she assumed too much from his actions. “Sorry. It’s just that... I don’t want to attract attention with your presence there inside. People will talk, Max.”

“Let them talk.”

“Well, I don’t want them to talk. I want to enjoy this peace. I can’t have you diverting their attention to me.”

“Then, meet me. Tonight. I’ll have George fetch you and the two of us will talk discreetly.”

She closed her eyes in frustration and opened them again with evident annoyance. “What do you want? We have nothing to talk about anymore, right?”

You, Max wanted to answer her first question with that. “I can’t stop thinking about...the other night.”

Hyacinth’s cheeks glowed bright pink under the cold weather of Sutton City. Goodness! Is she really this smitten? Hyacinth could feel her body burning ablaze just by his words and his breath fanning her face.

She knew deep inside that after their illicit encounter back in Greene County, it will never be so easy to ignore him, especially if she initiated the second round of lovemaking that night.

But that was the only liberty she allowed herself to take. Hyacinth had promised herself that she will only make her first and last night of intimacy memorable and that was it.

She can’t risk being attached to a stubborn man like Max, even if he happened to be an excellent bed-warmer. Oh, he will bring chaos to her their fate.

She met his gaze and inhaled a sharp breath, gathering her strength to reinforce her resolve. His eyes are mesmerizing with vivid blue irises–almost violet– and thick, black lashes that seemed to highlight the blueness of his eyes.

He did the same with her. Maximillian held her gaze as if he were looking for something in the depths of her soul. Just like how he stared at her when she was underneath him as he moved inside her until her limbs trembled with bliss.

And when she rode him mindless that night.

Oh, she needed to put a stop to these lewd fantasies! God!

“Y-You don’t understand the magnitude of my problem—”

“I do, Haya. You don’t want the attachment.” His voice was coarse and low, almost seductive. “But I’m quite persistent like you, love. Nothing will stop me from getting what I want.”


He wanted her. She could feel it in the very marrow of her bones. The electrifying attraction between them is palpable and almost tangible. Hyacinth had to pull him away from the cafe so that people wouldn’t notice, for crying out loud!

They’re crossing the boundaries. “No, please. Can’t we leave it behind us?” She begged in a low voice as she looked around to make sure that the passersby cannot hear them even though they were completely out of sight from everyone.

But Hyacinth is anxious. It was obvious earlier that the people around them in the cafe had heard Max’s inquiry when he stepped inside the establishment. The employees of the Bismarck Group were intrigued by the sudden appearance of their boss in the cafe.

“Let’s talk about it tonight.”

“No. You have Erin now. That’s enough.” Hyacinth straightened her back and fixed her uniform. “I need to go back inside. I don’t want to see you anymore, Mr. Bismarck, unless it’s an emergency.”

Hyacinth exhaled as soon as she stepped inside the café, relieved of the barrier she just established between her and Maximillian.

The shop’s ceiling-to-floor glass doors closed behind her. She went to her cleaning materials and wore her cleaning gloves again, ignoring the prying eyes of the Bismarck Group’s employees.

Her eyes landed on Jean’s table only to find it empty. Jean must’ve followed Max on the way back to the Bismarck Building across the shop.

It is annoying that Max is just a few meters away. Hyacinth has the urge to seek employment somewhere far away from the Bismarck Building but, sadly, only Moonround café is the closest to her condominium unit.

She wanted to stay out of his reach. Max will continue to seduce her if she stayed within the walking distance of his building.

By eight in the evening, she changed into a pastel pink, v-neck shirt, and black denim pants. Hyacinth waved goodbye to the barista and immediately stormed outside the café.

But, unfortunately, George blocked her way.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Sinclair. Mr. Bismarck wanted to meet you in his office. Fiftieth floor.”

“Please, George. I’m tired.” Oh, when is this gonna end?!

“Mr. Bismarck instructed me to follow you around.”

Hyacinth rolled her eyes, finally deciding to put an end to all of this. “Where is he? Can you bring him here?”

“M-Ms. Sinclair, we never order Mr. Bismarck around like that.”

“Tell him to fetch me himself if he wanted to talk. I’ll not move a muscle from this point on because unlike him, I wiped tables and mopped the floor all day. Tell him that.”

George pulled his phone from his pocket and typed something on it. After a few minutes, they both heard a notification bell from the device and George tapped on his phone again.

“Tell her that I’m on my way.” George read the message aloud, then threw a look of surprise at Hyacinth.

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