Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

Ashton’s POV. 

I watched the horrified expression on Josie’s face as she watched Mr. Chaldeans stagger a bit before falling on the floor. 

Unknowingly. Josie let out a loud scream, taking several steps back, and watching the life leave the man’s eyes. 

Chaldean guards holding me in place looked shocked as well. And their grip slackened on my biceps, jaws dropping to the floor. 

“II..didn’t.” Josie stuttered but before she could get the words out, one of the guards transformed into his lycan and rushed towards Josie, wanting to attack. 

Anger surged through me at the sight, my lycan reared forward wanting to block his attack. And I did. 

Before the guard’s claws could slice through Josie’s face, I put my human hand and his claws sliced across it, taking out a chunk of my flesh. 

I felt a bite of pain ring through my arm before crawling up to my whole body. Instead of focusing on the pain. though, I attacked back, sending a resounding blows to the guard’s face. 

He stumbled, his fiery eyes turning back to normal as his lycan withdrew. I watched the guard stagger towards the rail on the stairs. Using that momentum, I punched him on the nose and he tripped, falling over the rail to the ground floor. 

The others had shocked looks on their faces but instead of backing away, they shifted too and hurtled toward me. 

Still in my half–shift, I rush through the stairs meeting them halfway and slashing my claws over their faces. 

Howls of pain and anguish left their lips, piercing the air. I was blinded by rage as I thought about what that man could have done to Josie and that encouraged me to fight, eliminating 

his men. 

I wasn’t just fighting for Josie then but also the women he had wasted their lives. The guard’s cries lanced through the air. I could smell their fear as I lunged myself at another person, striking and inflicting pain. 

Dead bodies flooded the floor and their blood pooled, making a coppery tang of blood waft through the air. 

On a whim, I turned and raced towards the last two guards cowering in the corner and holding their hands up in surrender. 

“Please, please..have mercy!” They screamed, their bodies shaking with complete fear of death. 

I snarled, refusing to give them a chance… 

“He forced us to work for him!” They shouted, throwing their hands in the air for mercy. 

“I don’t believe a word you say.” I bit out, curling the collar of their shirts up and lifting them with two hands. 

Their feet dangled in the air as I held them in a chokehold, stopping their breaths. 

11:18 Sat, 20 Apr M 

Chapter 38 

“Just like your master, you both deserve death,” I said, my voice gruff. 

They shook their heads frantically again, pleading with me to pardon them. 

My lycan barely listened 

only fueled by the urge to kill everyone in this house where our mate could have been hurt or killed. 

“He forced us to work for him, sir.” One of the men said, shaking. 

“Yes, because he didn’t want us to report his affair with our mates, sir.” The other one chimed in. 

My brows curled together at their words. Was that true or did they cook up that story? I thought, peering into their eyes to catch a glimpse of deceit in their words. 

“That’s a lie.” I bit out, tightening my fist on them. 

“No sir. He gives us money and sleeps with our mates and daughters. He was evil. We couldn’t 

complain because he threatened to kill us.” 

Their words made blackness fill my vision. So the man was cruel to this extent? I thought, gritting my teeth in 


He wasn’t supposed to die like that, that bastard lycan should have died at my hands. 

The urge to wake him up and kill him all over again filled me. In an instant, I let go of the men and towered over their shaking frames. 

“Since that’s the case, you’ve to swear your loyalty to me and my pack.” I boomed. 

I thought they would refuse but instead, they nodded their heads. 

“We’ve always wanted to be a part of Yellow River Pack. This is such a great honor. They echoed as I brought my left hand forward. My claws slipped out and I dug them into my hand, drawing blood. 

Looking over at the man I ordered them to open their mouths which they did and I let my blood drop into my mouth before dropping my hand at my side. 

“Swear!” I said. 

They crossed their hearts and uttered. “Before the moon goddess, we swear our loyalty to you alpha, and the members of Yellow River Pack.” 

Hearing that brought a smile to my lips, I gestured for them to stand up while I mind–liked Dane. 

“I need your help, buddy.” I groaned into the mind–link. 

“With what, alpha?He croaked out, sounding like someone on a high. 

“Disposing of bodies…” I said, giving him a description of this place before shutting off the mind–link. 

I walked toward the stairs where Josie was. I was expecting to see her awake but she was passed out. 

081, 20 

Chapter 38 

Maybe the fear numbed her and made her pass out. 

I sidestepped Chaldeans cold body and blood, reaching Josie’s side. 

“Josic…” I called out, wanting to hold her to me but she wasn’t moving. Fruitless, I pulled her into my arms in a bridal style and clambered down the flight of stairs. 

Knowing the distance was far, I turned to one of the men I’d made my loyal and ordered him to get me key. 

The man dug his fingers swiftly into his pocket and brought out Escalade. 

le car 

the single key for the SUV, parked beside the black 

Without any question, I ripped it from his fingers and marched outside, holding my mate tightly. 


to the car and pulled her into the front passenger seat, fastening the belt around her. 

As I tried to crawl outside, my gaze landed on her beautiful face covered with locks‘ of tangled brown hair. 

When my eyes dropped to her lips pressed in a thin line, the strong urge to kiss those lips overtook mc. 

My dick stood erect, pressing against my pants and I drew a hand back and massaged it lightly, cussing for not getting the relief I want. 

Fuck, the only relief I can get Joe is dipping myself between 

Josie’s legs. 

My brows creased in the middle of my crazy, wild thoughts as the strong smell of arousal pierced my nose. 

Fuck! She’s aroused even when she was unconscious? 

Fuck no, I need to get away from here. From her, before I do something worse! 

Still, I couldn’t find my legs moving, my hands itched to touch her, plunge a finger inside and touch her heat. 

“Oh, shit! No, I can’t do that. That’d be me violating her.” 

I muttered to myself and forced myself away from her. 

I slammed the door closed and walked to the driver’s side, fastening the belt around me too. 

I turned the ignition and revved the car into the road, moving away. 

While driving the car, Josie’s alluring arousal blasted my nose, making it difficult for me to think without my dick. 

My breath labored. I could feel my lycan rearing to the surface, wanting to dip his tongue between those  y legs. and…lick. 

Fuck, I so  want to put my tongue on her. 

“No. I shouldn’t be thinking about this. I’m a  alpha, known to have control.” I bit out, swerving the steering. wheel. 

Chapter 38 

Halfway through the road, I heard a whimper escape Josie’s lips. Sharply, I turned and looked at her. 

Her face was pinched together in a frown, whimpers leaving her lips. 

What could be wrong with her? I thought, watching her eyes open slightly. 

“Hmmm” She moaned, writhing on the seat. 

What’s worse, her arousal increased. 

Fear clutched my heart. I didn’t know how to avoid leaning onto her and  into her arousal now. 

I clenched my eyes shut but no it wasn’t working- not when she was moaning in completely in pain. 

“Oh, no….hmmm…” She belts out, holding her hands over her thighs. She writhed, moved, and thrashed her thighs together. 

Confusion clouded me as I watched, fearing touching her body because my control might snap. 

“Josie, what’s wrong?” I bit out and she frowned again. 

I watched her reaching her hands up and touching her breasts_ 

Fuck, this is dangerous! I cussed under my breath as she fondled her breasts through her dress 

Even though she wore a bra, I could make out her hard nipples now. And  , that made my cock more rigid. 

“Ashton Ashton… Ahhhh.” She moaned my name, throwing her hands around her body. “The fire..fuck, it’s 

too much…” She said, voice dropping an octave. 

“What should I do?” I managed to ask, inching my hand closer to her but stopping mid–way. 

Josie’s head flailed to my side, her mouth parted as she moaned… 

“I need…it to stop. She said with shaky breath. 

I slammed my eyes closed. I couldn’t look again ‘cause her breasts were almost spilling out of her dress. 

“What do you want me to stop…” I managed to ask, the scent of her arousal drugging my senses… 

“This fire…” She cried again, pressing her thighs together. 

Josie I can’t 

Before I could get the whole words out, I felt hot lips pressed against mine in a hungry kiss. 

To be continued…. 

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