Chapter Nine: Intentional Alteration

HYACINTH doesn’t know how they reached the bedroom so quickly. The next thing she knew is that Maximillian is now feasting on her breasts with his lips and tongue and she was quite delirious because of it. Her body warmed at his touch and her pussy ached with carnal longing.

“Max...” She whispered. “Take off my pants.”

His tongue licked a pebbled nipple as he shook his head. Hyacinth gasped as he rubbed his groin, now hard with his arousal, against the v of her parted thighs. The sensation that it caused nearly sent her into delirium.

“Max, please.” Hyacinth felt helpless with Maximillian grinding his arousal and stimulating her femininity whilst licking and sucking her breasts like a madman. It felt so overwhelming and intense that she felt like drowning in bliss.

“You tasted so good, Hyacinth. Your skin... fucking delicious.” He groaned against her nipple and she squirmed underneath him.

She begged and begged for something only he could give yet he chuckled and only teased.

“Max, do it now before I stormed out of this room and buy ramen from the convenience store!” She demanded with a threat.

It worked because Max is now unzipping her pants and pulling them off her thighs. She heard him curse under his breath as he touched the smoothness of her now-bared legs.

His knees parted her thighs and his head crawled its way from her knees to her inner thigh. Hyacinth’s breathing became fast as if she was running out of oxygen to breathe. The feel of his lips against her inner thighs felt so erotic. It felt so naughty and daring yet Hyacinth loved it. She loved the carnality of the act.

Maximillian found her lacy panty and smirked. Hyacinth felt it when his nose rubbed something between her thighs and she let out a raspy moan in delight. “Do it again, Max.”

He did. Again and again, until she felt his fingers ripping her underwear to pieces. Instead of cursing Max’s name again for doing something aggressive, she bit her lip. Nothing has ever felt so arousing than that.

The sexual act is such an intimate act for her. It is too overwhelming yet it felt so natural. So...mind-blowing.

She gasped and threw a questioning glance at Max, her eyes heavy with passion and desire that seemed to overflow, when he began to lick her clit.

“This is also a part of the act, Hyacinth. Believe me. You will enjoy this a lot.”

Max can see her blush. “B-But I never learned it from threads. Is it really like this? I-I thought—”

Instead of explaining, Max grabbed her legs and placed them on his shoulders, grabbing her underside so that he could lift her pussy to his mouth efficiently. He lapped and sucked the clit and played with her folds while teasing her entrance with his thumb until she was wet and ready.

Hyacinth’s cries and gasps were all music in his ears. Max implored her to scream at the top of her lungs but Hyacinth wasn’t gonna. She covered her mouth with her right hand to stifle her cries of pleasure.

Everything he gives her felt overwhelming. Her mind is drowning from the skillful movements of his hands and tongue yet she wanted more.

“M-Max...” Her toes curled when her core clenched. Every part of her clenched as if holding on to every sensation. “W-What am I gonna do—oh!”

She buried her body in the mattress as orgasm burst out of her in a frenzied rhythm. Her toes stretched and her back arched when Max increased the pressure of his tongue against her clit.

“How was it, Haya?” His sultry, baritone voice filled the room when he lifted his head from her thighs to ask her. Maximillian is now in possession of a devilish grin that Hyacinth felt like hiding.

Her ignorance is embarrassing. She never experienced an orgasm until now so she doesn’t know what to do next. Hyacinth has been sheltered her whole life, only learning the things that are useful for thread readers, like reading and writing. Nobody told her about... this. About lust.

She thought of it only as an act for making babies. Oh, she had been stupid! This is why people do it anywhere. The act can be pleasurable when it is the most embarrassing.

Maximillian Bismarck, with his devilish grin, covered her naked length with his body. Hyacinth gulped, trying to wet her dry throat, hoping it would ease her nervousness.

“Are you nervous? We can stop now. I will hate it if we stopped, of course, but you’re an innocent virgin who doesn’t know anything about this until now. You think I wouldn’t know?” His eyes sparkled under the dim light of the digital clock hanging inside her room.

Hyacinth lifted her hand to trace his jaw with her fingers, then his nose. He flinched at her touch but he let her explore.

“You look like her. The exact replica.”

He parted her thighs yet again with his knees. He unzipped his pants and his arousal came out, so hard and rigid. She swallowed...hard.

Hyacinth closed her eyes when the tip of his erection teased her entrance. Max groaned and breathed heavily as he pushed himself inside her tight, pulsating channel. His cock throbbed at the warmth of her insides. Maximillian watched Hyacinth’s brows clash when her body tensed with shock.

“Does it hurt?”

“No, it doesn’t. It felt uncomfortable, that’s all.”

“Relax, Hyacinth. It will ease your discomfort.”

She shook her head.

Maximillian stopped pushing his length midway and pressed his chest against her breasts. “Hyacinth, I want you to touch my thread and look into my memory. Can you access one’s current thoughts?”

Hyacinth nodded. “Thoughts and point of view, yes. Anything related to the owner of the thread I’m touching.”

“Then look into my thoughts and I will show you.”

“What will you show me?”

He grinned deviously with erotic mischief dancing in his eyes. “The things I wanted to do to you.”

Hyacinth’s hand moved on its own and touched his thread with the tip of her fingers.

And then she saw it. Maximilian’s thoughts about her. About how she made him feel at the moment. His mind also flashed his wild imaginings about her... about how he would move inside her and make her come. The images were so vivid and raw and explicitly carnal that they aroused her to the core, and burned her to a degree that could incinerate an entire brick building into ashes.

Max moved and Hyacinth moaned sweetly, now enjoying his length inside her. His mind now flashed his perspective of her. The meeting of their bodies with every thrust of his pelvis.

Max now showed her his imagination. This time, he’s devouring her on the dining table, her legs wrapped around his waist. It was Hyacinth being erotic and wild with him.

The thought brought her to the pinnacle of release as she arched her back and let go of his thread, enjoying the magnitude of her orgasm. Hyacinth clenched around his shaft and he groaned and pumped one last time before spilling his seeds inside her pulsating core, groaning with triumph.

Maximillian looked at her with astonishment, both of them chasing their breath.

“God...” Max muttered, brushing his lips against hers in satiation.

HYACINTH woke up without Max on her bed.

The sun outside went through her glass pane windows and illuminated her room. She sat on the bed and let the covers fall from her bare body. She needed to take a bath, anyway. She reeked of sex.

The last night’s events literally blew her mind. It was intimate and wild. Hyacinth never felt so content and free in her life.

She went to the bathroom and bathed. After that, she dressed into comfortable cotton pajamas and proceeded to fix the bed with a blush creeping into her face. Hyacinth closed her eyes as if to shut every thought and lewd image about last night from her brain.

How could she face him after initiating the second round last night?

Hyacinth wished for the ground to crack and eat her alive. The second-hand embarrassment is killing her!

Oh, and she did all of that when she had declared that she’ll never sleep with him.

She screamed in her thoughts. For shame!

She heard a knock on the front door. Two knocks.

"Two doorbells, or knocks, means it’s Dad..." She remembered Erin saying.

Hyacinth panicked and began rubbing her temples. What should she do? How can she face him after...that? After what they did last night?

Oh, god!

Hyacinth jumped in surprise when the door burst open, revealing Maximillian’s angry form.

“Damn you, woman. Why won’t you open the door?”

“Sorry. I was panicking!”

“About what?!”

She shut her swollen mouth, still throbbing from his kisses last night.

His eyes darkened as soon as he realized what she meant. It is as if he remembered last night’s events.

“I-I see...” He coughed and cleared his throat. “You’ll get used to it ”

Get used to it? About having sex with him? This man obviously thought that they will share a bed again.

Before she could protest, her head throbbed with an extreme headache and her ears rang a loud, deafening sound and it seems like it adds up to the headache. She massaged her temples and bit her lower lip.

Max groaned the same as her. That means he’s experiencing headaches, too.

A realization hit them both.

Someone marched into the room with heavy feet. They both looked at the doorway...and gasped.

Erin’s eyes blurred as she approached the two of them. Hyacinth’s heart pinched a little at the sight of Erin.

She opened her arms to embrace Erin and console the child. Erin nodded and ran into her arms.

“Mom, I’m so scared. I was stuck in the darkness. It felt so lonely there. I don’t want to go there again. It felt so long.”

“It’s okay, Erin. You’re safe.” Hyacinth sobbed. Oh, how she missed her daughter. It is as if drinking water after a millennium of thirst. Oh, how miserable she felt at the absence of her daughter.

Erin let go of her and went to Max. “Dad, you believe me now?”

He nodded. “Yes, kid. You’re Erin Bismarck. I know that now.” He opened his arms. “Come here and hug your old man.”

Erin obliged. Hyacinth watched the two embrace each other in a brief hug.

“You really followed Mom into Greene County just to make sure I exist.” Erin grinned. “Naughty Dad.”

Max laughed at Erin, patting his daughter’s head with his hand. “Welcome back, kid.”

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