Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 62

Chapter 62 

Josie’s POV 

A rare moment of honesty, that’s what I think this is about. Intertwined limbs to limbs, body to body, the words pouring from Ashton’s mouth make my heart melt into a puddle at my feet. 

When I look into his eyes, I find myself lost in the depth of those gray eyes and every look it sends my way is intense. 

What is he doing to me? 

Why is he saying this? 

Still battling my mixed thoughts, a tear rolls down my eye and Aditon laps on it, triggering something hot inside me. Some cravings I know I can’t get satisfaction on. 

Now, his lips are just a fraction of an inch away from mine and I can feel the heat of his lips. My heart is threatening to burst out of my chest. My body is stiff, unable to snap away from this trance of having Ashton so close to my lips. 

“Let me… make things right again. Josie. To be that mate I should I’ve been. Let me be the knight that fights against your nightmares…” 

I’m already shaking my head, wanting to ward off the effects of his words in my body. Tears rim my eyes. 

He’s talking about nightmares and pushing them away? 

Where do I start from? How do I start telling him the moment the nightmares began! 

Is it from my childhood when I had no mother? 

Where I was avoided because I’m an ordinary wolf

Is it the moment I was made the neglected princess? Or when I was cast in the attic, 

It’s too much. My mind, my heart, everything about me is heavy as the memory presses down on me. It springs uncontrollable tears from my eyes. 

The scene is just so clear in my mind…not a tinge of blur in place. I remember just vividly how my father’s face looked when the doctor finished his test on me, turned to my father, and announced it. 

AlphaI’m sorry but she’s an ordinary wolf” 

My father labeled curses at me and ordered them to throw me in the attic. 

“I can see the wheels of the past turning in your head, Josie let me in.” 

Ashton’s words filter through the crack in my head, numbing me, 

“I can’t do what you’re asking for, Ashton,” I say, trying to pull away but his grip on me tightens. 

The background music keeps on playing From my periphery, I see others taking the on the dance floor. Noises, dull but still 

clear, seep 


my ears. 

Ashton traps my chin again…holding my face up to his. His eyes take me in The devastation creeping into my features 

“At least…let me absorb your pain, Josie..” he says. 

Those words make my eyes widen. My throat instantly goes dry. 

Did I hear him right? 

No it can’t be. 

What?” I snap, rearing back, breaking away from his firm grip. 

Ashton stands tall, his features unshaken. His face hard and determined 

“Are you out of your mind, Mr. Ashton?” I snap.. 

The music and dim overhead light hide the occurrence between me and Ashton. 

He casts a frantic look around then projects his eyes back on my face. 

“Do I look like one, Josie?” He spits out, retracing his steps back into my space, his face pristine with determination. 

No.. I’m certain he’s not in his right mind, I think to myself, wanting to blink this moment away and arouse from my dream. but Ashton’s face remains. 

His words a clear proof that this isn’t a dream, and neither is he backing away from me, from this moment. 

“L.I’ll do whatever shit it takes to save my mate from these nightmares of anguish. I’ll do it without thinking twice 

I chuckle humorlessly. “I truly think you’ve mistaken something here, Mr. Ashton. I’m not your mate. I’m your rejected, ex- mate.” I state with conviction. 

I watch his lips wobble at my words, 

I’m his rejected mate, all the more reason his idea of absorbing my pains and nightmares is crazy. 

In the ancient laws of the moon goddess’s children, mates, especially the Male, are allowed the sole right to absorb the pains of their mates into their body. 

The only effect is a month–long weakness. But it becomes a dangerous act when rejected mates do that…or try such with someone that isn’t your mate at all. 

Instead of weakness, the Male will either lose his other parts, lycan or ordinary wolf, go crazy, or even die. 

I don’t know what effect it’ll have on Ashton but I can’t let him go through that process even though I hate him so much, 

“You sure it’s hatred?” My wolf chimes in. She’s been alert since I’m in Ashton’s arms, savoring and relishing the heat of his body. 

I grit my teeth at her intrusion and snap. Your opinion is not needed now 

Bringing my attention back to Aston 1 remark. “I’d never allow you such privilege, Mr. Ashton.” 

He stares long at me hard. But in his intense gaze is an underlying hurt. 

I can’t grant him such privilege because to do that…to allow him to absorb my pains will mean being highly intimate with 

for three straight nights. 

Absorbing my pains can only be done through  . And we’ll have to knot, that is my wolf’s 

the emotional string will have to be par with his lycan’s. 

Goddess, no, I can’t 

do that. Aside from the consequences, I won’t be able to avoid him. 

“Josie. He aims for my hand again, wanting to grab and hold me but I hit his hand away. 

1 backpedal and bark. “Don’t 

call me that name ever again. That girl? It’s no longer me. Can never be one with me again!” 

I turn and hightail it back to the booths. Sinking in, I breathe harshly, his words–offers, rotating in my mind. 

life. My heart. He has lost that opportunity so many years ago. I’ve moved on with. 

I’ll be a fool to allow him back into my life. M my daughter and Diego. 

The dance ends along with the music and everyone begins clapping. 

It’s well into midnight already and the air is slowly becoming frosty 

Phew. I’m going to chill to my bones. I think to myself as frosty air licks my skin. 

“This has been a wonderful night guys. Cronus stands up and prattles. 

I have a genuine smile on my face as well as others. 


“You know, I’ve never for once celebrated my birthday but today I decided to give it shots and you guys made it turn into something beyond warmth.” He continues 

“Oww, Cronus you’re making me emotional Ms. Thorn chirps and we all laugh. 

True though, his words are making me feel insanely emotional, telling me that I’m also like Cronus. I’ve never celebrated anything, not my birthday. Nothing. 

“So yeah. I’ve to purge my heartfelt thanks to you guys. You’re amazing great Accept my air hugs guys.” 

He gestures as if he’s hugging us. A round of laughter booms again. 

Ms. Thorn jumps to her feet, and her frilly hair bounces. “Can we do a toast for Cronus?” She asks, voice silky. 

“Of course.” One of the doctors chirps. 

At that, we all raise our wine glasses then. 

“To Cronus!” Ms. Thom says, audibly. 

In response, we chirp, “To Cronus.” 

We clink our glasses together and drink. As I’m taking mine, I look over at Ashton and find his watchful eyes on me. 

1 cut my eyes away quickly, focusing on the drink burning a track down my throat. 

I pull the glass away with a grunt. 

We all stay back and continue chattering, however, I feel exhaustion creeping in with a mind–numbing speed. 

My eyes slowly become heavy and the din of chattering around me starts to fade away

yawn, clutching my hand over my mouth. 

Oh goddess, it’s really time for me to leave. 

Fortunately, everyone agrees they’re worn out. 

It’s already weekend but some people have shifts or work to do at home. 

Everyone surges to their feet, leaving the now quiet pub. Emerging outside, the air slams into us with force. 

I wince at the cold, rubbing my hands on my arms to ward off the chills. 

“You see later. Ms. Rose.” Abby, one of the new nurses says and I nod with a smile. 

I reach for my phone and bring it out. Ms. Beth’s and Diego’s calls are there on my call log. 

“Hell, was my phone ringing all these while!” I say under my breath as I dial Ms. Beth’s number. 

She doesn’t pick and I sigh 

I resolve to call Diego and to my surprise, he answers. 

His groggy voice comes in, coarse and  . 

“Rose Hey..” he says 

“I’m sorry I didn’t 

attend to your call earlier, Diego. I wasn’t aware my phone was ringing. I say to him. 

“Where are you? I hear noises 

“Oh, I’m just coming out of a colleague’s birthday party.” The words run off of my lips. 

I hear him sigh as if his heart flew away but returned. 

“Okay, babe. I was just calling to let you know Aria has settled in. She misses you though.” He drawls, much to my delight. 

I feel like a bad mother not being there for my angel while she gets settled at Tessa’s place. 

“Thanks, D. I’ll see her this morning.” 

We exchange a few words before we hang up. 

The end of the call reminds me of the biting cold. I rub my arms then I thumb through my phone, reaching for an Uber This side of the street is lonely. No cars around. 

I try to book an Uber but the network is poor. I attempt five more times but on the last one, the Uber driver tells me he can’t attend to me now. 

“Shit! I’ll have to trek down to a brighter side.” I whisper to myself, my voice echoing amidst the frosty night air. 

1 begin a trek down the road, my body trembling because of immeasurable cold and pain. 

My dress isn’t helping in pushing off the cold, rather it welcomes it 

I curse, biting my lip and trudging through the dark streets. My arms are folded together against the cold air. 

I reach the crossroads and take my right heading to the nearest subway station. 

Just as my legs are threatening to give up from under me, I hear the horn of a bike. 

Twirling around, I see those familiareyes through a helmet. Ashton kills the engine and gets off of the bike. 

I glare at him while shivering. He pauses before me, and take me in a little. Then. 

“It’s cold tonight… His rough voice booms. Through the glow of the moon, I see his wrinkled forehead as he looks at me. saying. “The weather is 12 degrees low. You shouldn’t stay out here much.” 

I swallow, wetting my throat. “I know. I’m about to get a cab.” I say my voice shrilly. 

I turn to leave but his words stop me. “Let me take you home, Ms. Rose. It’s cold and you might get sick…” 

Is he offering to take me home? I think internally as my wolf bounces inside me, urging me to say yes. 

That instant, the breeze whip with force, punctuating Ashton’s words. 

1 pin him with a look as the words leave my lips. 

“Fine. I accept…” 

A victorious grin takes up his face. He leads me to the bike and hands me another helmet. 

Wearing that, I straddle the bike and we roll away… 


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