Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

Josie’s POV 

One Week Later. 

It hasn’t been long since I walked into my office. Everywhere looks pristine and neat. I can smell the scent of strawberry–scented cleaner permeating the air and setting my roped nerves calm. 

All the furniture in the office is dazzling after going through thorough cleaning and the quiet ambiance allows. more air to sneak in freely from the courtyard, adding to the coolness of the blowing standing fan. 

I never acknowledged this before but now I have to, this office Ashton gave me is the typical kind of office I had always wanted to have

The rustling from the adjoining door to my right tugs my attention that way and I whip my head swiftly. 

“I guess someone’s in there,” I murmur as I approach the door and flutter it open, 

“Oh my goddess!” The janitor yelps, scrambling to her feet to pull her pants up. 

“Shit, I’m sorry!” I prattle quickly, stepping away to give the woman some privacy.. 

“No, I’m the one that should wine that…” 



Her frantic voice echoes distantly every second my feet pull me away from her space. 

Gosh! I whip a sigh, rubbing at my temples, gently. I shouldn’t have just barged in like that. 

Swiping my sweaty palms over my pants, I walk over to the oak desk and grab my phone. 

Time to call Ashton for today’s lesson. 

While I’m walking down the hallway, my mind reminds what occurred a week ago. 

The unexpected kiss created a special kind of awkwardness between Diego and me. 

lis lips were just so soft against mine and really arousing but I held a different kind of guilt after sharing the kiss. 

felt like I was deceiving myself or Diego. Aside from that, knowing Ashton saw us that night makes me quiver. 1 onder what must be going through his mind. 

Chapter 54 

Josie’s POV 

One Week Later

It hasn’t been long since I walked into my office. Everywhere looks pristine and neat. I can smell the scent of strawberry–scented cleaner permeating the air and setting my roped nerves calm. 

All the furniture in the office is dazzling after going through thorough cleaning and the quiet ambiance allows 

to the coolness of the blowing standing fan. more air to sneak in freely from the courtyard, a 

I never acknowledged this before but now I have to, this office Ashton gave me is the typical kind of office I had always wanted to have. 

The rustling from the adjoining door to my right tugs my attention that way and I whip my head swiftly. 

“I guess someone’s in there,” I murmur as I approach the door and flutter it open. 

“Oh my goddess!” The janitor yelps, scrambling to her feet to pull her pants up. 

“Shit, I’m sorry!” I prattle quickly, stepping away to give the woman some privacy. 

“No, I’m the one that should be saying that…” 

Her frantic voice echoes distantly every second my feet pull me away from her space. 

Gosh! I whip a sigh, rubbing at my temples, gently. I shouldn’t have just barged in like that. 

Swiping my sweaty palms over my pants, I walk over to the oak desk and grab my phone. 

Time to call Ashton for today’s lesson. 

While I’m walking down the hallway, my mind reminds what occurred a week ago. 

The unexpected kiss created a special kind of awkwardness between Diego and me. 

His lips were just so soft against mine and really arousing but I held a different kind of guilt after sharing the kiss 

felt like I was deceiving myself or Diego. Aside from that, knowing Ashton saw us that night makes me quiver. I wonder what must be going through his mind. 

mergency Gans any RA 

Chapter 54 

08% 14:17 

Oh, that sure doesn’t matter. I mean, I told him I’m engaged right? I believe kissing Diego before him served as a foolproof. 

Since the night of that strange kiss, Diego and I seem to have gotten more close. 

Literally, the past week, Aria and I have been at his place and he sure hosts us well 

He never fails to take my daughter to school which I’m grateful for. It gives me the ultimate chance to read and prepare for work on time. 

Diego sure is a blessing in my life, I must admit. He offers me that kind of safe haven I can never get elsewhere. Knowing my daughter and I have to go back to our home worries me to the nth degree, especially after what Sandra blurted about her. 

I feel like that lady is keeping tabs on me and if it happens to be so, leaving Aria at home will make Sandra find out I have a child that is the exact replica of Ashton. 

Sandra finding out about that will cost me my secret of keeping Ashton far away from my other half and trust me I’m not willing to take such a risk. 

That’s the reason I have to implement my plan. 

In my 

moment of deep thought, I arrive before Ashton’s office and swing the door open. 

Stepping inside, my eyes take a sweeping view of the room. 

Ashton regally sits behind his desk, tapping the pen his hand mildly on the table while the woman before him 

attles on and on about what I don’t know. 

hey both bash their heavy eyes on me upon sensing my presence. 

Uh…hi… I stutter, thanks to the intense look Ashton throws my way. 

teeling myself, I walk more confidently before stopping beside Ashton’s client. 

  1. s. Rose…” He calls, his voice a little scratchy. 

wear, that does something significant to my insides. I cough down the lump forming in my throat and the livers working their way up my back at the gracious sound of his voice. 

low may I help you?” He asks with a cease in his left brow. 

riously, he’s asking me that? 

Emergency cans only 

Chapter 54 

I throw him a quizzical look, hating he’s asking that despite knowing the reason for my presence in the hospital every day. 

“Am I supposed to respond to that?” I say instead, stabbing him with a long look. 

He shifts uncomfortably on his chair and then. “About the classes? Right. I’ve patients to attend to. Why don’t you wait until I’m done?” 

With a pointed look at me, daring me to say no, I huff. It’s a lost course telling Ashton otherwise. He’ll pay me and my reviews are equally as important to me. 

Nodding good–naturedly, I scramble away from his office. 

The cool air hovering in the hallway eases my tensed muscles. I still don’t get the reason I feel tensed under Ashton’s watchful gaze. 

It’s crazy. 

I hurtle through the crowded hallway, making my way to Mrs. Alfred’s ward. The woman and I have become so tangled like two wires working in the same socket. 

I see a nurse creeping out of her room and I pass a soft greeting to her before I clench into the room. 

Mrs. Alfred is lying on her bed, her eyes pinned on the TV echoing noise into the otherwise silent room. 

Her eyes cut sharply to me when she sees me coming. 

“If it’s none other than my teacher friend.” She beams, wanting to prop up from the bed. 

No, Mrs. Alfred, just lie down.” I shoot out my arms, aiming to keep her in her previous state but she brushes me 

  1. ff. 

I don’t mind sitting up. Besides, I want to take you in clearly. You look different today.” She drones on, not Copping to take a breath in between. 

h, this old woman. 

rom my examination, Mrs. Alfred is nearing seventy–five years. From the little she told me about her, she has 

ree daughters who are all mated in different packs. 

heir busy schedules prompted them to hire a caregiver for Mrs. Alfred who has been in this hospital for nearly a 


Chapter 54 

“How are you fairing today?” I ask after acknowledging her compliment. 

“Okay, I must say. Doc has done a morning check up on me and confirms me healthier than before.” 

She raises her legs as proof. The woman is suffering from osteoporosis, I bet it’s normal given her age. 

“You’ll sure be better.” I chime in with a warm smile lacing my lips. 

“Ah. I have no doubt.” She says. Pausing, she throws a flecting look at me and says. “I know Doc will lose his breath at the sight of you. You look wonderful today with that pants hugging all your curves.” 

By blue sky! This woman won’t stop making me blush every damn time. 


guess her unfailing mention of Ashton is another reason I love visiting her. Regardless of how much I despise shton, I still love hearing and knowing he’s talking about me to people like Mrs. Alfred. 

Jh…just admit you love him in his entirety. My wolf whispers in my mind. 

Why? Doc is too busy to notice me.” I say, covering up the bubble of nervous excitement I feel. 

ays who? Doc is crazily crushing on you. I can actually feel it whenever he’s commenting on your efforts in aching him tRussian language.” Tilting close, she says conspiratorially, “I know when a man has it for a 

man. He has it.” 

ck, I can’t hold back the blush marring my cheeks. 

ctually think you two can make a fabulous couple…” 

n’t reply to her last words. Only if she knows the history between that young 

man and me. 

itched the topic to something more light and we chatted for a while before I went back to my office. 

waiting for a few more hours, Ashton eventually troops in. 

o through our lesson process. 

strange silence between us makes me so uncomfortable. It has been that way: 

e last week. 

on hasn’t made his advances on me like he always does. Once he comes in for his lesson, he only listens, questions, and leaves. 

ch as I try to talk myself out of it, it won’t stop harassing my mind. 

Why is he acting weird? 

Hell, I kinda love when he’s trying to work his way around me. 

“Simply, you want our mate, back. My wolf taunts me. 

In the midst of my chaotic thoughts, my eyes wander over to his, and that…look of indifference on his face breaks my heart. 

“Any problem, Ms. Rose?” He asks, nonchalantly. 

Whatever is going on with him, I don’t…like it. 

I give a small smile and say. “None at all.” I clear my throat and ask. “Do you understand the last part we just discussed?” 

My gaze is down on the textbook before me as I flip casually through the pages. 

“It’s all crystal clear.” He remarks. 

The scraping of a chair against the tiled floor lures my head up. Looking at Ashton as he adjusts shirts makes my heart leap. 

she leaving already? I think to myself, surreptitiously taking him in. 

I believe this is the end of today’s classes. I’d like to take my leave.” His voice is crisp and loud. 

manage a nod. “Yes, that’s all for today. Mr. Ashton.” 

e smirks and turns on his heels, heading to the door. 

Deak up. My wolf suggests. 

y the goddess, I can’t!‘ I snap back. 

on’t be a fool. You sure want to know why he’s acting weird, don’t you?‘ 

s none of the business!‘ I snap back. 

mind becomes a battleground of arguments between me and my wolf. It grates my nerves, the screeching unds of my wolf’s voice harsh against my ears. 

Chapter 54 

Instinctively, I blurt out as Ashton’s about to escape through the door. 

“You seem…busy lately…” 

My words pause him in his tracks. He levels me with a glance. Then. “Apparently, yes. Ms. Rose. I have some catch–up to do.” 

With that vague sentence, he dashes out of my office. 

‘Eww, you suck at voicing your emotions. My wolf taunts but I don’t mind her at all. 

Just then something occurs to me. Ashton seems to always leave the hospital during brunch for the past week. Where does he normally go? 

haking my head, I murmur. “That’s none of my business…” 

Are you serious?” I hear a voice from outside. “The doc is going on a blind date?” 

hat’s all I needed to hear for my wolf to rise on her fore legs, quickly. 

heart immediately jackhammers at the thought of Ashton going on a blind date. 

w…how many women has he been with? I ask myself as pains slashes through my heart. 



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