We arrived at yet another lycan pack thanks to my uncle Deacon.

It was huge with just over a 2000 normal pack members and a 1000 warriors ran by one alpha. We had to buy our way in and I didn't want to ask my father how much he had to pay so we're not treated as pack omegas.

"Welcome to Red Creek Pack. We are one of the oldest standing packs since the beginning of time. We don't normally take in any new members but your sizable donation will help greatly and ensure your stay is comfortable.” One very tall and muscular guy said.

He walked closer to us and held out his hand to greet my grandfather.

"My name is Lucas, the beta of this pack. My alpha is away on business but he should return soon.” He says as they shake hands. He then turns to me and bows his head.

He led us to my apartment in the pack house. It took up the entire floor. Definitely too big for Adrastos and I alone.

"I take it your stay is only temporary sir?" He asks looking at my grandfather.

"Yes. I'll only be here for a few days to help my granddaughter settle in. I can't stress this enough, her being here is to stay secret. Word of it does not leave this pack.” He says sternly to Lucas.

"Yes. That was the agreement and we will keep our word." He says.

He bids us farewell and close the door.

I go into my room to settle down and put my son to sleep while I freshen up. I make a pillow fort around him and head into the ensuite. It was white and modern.

Just perfect.

After freshening up and giving Adrastos a bath, I walk out, Adrastos in mu arms to sit with my grandfather who seems to have company.

"Who's this?" I say as I make myself comfortable on the couch

"Hello my lady. My name is Margot and I will be helping you with whatever it is that you need. I can look after your son or also do some housekeeping. If you don't want to dine with the pack, I can also cook for you." She says to me.

She was probably around my age.

"Oh don't you have school?" I ask her.

"I do but my duties come first.” She says to me and my heart sinks.

"Do you have any family?" I ask her and she brightens up at that question.

"Yes. My mother and father who are at home and I have two older brothers who are warriors of the pack. My parents and I are very proud” She beams at me.

"Oh and your mother and father?” I ask.

"My father is retired my lady and my mother was recently fired from her last job. That is why I'm here as nobody would hire her." She said.

"If you don't mind me asking, why was she fired?" I ask. She shifts on the couch uncomfortably. "She was accused of stealing.” She says looking down. I gasp loudly.

"That's a serious accusation Margot.” I say to her, now worried if she won't do the same.

"She didn't do it my lady. She was falsely accused but nobody would believe the word of an omega over a higher ranked wolf." She says as tears fill her eyes.

"I'd like to meet your mother then. I can hire you both so you can attend school but I'll have to have a word with her first before I make my decision.” I say to her as a smile makes it's way on her face. "I can get her right away!" She chirps and I nod my head at that. She scurries out of my apartment, leaving me with my son and grandfather. That got me thinking about how I will be able to pay Margot.

"Grandfather, how will I access my money without tipping Max off?" I ask him

"Cj has set up a new identity for you and the boy. New accounts and everything. He had your money up in a way that is untraceable. Something about hacking and stealing and IP addresses.” He says to me and I laugh at him.

I'll have to call Cj to have him explain all of it to me.

"It will be a while before your bank details are delivered so until then, you'll have to use cash. The money is in the two duffel bags I put in your room. The beta told me you have a safe in your room behind a painting. Make use of it." He says to me and I nod.

An excited Margot comes rushing in and dragging an older looking woman behind her. She sits down followed by the older lady. My grandfather takes that as his cue to leave and go in to the extra bedroom.

"My lady, this is my mother, Dorothy." She says to me. I shake my head at her.

"Call me Sabrina, please.” I say to her and she bows at me. I then look at her mother.

"It is nice to meet you Dorothy. Margot here has explained your current dilemma and I wanted to hear it from you." I say to her.

"Hello Sabrina...” She says as she looks at me nervously. I nod at her to continue.

"I was working on the floor above you, the alpha quarters. See, the entire alpha family lives up there and I've even raised our current alpha.” She says to me. Her eyes look glassy but she takes in a deep breath to calm herself down.

While saying this, her heartbeat has been steady and I've been listening in to see if she lies to me. "One day I caught the youngest daughter of the previous alpha, our current alpha’s little sister, doing dirty bits with a young boy. I reprimanded her like I've done with all the alpha children when they were young. She continued this behaviour until one day I told her I'll tell on her. She didn't change her ways but instead she planted her mother's expensive brooch in my cleaning supplies closet and had me fired.” She said as tears broke out and stained her face.

She looked broken. I felt really sorry for her.

"I'm so sorry Dorothy." I say to her and she gives me a small smile.

"All those alpha babies, I raised. I will plead my case with the current alpha but he's been away for some time now. I can only speak to him when he returns.” She says to me. I nod in understanding. "Until then, you will work for me. You have better experience at looking after children than Margot and I'd like it if she didn't have to miss school.” I say and the mother looks at me with her eyes about to pop out of her face.

"How much was the alpha family paying you?" I ask her.

"No no no. I can't expect you to pay me what that family was. You only have one child.” She says but I smile and raise my eyebrow at her waiting for an answer.

"The beta already paid me for 6 months of work.” Margot chimes in.

"Since you've already been paid, your mother will find some work for you to do after school and on weekends around here. Dorothy, your pay will stay the same until the alpha returns. I'm stubborn so you can only agree.” I say to her and Margot laughs.

After some minutes of explaining how I want things done, I had Margot go change so she can accompany me to their mall so I can buy clothes and supplies since I didn't get to pack anything. Dorothy met my grandfather and insisted they will both stay behind with Adrastos while I went shopping.

The beta showed me to the car my grandfather asked him to borrow me. It was a pickup truck, nothing crazy. I was missing my super car now but the truck will do as I needed a lot of things. I got in with Margot and followed her directions.

"So you wanna go to the commoners mall or where the higher ranking wolves shop?" She asks. I look at her confused.

"You mean, you guys don't shop at the same place?” I ask her and she shakes her head no. I shake my head in disbelief.

Bloody Lycans.

"I want designer. So take me to where the alphas shop." I say and she sits up excitedly.

"I've never been inside before! I can't wait to see all the shops they have.” She says and I laugh at how cute she was being.

We pulled up to the mall and it looked like a tall skyscraper.

Sabrina's POV

My alarm went off at exactly 5am and I groaned in my head afraid to wake king Adrastos. I had just passed out from feeding him at 3am.

This was going to take some getting used to.

I got out of bed to shower away dried milk and sweat. Don't want to put off anyone at training.

I decide to wear black ankle length Nike leggings with matching sports bra. I put on a loose shirt as my tummy hasn't snapped back yet but I'm hoping with all the training, I'll be good as new soon. I slip on my black Nike running shoes and style my hair in a very tight ponytail as I don't want to be distracted on my first day.

I switch on the baby monitor and connect to my phone so I can record the day even though I'm not around. I will watch the feed later on in the day. Dorothy should be arriving at 5h50 so I have a few minutes to make my way to the training fields.

I hear a knock on the door at 5h45 and I rush to go open the door thinking Dorothy was early but as soon as I opened the door and met with a shirtless man, I knew that wasn't my helper. I try to blink away the nasty thoughts in my head from seeing such nakedness so early in the morning but that didn't work so I tried the next best thing, talking.

"Am I late?" I ask but he shakes his head no and walks right in to my apartment like he owns it, which he does technically but I live here.

"No. I just thought I'd check in with you, having a newborn and all. I have a younger sister and some cousins, I know how new mothers appreciate their sleep but it seems like you're coping just fine." Xander says as checks me out.

"Oh I'm struggling but I was not about to disappoint the alpha on the first day of training. I can slack off in a week or two." I say jokingly.

Well to be honest, I could pass out any minute.

He chuckles at my joke and I mentally swoon at the sound, imagining a very naked alpha in my bed laughing at my jokes.

My thoughts are interrupted when Dorothy enters my apartment and Xander pulls her in for a hug. Whoa, messed up. Miss me with that.

"Ah I see you managed to steal away the one lady that can shout at me and live to see the next day.” He says and I just shrug. I was not about to tell him how Dorothy came to work for me and besides, I was still trying to maintain eye contact with a shirtless alpha. Talk about hard!

"You know Sabrina, this lady here raised me so your son is in good hands." He says and I see the sincerity in his eyes. This man loved Dorothy like a mother but I hope after hearing her side of the story he doesn't take her back. I need her now.

"Oh you don't have to convince me. She sold that story to me yesterday. How could I not hire her?" I ask playfully. Dorothy laughs at my comment.

"Out you two." Dorothy tries to push us out of the house. "Don't want Sabrina late on her first day.” She says as she points at her phone which showed the time. 5h55??? oh no.

I pulled Xander by hand out the door and down the stairs as he laughs at my actions. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and look at him.

"You do know I'm the alpha right?" He asks me. Well duh!

"No I had no idea." I say rolling my eyes and grabbing the door handle so we can go outside but Xander let's out a growl and puts his hand on the door, pushing it shut.

"Don't ever roll your eyes at me." He says in a low but warning tone. It should've scared me but I was beyond turned on.

"Sorry. I'm just new here and I have no ranking. Naturally I should be an omega but I'm living on the floor right under the alpha. Your shewolves won't like that and I'm not trying to give them more reason to hate me." I say and he smiles.

Oh how will I survive training...

"Don't worry. They'd be stupid to take you on." He says stepping back to allow me to open the door.

"I can handle that. I just want to be able to make friends without them thinking I'm your latest conquest and I'm abusing your alpha power." I say in all honesty. Xander laughs out loud as we walk to the training field.

He pulls me in for a hug and licks my ear.

"Now that will give them something to talk about.” He says and I groan loudly.

"Eeuw why'd you do that? Now I smell like you!" I say.

Although to be honest, He could've at least licked my neck or lower. I get tingles all over my body at the thought.

"That's the plan Sabrina. Let's see what happens now.” He says to me as we get to the training field and there's groups of people looking at us but more especially, me.

Oh goddess.

Mental face palm.

Dig up a hole.

Gladly jump in.

"Good morning pack. Sorry I'm a little late.” He says then winks at me. I look away quickly but clearly not quick enough as a blonde girl standing in front of me scowls in me.

"This is Sabrina. She's a new pack member so I expect you all to be friendly and welcoming. Now let's get to training. Sabrina, I'd like for you to take on my strongest shewolf, Jade so we can see how you do.” He says and the blonde girl steps forward smirking at me.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Girls always underestimate me and miss Jade was doing the same thing. She was also on the skinny side though so she shouldn't be so cocky.

I step forward as well and look straight in time Jade's blue eyes. She was a beautiful girl, I won't lie. "Alright ladies, we fight at full power. No holding back. The first one to keep the other opponent down for longer than 10 seconds wins.” Xander says and Jade takes a defensive stance but still maintains eye contact with me.

She let's her power out and I was disappointed. She wasn't even of beta strength. What did Xander hope to achieve here?

I don't let my power out. I could take her on still masking it. I also take a defensive stance waiting for Xander to give us the go. Everyone else stands back to watch as Xander moves away to give us space to fight.

"Fight!" Xander shouts out and Jade jumps at me. First mistake

I dodge her as she sprints past me but quickly turn around and I use my one hand to pull her by the neck and raise her up and pull her down. I keep my hand around her neck to keep her on the ground as Lucas starts to count.

He counts to 10 and I let go. I stand up straighter and turn to Xander, raising my eyebrows at him. Jade gets up with a huff and sends daggers my way. I turn back to look at Xander hoping he'd give me a stronger Male opponent because biologically, they are stronger.

"It looks like Sabrina won that round way too easily. Jade, that was seriously disappointing and Sabrina, I thought I said you fight at full power.” He says and I shrug.

"Sorry alpha but it wouldn't be fair if I fought at full power. Had you given me a stronger opponent, maybe I would've released my wolf power." I say and Jade scoffs.

"I'm the strongest shewolf here new girl." She says and I roll my eyes.

"I think that title belongs to me now." I say back to her and she growls at me.

"I demand a rematch. In wolf form.” She says and I cackle at that.

“Bitch wants to meet, let me have this one please.’ Athena says to me in my head.

"We can do this all day. You can shift in to your wolf while I stay human and I'll still defeat you. I am born of higher ranking. You're no match for me." I say and she smirks at me.

"Let's give it a try then.” She says as she shift in to her wolf, shredding her clothes in the process.

A light brown wolf jumps to attack me but I dodge her attack as I let my claws out and sink them in to her flesh on the side and pull out a little chunk of meat. She howls in pain but turns around to come at me. I run to her too and she opens her wide wolf mouth to try bite my head off but I anticipate her move and hold her mouth apart before throwing her against a tree.

She lets out a quick howl when her body crashes in to the tree but quickly recovers and tries to stand. I let out a little bit of my power to force her in to submission. At first I thought she would as she freezes in place when she feels it and loud gasps can be heard around the training field but she shakes her head and starts to run at me again.

This girl was a fighter, I'll give her that.

I'll give her an A for effort.

I run to her too and she jumps in the air to try bite my head off again but I drop to the ground and slide a little as I let my claws out and claw at her chest. She falls to the ground in front of me and I get up.

I walk up to her as she growls at me. Her body was beginning to heal so I let it and walked away from her. She took this as an opportunity to try sneak attack me but Athena also anticipated that move as Jade jumped in for an attack but I quickly dodged it.

"ENOUGH!" Xander said using his alpha tone. Jade froze and I looked up at him.

"Jade, you've embarrassed yourself enough. Everyone, choose a partner and start sparing. Sabrina, take 5." Xander said and I took the chance to go stretch out since I wasn't even given the chance to stretch my limbs

Jade fell to the ground as she tried to lick her wounds. As soon as she was half healed she shifted back and walked back to the pack house. As I watched Jade disappear, a girl with jet black hair walked up to me and handed me a bottle of water. I took it from her.

"You certainly got her walking with her tail between her legs.” She says as she laughs at Jade's retreating figure.

"I take it you're not a fan?" I ask and she nods enthusiastically.

"No. She's not really a favorite and since she started dating the alpha, she's been mean and too cocky." Jet black hair said to me.

"I'm Sabrina.” I say extending my hand to her.

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Myrtle. I am Jade's stepsister.” She says to me.

"Whoa family drama? Now I'm intrigued.” I say and she chuckles.

"Oh just your basic Cinderella story. My father marries her mother after their mates were killed during a rogue attack. We were close at first until she started dating the alpha.” Myrtle says to me. "Why would the alpha have me humiliate his mate like that?" I ask and Myrtle laughs at me.

"Oh they are definitely not mates. The alpha's mate was killed 2 years ago when rogues first attacked the pack. He was only 16. I think she believes he will make her his Luna and chosen mate.” She says.

"Well if that's what they both want.” I say. I know one can find happiness with a chosen mate.

"I'm not so sure the alpha wants to take a luna at all. He reeks of a new girl every other day." She says and her eyes bulge out as she notices her slip of a tongue as I reek of Xander right now.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean... I am... Oh my gosh!" Myrtle stumbles on her words.

I laugh at her humiliation.

"Oh it's quite alright. I'm not with Xander." I say and she looks at me then back at him and at me again.

"His scent." She says.

"He did it on purpose. Now I know he just wanted to get a reaction out of Jade, putting me on her shit list.” I say and Myrtle rolls her eyes as she lightly chuckles.

"Well, at least we know she won't fight you over him." She jokes. I laugh with her and Xander spares a look our way.

He stops fighting and starts to walk our way.

"Oh I think we caught the attention of the alpha.” I say but Myrtle is quiet as a mouse and standing up straight.

Xander stops in front of us and glares at Myrtle, who then scurries off to the group of girls on the training field.

Then his eyes lock with mine. If I didn't feel the surge of sexual electrical energy before, I definitely feel it now. My body was calling out to his and his calling out to mine.

"I thought I said to take 5."He says. I heard what he said to me but my body was focused on other things.

Like how his sweat was dripping down his chest and down his stomach to... oh.

Or how his 5 o'clock shadow looked in the sunlight and how it would feel rubbing against my thighs when he went down on me.

My body was on a mission of it's own as I bit my bottom lip, his eyes following my movement. Making me wet which he could clearly smell as he closed his eyes and savored the scent. When his eyes opened again, they were black. His wolf present.

I clenched my thighs together and bit the inside of my cheek to suppress a moan when he released a low growl. If I was wearing a dress, my wetness would be dripping down my legs.

"Sabrina..." He says to me, looking like he's having an inner battle with himself. My body was calling out to him, if we were in wolf form, his wolf would've mounted me already.

Just the thought snapped me out of it and I stepped back from him and raised my hands in surrender. I continued to step back and he growled at me again.

A gush of wetness left my folds and I could feel my leggings were soaked. He inhaled again and ran his hand through his hair as I continued to step back.

"Stand still Sabrina." He said in this low husky voice and a moan escaped me.

My hand shot to my mouth as embarrassment took over me and i turned around and ran in to the woods.

A loud growl pushed me to run faster until I saw a clearing with a beautiful lake at the end. I was tackled but before I could hit the ground, I was flipped around and unconsciously my legs wrapped around my attacker as I hit the ground with a thud.

"I told you not to run."Xander says in that husky voice again. This time I bite my bottom lip to suppress a moan but I push my chest out to feel his naked warm chest on my covered one.

His pants in the way.

He takes his one finger to pull my lip from my teeth and I take that as an opportunity to suck on his finger. He closes his eyes and groans as he pushes his hard member on my core. This time, a loud moan escapes me.

Shocking me out of my horny state. I quickly push Xander off me and I move back creating some space between us.

"I'm so sorry. I'm not usually like this." I say as a blush makes it's way up my neck to my cheeks. Xander smirks as he fixes his sweats and I notice his thick bulge.

"Like what? A seductress?" He asked playfully. Clearly enjoying this as I stand here mortified.

"I don't seduce! I wasn't." I try to finish my sentence but he interrupts me.

"You weren't what? Sucking on my finger not so long ago?" He says and I close my eyes a I remember what just happened.

"That was insanely hot Sabrina.” He says in that husky voice again and I close my eyes and clench my thighs. He will not get to me again.

"Look I don't know why but I'm acting all sex crazed and I've only ever been with one man. I am certainly not ready for another so I'm gonna go. I'm really sorry alpha.” I say and I walk past him

He pulls my hand and turns me around.

"Ever had heat?" He asks and my eyes bulge out.

Oh no.

I wasn't ready for this.

If I felt the heat, that means Max will feel it too. He will know I'm in heat and his wolf will try find me.

"No..." I say starting to panic.

"They didn't teach you about what happens when you lose your innocence and get marked?" He asks me with one eyebrow raised.

Of course they taught us that but I gave myself to Max. I never thought I'd be in this situation without him. How was I going to survive?!

How was I going to make it through the week of hell without having sex with someone...

I was in trouble.

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