Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 25 Make You Stay

Sabrina's POV

It was time to face Xander. I had put it off for so long and he has been nothing but kind to me and I asked for his help. My guilt should not affect him.

I walk up to his floor and knock on his office door.

"Enter." He says in his alpha tone. He clearly has no idea it's me.

I open the door and walk but immediately regret coming in. My neck throbs from where his imprint was as soon as I look in to his eyes.

I stay strong and close the door. I walk towards him and sit on one of the chairs facing him. Yet again, only a table between us as if it was a line I've drawn that I knew I shouldn't cross. What lies after that line is pure bliss but at the cost of my sanity.

"Hello Sabrina..." Xander says, breaking the silence as I tried to calm my nerves. I was feeling sort of shy around him, like I was some giddy 12year old with a crush.

"Alpha." I say in a serious tone, which earns me a chuckle from the alpha himself.

"Come on Sabrina. You don't have to be formal around me. Especially when it's just us." He says with a twinkle in hid eyes.

Just us.

Yes he wasn't helping.

"I know but I feel like I have to." I say to him

"I understand. You're still dealing with a lot and that is why I gave you your space and I still think you need more time to deal with all that has happened in your life." Xander says to me.

He took the words right out of my mouth. That's what I wanted to tell him.

"Look, I'm not going to beat around the Bush. I like you, I really do and my wolf has taken a liking to you too, hence the imprinting that took place when you challenged him. I want you and I will have you. May not be today or even tomorrow but I will make you mine.” He says to me.

A knock interrupts our honesty hour as a man that looks like Xander but the older version walks in. He doesn't even spare me a glance as he throws daggers at his son.

"Son, I need a moment. It's urgent.” The older man says. Xander nods then turns to me,

"Sabrina, take all the time that you need. I understand.” He says to me and I nod then run out of that office before I hear a crippling growl come out of that office.

Something was up and Xander's older twin was definitely upset. I couldn't stay any longer to listen in as I had school to attend.

I had finally gotten my money thanks to my tech genius of a brother. I was able to decorate the apartment how I wanted and shop some more, but the best thing about getting my money was buying myself a car.

Obviously not a Ferrari since I've got a baby.

I walked up to my black Range Rover Velar. I loved this mean machine. I jumped in, put Rihanna on blast and made my way to school.

I had thought Myrtle would be a friend but after my heat, she has kept her distance and that's fine. Loyalties are everything and I'm just new here.

I made one friend though. I absolutely adore her as she knows how to make me smile.

I parked my car and my door was yanked open.

"Come out. I heard you've snapped back and I wanna be the judge of that young lady." Fiona, my new friend said.

Being a werewolf comes with a few great advantages. Like when we exercise, our bodies build on muscle quicker. Our wolves also play a role in that. Their added strength pushes our human side to be stronger, leaner and so forth. The stronger the wolf, then the human side will seem fit.

For males, it is in their muscles. That is why alpha males are generally larger than all the males in the pack. His wolf is the strongest, which helps him bulk up. For us females, we stay lean. Petite but with muscle definition. Werewolves don't come in different forms. Our active lifestyles, the every day training, running in our wolves and that extra fast metabolism, make for fit bodies.

When I was in human school, the kids were different and everyone had a type. Body wise too.

"No Dorothy. I'm all wolf inside.” I say. She shakes her in doubt.

"But you were able to read my mind.. " she says and I nod.

"I'm a gifted wolf. The moon goddess blessed me with a few gifts but I'm all wolf. You'll get a chance to see a glimpse of those gifts today. Come on." I say walking out of my room and out of the apartment.

We walked until we reached an open field where people were gathering around. Right in the center was Xander with Jade and Myrtle. They seemed to be deep in conversation but it died down when I got to them.

"Don't stop on my account.” I say and Jade turns back to Xander.

"You can't do this! She obviously has more strength and we all know it. It isn't a fair fight." Jade said.

"It wasn't a fair fight when you had Myrtle go to Sabrina's apartment and try to hurt her son. You should not be talking about fairness. As Lycans, we aren't sneaky. If you despise Sabrina, you take her on. You should know this already.” Xander said.

He moved away from us and Lucas quieted the pack.

"Red Creek! It's been a while since we all gathered here for a fight. Let us not waste any more time and get it to it. Lucas, go ahead.” Xander said.

Lucas walked up to us and checked for any weapons. It is highly unlikely that a wolf will use weapons during a fight but sneak attacks have happened before. Once he was satisfied that we were all clean of any weapons, he then nodded at Xander, who turned to look at us.

"You will fight in wolf form. That way I know your wolves will fight to live. Now, get ready to fight." Xander said and we all took a defensive stance.

Myrtle and Jade all facing me. They took their clothes off and shifted in to their wolves. I followed soon after and shifted in to mine. Athena wanted blood and she was ready to rip apart Myrtle for trying to harm our child.

Xander and Lucas moved away from us as I circled around the two girls. I could feel the fear coming from them and it was satisfying. In battle they knew what I was capable of and yet they wanted to harm my son.

It was stupid really. Dumb to think they would've lived to see the next day if they'd succeeded in laying a scratch on my baby. I was definitely going to kill them.

One thing I've learned from keeping new uncle alive is that I should've killed him and I won't make that mistake again. They came for my son.

No forgiveness for that.

"Fight!" Xander shouted out and Myrtle tried to jump at me but I dodged her and ran up to Jade and bit off her hind leg. She howled in pain but I quickly turned around and went for little miss Myrtle.

I ran to her at top speed and jumped over her and landed on her back then bit in to her shoulder and pulled out a chunk of meat. She fell to the ground as I rolled off and charged back at her.

She tried to get up but she wasn't fast enough. I tackled her back to the ground and I bit in to her neck as I shook my head vigorously, causing a lot of blood loss. I bit down again and this time I ripped her head off.

My whole face covered in blood. My white fur covered in red liquid

One down.

I turned to Jade who seemed frozen in place. She was looking at Myrtle's head lying on the ground, on the other side of the ground, was her body.

If a wolf could grin, I'd be grinning from ear to ear. As I approached, she limped back.

It was written in the stars. Today was her last day and I was taking her to her maker.

I growled at her and she stopped moving. This was my chance.

I was going to end her like I just did Myrtle.

"Stop!" Xander called out.


No way am I stopping now. I jumped on Jade and got her neck. The second my teeth tasted blood, I knew why Xander said to stop.

I could taste the wolfsbane in her system. She didn't smell like it then so how? How was she able to stay concious all this time?

I started to feel a little faint but Athena was going to end her. End her for using a weapon best known to weaken and kill wolves. She knew she had no chance with me so she was going to try take me down with her.

Well I've got a surprise of my own for her.

I released my power to remind her who I am.

I released my grip on her and fought the urge to fall. I was going to heal this and remind her before it kills her.

I moved away from her and she shifted back to human.

She was laughing now. Thinking she'd won. I'll let her have this for now while I heal. Her laughs could be heard by the entire pack.

Once I feel like myself again, I look back at her and growl.

I also shift back, with my power all out. I stand up tall and her laugh falters. It was my turn to laugh now.

"You think your little sneak attack will work on me?" I ask looking at her.

"I AM Sabrina Kimberley Trent. I am a direct descendant of the moon goddess. The blood that flows in her veins, flows in mine. The amount of wolfsbane in your system is not enough to kill me." I say to her.

Her eyes bulge out at my statement.

"With all of this power, you think a little wolfsbane will send me to meet my maker?" I say as I walk up to her. She tries to move away but her body won't heal her with the wolfsbane in her system.

"I am a power your little mind could never comprehend.” I said.

I brush her hair out of her face.

"Today you die. Your story ends here and I'll promise you something since you won't be here to see the next day." I say as I crouch to all fours, ready to shift and end all of this.

"I promise to enjoy Xander. Maybe in time, I'll have that Luna position you've always wanted." I say and that got her attention as she tried to move but I was faster.

I shifted in to my wolf and ripped her head off and threw it to the other side.

I shifted back to human and put my clothes back on. I was covered in blood and now my clothes too.

Xander walked up to me.

"Just when I thought I had you all figured out, you surprise me yet again. That wolfsbane could kill any normal wolf." He says and I smile.

"Ah but I'm not any normal wolf." I say and he chuckles.

"That's right. You're a direct descendant of the moon goddess. Every one knows who you are now." He says with concern in his eyes.

"I know. I know that Max can now probably find me but let him come. I will kill him if he tries anything on my son. I won't run this time, I will face him before he meets his end.” I say with so much confidence.

Max was weaker. I am too strong to be running away and if he comes for me, I'll be ready.

"We will end him. You are part of my pack now Sabrina. Your safety, just like every one in my pack, is my concern.” He says and I smile back.

I was a new woman today.

I was tired of playing small. I was no small fish. I'm a fucking shark.

I will no longer hide my power. It is part of me and people need to know who I am.

I am a gifted wolf and I will stand proud.

No man will tell me what to do.

No man will make me feel less than what I am ever again.

I am enough.

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