Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Ashton’s POV. 

I watched her leave with that corny man. My mind was unsettled, I had this feeling something would go wrong. 

I tried to make Josie refuse his offer of going over to his house but she must have thought I was jealous. Yes, of course, I’m jealous, but beyond that, I cared for her safety. 

Through the glass walls of the diner, I watched as he shooed Josie into his car and the convoy rolled away. 

My throat became heavy as well as my heart. 

 , I want to stop them but how to do that? I  need an evidence that’ll convince Josie, so she wouldn’t think I made it all up. 

I didn’t know when I sank into the chair behind me, worrying my lips between my teeth. 

“Ash! Why sitting down, boy?” My mother’s voice seeped into my ears and I grumbled. 

“C’mon, there’s more work to do,” She added. 

The way she was ordering me around made me wonder if she had forgotten I’m a  alpha! 

With effort, I got to my feet and went back into the kitchen. This time, I was chopping the carrots and other vegetables. 

My phone chimed with a message and I quickly dropped the knife I was holding and dug my hand into my pocket hurriedly. Clasping the device, I looked through the message. 

Mason sent something and it was news from various anonymous bloggers online, talking about Mr. Chaldeans

A shudder went down my spine as I found out the topic they were revealing about him… 

How Mr. Chaldeans abuses women. 

Snapping my eyes closed, I rub my fingers over them, cursing. I knew something wasn’t right about that man. 

Just then a call came in and I saw Mason’s name hovering over the screen. 

“How legit are those news?” I snarl, all that was flashing in my mind was the danger Josie could be in. 

It made it difficult for me to breathe,  ! 

“One hundred percent, alpha. Some resources said most women never returned after he gets hold of them.” 

At Mason’s words, my brows push together in anger. 

That  bastard not only abuse women but…kill them? 

I know he’d be covering his tracks with his money. 

I made a quick decision of rescuing my mate from that beast’s hands and then. “Send me the location of his place, 


Chapter 36 


Alright, alpha.” Mason answered. 

I took off the apron I was wearing and cleaned my hands before hastening outside. 

My pulse beat with ferocity against my skin as I ran through the street. 

I knew taking a car wouldn’t be an option now because of the traffic, so instead I rushed through the woods, half- shifting as I ran through the grime, branches, and boulders in the woods. 

Everything blurred in my vision as they swept past me. I checked the location Mason sent to me as I ran, wanting to get 

there in time and end whatever crazy plans that  had for Josie. 

My legs refused to give out even when I crashed my feet in a thorn, pains spiking my insides. 

My senses sharpened, as I smelled my surroundings, running through them until I popped onto a lonely road. 

I took in the road that looked dry and lacked any population. From the map, I found out I should take my right so I can see Mr. Chaldeans‘ house. 

I followed the map until I stopped in front of a building that looked as big as my pack house… 

Then, with steady steps, I approached the gates… 

***Josie’s POV*** 

I sat in the expensive black Escalade with Mr. Chaldeans sitting beside me. I was anxious and panic set inside me, I didn’t know why. 

I didn’t want the man to find out I was panicking, so I wrung my fingers together and bit down my trembling lips. 

My wolf had her tails between her legs, shaking. 

That alone told me this wasn’t good. 

“Are you alright, Ms. Rose?” Mr. Chaldeans voice hit me, calm and comforting. 

I turned my gaze to his and shook my head. “Yes, no problem at all.” I bit out. 

The man didn’t buy my words though. He looked down at my knitted fingers and shrugged. 

“But your body doesn’t say so. Ms. Rose, I don’t bite. Besides you already know me before now. Just relax.” 

The words streamed out of his lips so calmly that I found myself felaxing. Maybe I was just panicking for nothing. 


Chapter 36 

I found myself 

relaxing into the plush leather seat, my fingers stopped trembling 

“Thank you,” I uttered and he smiled genuinely. 

I was really overreacting before. Maybe it was because 

I’ve never gone to a man’s house for any sort of celebration. Although I taught Mr. Chaldeans before, it wasn’t 

in his house rather it was at his office. 

So, this was my first time coming to his place. 

The long drive ended when the convoy appeared in a very secluded part of the city. 

There was no one house around rather woods flanked both sides of the long tarred road. 

The only luxurious mansion that stood in the middle of the road was where the convoy slipped into. It was Mr. Chaldean’s house, I realized. 

My mouth gaped when I drank in the large house with a white façade. Other parts of the house were made of glass, giving a clue of the interior design. 

“Welcome to my home, Ms. Rose.” 

The man’s baritone voice startled me and I screamed, about to trip before Mr. Chaldeans caught me. 

“I must have startled you, Ms. Rose. Pardon my lack of manners.” He said, helping me to my feet. 

I never knew someone as rich as Mr. Chaldeans could be this well–behaved, a far cry from how I thought he’d be acting. 

“Thank you again, Mr. Chaldeans.” I hummed and he grinned, eyes narrowing. I threw a look around as I sputtered. “You really have a great taste in decoration.” 

The man chuckled, falling into step beside me. “Of course. That’s what I majored in school.” 

“Really? You studied interior design?” I asked, my brows hiked up. 

“Yup. That’s why I was able to design the house to my satisfaction. However, I didn’t apply it in real life. I chose account management and online freelancing, that’s 

where I fetched money for myself.” 

“That’s incredible!” I muttered. 

The man chuckled as he walked towards his servants who just arrived with his suitcase. 

Opening the case, I saw him bring out a cheque and scribble something on it. 

In record time, he stood before me and slotted the cheque in my palm. 

“That’s my way of showing gratitude, Ms. Rose.” He said curtly. 

Chapter 36 

I glimpsed the cheque and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw the two thousand dollars he had offered me. 

“This is…amazing. Mr. Chaldeans, Thank you so much.” My voice was barely above a whisper as I stared long at the cheque. 

He whispered a laugh and nodded. “I think, it’s time for us to celebrate, right?” 

“Yeah. I think so too.” I chimed in, blushing. 

I had already fixed the cheque in my bag before Mr. Chaldeans walked away. 

I didn’t know where he went to but he stayed long before coming out again. 

Now, Mr. Chaldeans had removed his suit Jacket and wore only the shirt. 

He had two clean glasses and a bottle of wine sitting on his fingers. I watched him uncork the bottle and drizzle some wine into the glasses before handing one over to me. 

“I have special wine collections that I entertain visitors with. Please, have a taste, Ms. Rose.” He said gruffly. 

I smiled lightly and brought the glass to my lips, taking a sip. It tasted bitter–sweet, the flavor bursting in my tongue. 

I didn’t notice Mr. Chaldeans drinking his but he had a crooked smile on his face as he stared at me. 

“How does it taste, Ms. Rose?” He asked, strutting closer to me. 

Looking at the raised glass of wine in my hand, I shrugged. “Strange.” 

Yes, strange because my eyes are slowly twisting as if I’m dizzy and it’s like I’m having an out–of–body experience. 

“That’s It. My wine collections are always different at first taste but when you keep drinking, your taste buds will get used to it Try some more, Ms. Rose.” 

“Hmm…” I hummed, wanting to bring the glass to my lips again when the sounds of glass shattering downstairs 

made me halt. 

Then came a roaring voice. “Where is she?” 

I knitted my brows at the strangeness of the whole thing and Mr. Chaldeans had the same confused expression on 

his face. 

Sighing through clenched teeth, he muttered. “Stay here, Ms. Rose. I’ll go and address the situation. I’m sure it’s one of my boys acting up. 

I managed a nod, watching as he took his leave. The dizziness I felt increased and I wondered why. 

Before I moved a limb again, I heard that roaring voice again “Where is she?” 

“You think I wouldn’t find out what you’re, right?” The man said again and that made me curious. 

Of course, I didn’t hear what Mr. Chaldeans said in return. 

“Release her right this minute or I’ll…” 

11:17 Sat, 20 Apr – 

Chapter 36 

I couldn’t hear what else he said and that aroused my curiosity. With the glass in my hand, I followed the steps Mr. Chaldeans went through and arrived downstairs. 

My mouth gaped when I saw who it was. 

Ashton Creed! 

A sudden bout of anger swerved inside of me and I barked

“What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” 

That was when Ashton kicked his gray gaze on me and his next words made my heart squeeze. 

“Ms. Rose, that man is a professional rapist!” 

To be continued. 

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