Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 39 Sabrina And Her Mates

"Thank you, Lucas.” I say and he nods his head and leaves.

I stand up and straighten myself out. We were sitting in my garden, on the grass.

"You coming mother?" I ask her and she shakes her head no.

"I'll let you deal with your other mate alone. I have a feeling you are going to have your hands full today.” She says before cackling away, walking around my rose bush.

What does that even mean? This woman was always so cryptic.

I walk in to the house and up the stairs to the alpha floor, where my baby Adrastos was.

I walk in to find him with Kate, my new nanny. He was sleeping as Kate watched TV.

"Has he been good?" I ask and she nods at me, standing up to go for her break.

It has been six months since Adrastos birth and boy was my kid growing. No more just eating and sleeping, he was growing to be more and more active.

Xander walks in, interrupting my thoughts. He walks up to me to kiss my cheek, behind him was Maximus Forrest.

Looking at him never gets easier. What he put me through plays through my mind whenever I am in his presence and I get a twinge of anger before taking a breath and remembering I chose to forgive him.

"Hello Kimberley." Max says to me and I just smile and nod. That is all I can do while I calm my wolf down from her anger.

"I just came here to let Max in, I'll be in my office if you need me." X says to me, kissing me deeply and igniting a fire inside of me.

When he pulls away, I throw him a questioning look but I knew he was just marking his territory and I can gel with that. My problem is, I was horny now and he was going to leave me like this.

He winks at me and walks out of our home. Max coughs to lighten the mood but I was far gone. Goddess!

"Can I get you anything? Water, juice or beer?" I ask.

"Water is fine.” He says and I walk to the kitchen and come back with two bottles of beer. He just smiles and grabs one.

We have to sit and wait for Adrastos to wake up because he has a schedule now and afternoon naps are crazy vital.

"While we wait, Sabrina, I'd like to get a few things off my chest.” Max says to me and I'm on the edge of my seat already.

I just nod my head to let him know be can carry on.

"You know when we were kids, I was raised to always be perfect. No faults and no mistakes. I had not one person to show me how to treat a woman and that's no excuse believe me, I just wish my father focused more on my emotional intelligence, my emotional strength. Had my mother and I connected better as mother and son, maybe I would have turned out different but she had me and dumped me on my dad's lap. Only visited me a handful of times to lessen her guilt I guess. I am working on a relationship with her and she would love to meet Adrastos, if that's okay with you.” Max says, running his tatted hand through his hair.

"I am sorry for disrespecting you as my mate and as my luna. I am sorry for allowing another woman in to our lives and putting her in between our sacred bond. I know what your innocence meant to you, you gave yourself to me and I mistreated you. I take full responsibility for that. I thought you were the weak one but in actual fact, it was I that needed to harden up. I blamed you for things way out of your control and it's so crazy thinking about it now. Your uncle got in my head but I allowed it and fed the doubt seed he planted. I was also jealous. I mean you are incredible and I just couldn't handle being the weaker one." He says to me, his eyes getting all glassy on me.

This was it. The apology of the century. The one time in my life someone takes accountability for putting me through the worst.

"I put you through so much, I can't believe you forgave me like that. I can't begin to thank you for letting me be in Adrastos’ life even after trying to kill him. I promise I'm working on myself and bettering the relationship I have with my parents. I need to do that to be a better man and father. I know I've lost you, but I am also doing this for you because even when I was that evil bastard, I knew then and I know now, you are it for me. The only one and it will only ever be you. Xander is a lucky man and if you are happy then that's all that matters.” He says to me and this time I was the one with the tears.

"Thank you for this apology. It means a lot to me and I hope one day we can be friends, for our son's sake.” I say and he nods his head in agreement.

"So, how are things?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Well, it turns out I'm the next moon goddess." I say and Max takes a swig of his beer.

"Yeah. We all saw your transformation. That was really insane." He says and I laugh.

"That's not the half of it.” I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"There's a whole different werewolf world and in that world, I have a mate. I met him already too." I say and Max's eyes bulge out.

"What?" Max sputters. I giggle at his reaction.

"Yup! He would not tell me his name but he came here to make himself known and I had to fight every nerve in my body that was telling me to go over to him. It was just crazy." I say shaking my head, still in disbelief of that event.

"Wow. Your life is never boring, is it?" Max asks and we chuckle.

"Nope. Never." I say as tears brim my eyes and a small chuckle escapes my mouth.

Xander pulls his teeth out and shifts back to human. He takes his gray sweat pants from me and I throw the other pants at Max.

"I've never been prouder son.” Hunter says patting Xander on the back as he walks away with Xander.

Max shifts back and puts on the gray sweat pants.

"Nobody say anything.” Max says and I chuckle with my hands up in surrender.

"So you agree that Xander is stronger?" Anthony asked, earning a growl from Max.

"Easy there wolf. You do not want to wake this tiger.” Anthony says and I burst in laughter.

We walk back in to the house to find Hunter and Xander sitting in the main pack house kitchen. I walk to the fridge to get water for everyone.

I hand the water bottles to everyone and I take one for myself.

"No hard feelings yeah?" Xander says to Max, holding his hand out. Max shakes his hand.

"No hard feelings." Max says just in time as Kate walks in with Adrastos. Max quickly walks up to them to take Adrastos.

"Maybe go with Kate and show Adrastos your wolf. He loves it." Xander says and Max walks out with Kate and Adrastos behind him.

I walk up to X as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Hello beautiful. I have a surprise for you." Xander says and I smile looking up at him.

"Let's go upstairs. There is no way I'm doing that soppy simp shit here in front of your father and brother.” Xander says before leading me up to the alpha quarters.

When we got to our room, X handed me a black velvet box. I opened it to see a beautiful ruby necklace.

He takes it out and puts it around my neck.

"This is beautiful X.." I say as I look at myself through the mirror.

"You have been going through a lot for a very long time. I am strong because you are strong. You bring out the best in me and I just wanted to show my appreciation.” Xander says to me.

I turn around and pull him in for a kiss. We hear the front door open.

"Sabrina?" Percy calls out and I groan.

Xander pulls me in for one last kiss before pulling away from me.

"Just remember that you don't always have to act tough around me. Your worries are my worries, your fears are my fears and if you are ever tired of being strong then let me be strong for the both of us." Xander says and I nod my head at his words.

He walks out of the room while I collect myself.

"Ever heard of knocking? You do know that I am the alpha of this pack right?" Xander asks Percy and Percy mumbles an 'I'm sorry’ . I decide to walk out then.

"What brought you here Percy?" I ask sitting down next to X.

"Your father is not doing so good Sabrina. We had a rogue attack a few days ago and he got bit. At first we were not worried because that's just part of the game but now, he's not healing. His wound won't heal and he's losing a lot of blood." Percy says to me.

"Why didn't you call?" I ask him and he looks down, ashamed.

"Your father had your brother promise not to alert any of you so we were ordered to stand back. I was tasked to visit a pack nearby so I went against alpha orders but that was because a nurse called to tell me he has slipped in to a coma. I had to come tell you." He says and I quickly stand up, disappearing right in front of Xander and Percy.

I arrive back at Blue Moon, in the hospital reception. The lady in front screams at me, alerting the people around us.

"Where is Christopher Trent? Which room is he in?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. Only the alpha is allowed in there ma'am." She says to me trembling.

I roll my eyes and try to feel my father out. Letting Athena have full control until we find him. I start walking, getting in to an elevator up to the fifth floor. I walk up to a door where two male wolves stood guard.

I let out my power as they try to intimidate me. They quickly show their necks, cowering in submission and move out of the way to let me in. I reel in my power so I don't scare my father's wolf.

On the hospital bed, the small hospital bed was my father. He looked weak, very weak. It was scary. "Cj, what is going on with dad?" I ask through mind link.

"I wish I knew Sab. He won't heal and he wouldn't let me call you to come heal him. It is as if he wants to die." Gj tells me.

"I'm coming.” He says before closing the link.

I gently grab my father's hand and memories flash through me. Memories of my father with my mother. My father, mother and I when Josey was born and finally, when my father found out that my mother was never his mate. I could feel his pain, the hurt inside.

His wolf died that day with the revelation

Tears fell down my face at his pain. He masked it so well. A new anger took over me for my mother. She had thrown bricks at my father when she revealed that she had tricked him but never made things right. She just left him to deal on his own, again.

Cj walks in to see me in tears. He walks up to me and pulls me in for a hug.

"My mother did this. His wolf won't heal because it is heartbroken.” I say to my brother, who nods in understanding.

"That makes sense. He was tricked in to thinking your mother was his mate and that you were his daughter, I'd go crazy." He says to me.

"I will heal his wound but that doesn't mean he will wake up. Once he is healed, I'll go bring mother and Josey here so mother can see the aftermath of her crimes and Josey can also be here for father.” I say.

I place my hands over his wound and heal him. He stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake.

I disappear again and land on Josey's bedroom floor to find Josey sprawled in bed, naked. Lucky for me her mates were not in the room.

"Josey." I say and she shoots up, surprised to see me.

"You know Sabrina, I love a good entrance but this kind of intrusion is my thing. What happened to using doors?" She asks me.

"Normally I'd laugh but dad needs us. Get dressed, I'm off to get mom then I'll come back for you." I say before disappearing off.

I land back in my garden, mother still enjoying the breeze and flower scents. How fitting.

"Meet me at the hospital in Blue Moon. There is a crime you must atone for.” I say and leave her without hearing her response.

I land back in Josey's room to find her showered and fully dressed.

"Took you long enough! I mind linked the twins so poof away.” She says and we disappear and land back in dad's hospital room.

Josey gasps at dad's weak state as Cj explains to her what's going on. Mother walks in and also gasps at my father's state.

I grab her hand to show her what I saw when I held his hand. Everything that I felt too.

Tears escape my mothers eyes.

"Can I have the room please?" She asks Cj and he nods as we all leave her alone with our father.

"I can't believe dad pulled a Sabrina on us!" Josey says and I look at her with one eyebrow raised. "The pretending.” She says before going on her phone to call her mates and fill them in. I roll my eyes and decide to do the same but Hunter beats me to it and appears with Xander.

"I told him everything." Xander said and I nod in understanding.

"I take it Kimberly is in there?" Hunter asks and I nod my head yes.

Suddenly a man appears from nowhere, dressed in regal type clothes.

"Sabrina, your serene highness." He says before bowing before me

"My name is Evan and we need the moon goddess." He says to me.

"Evan, can't you all handle things until she is ready?" Hunter asks.

"I'm afraid this time, we need the moon goddess to intervene. Only she can yield it's power.” Evan says to Hunter.

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