I put both my hands on each shoulder to steady myself as he touched my core. His finger rubbing circles on my clit and it felt amazing, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"I want you to look at me while I'm touching you baby" he says to me and I open my eyes to look at him. His eyes were piercing through me and if it wasn't for the overwhelming sensation I was feeling, I'd be shy from his stare.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open and then he put one finger inside me making me moan out loud and close my eyes, throwing my head back.

In and out, in and out. Oh goddess this felt amazing. He wrapped his free hand around my waist as my knees buckled and continued his thrusting. I could feel it coming...

"Alpha..." I open my eyes and look into his. He pulled out of me and I whimpered. He smiled at me and goddess that smile was enough for me. I bit my lip while thinking of how I could get him to pleasure me again. He put his finger on my lip and rubbed my wetness on my lower lip, tugging it away from my teeth.

"Open your mouth” he says to me and I comply. I open my mouth slightly and he put his finger inside my mouth and I close it, tasting my juices and I saw his eyes darken. He licked his lips as I sucked on his finger earning myself the sexiest low grow! ever.

He pulled out his finger and smashed his lips on mine. His kiss was hungry and passionate. It was dominating and he was telling he wanted me.

He bit my bottom lip and pulled me closer to him, feeling his hard member on my belly. His one hand on the back of my head, his other squeezing my butt. I let out a moan which he took as an invitation to let his tongue in and wrestle with mine.

Before I could pull away from wanting to breath, he started trailing kisses on my jawline and down to my neck. He nipped the spot where a wolf marks his mate and I moaned.

Max carried me to the bed and gently placed me down as he followed, on top of me. He continued his kissing, going down my collarbone and to my breast. He licked my nipple and blew air on it making me grip the sheets tightly and closing my eyes as that new sensation that took over me.

He kissed around my nipple and then went on to lick and blow air on the other nipple, making them hard little buds. His one hand grabbed my breast, squeezed it as he put my nipple in his mouth to suck on it. If I wasn't already wet, this would do the trick. I was ready to take his hard member in my hand and take matters into my own hands. I was ready.

As if he could read my mind, Maxim spread my legs and got in between them. He sniffed the air and then looked down at me.

"Fuck Kimberley. This whole room smells of your arousal. All I want to do is thrust into you and fuck you senseless. I'm losing control here baby" he says to me and I am at a loss for words. What do I say to that?

He rests his head in the crook of my neck and takes in my scent. To calm his wolf down I'm sure because Lycans aren't known to be gentle. They are beasts when it comes to sex. He was trying to be gentle for me and I loved him more for that. My first time and I'm grateful he was thinking of me when his nature was something totally different.

I've heard the stories of how when Lycans meet their mates, they jump at it. The males take their mates right there and then. I'm surprised Max's mate didn't have a mark already. Wait why am I thinking about her??

I came back to it when Max moved his hardness up and down my slit, coating it with my juices. That was so hot. My eyes were fixed on this action that I didn't even realise Max was staring at me.

Up and down then press on my clit. I was using my elbows for support so I could see what he was doing to me. I was getting closer to climax again when he stopped and laid me back down. He kissed me passionately and I felt his member at my entrance. My eyes flew open as I stiffened and I knew this was it.

Everyone bowed their heads when I walked past them and it felt weird. I knew what I was signing up for but nothing can prepare you for this.

I kept my head up high and maintained eye contact with Max the entire walk there. It took all of 10 seconds to get to him but it felt like forever and with him still looking at me meant he could feel my anxiety.

I sat down and looked at everyone sporting ear to ear grins. I smile back at them knowingly. We hear someone clinking their glass and we look up to see uncle Deacon smiling at me.

"I have waited years for this day. Who knew it would only take war for these two to get together!" He says and we all erupt in laughter.

"Sabrina, I am so happy to see you with my son. To our Luna!!" He says and everyone in the hall says it back. I felt so shy but Max held my hand for reassurance. All eyes were on me and I just couldn't deal.

I was going to be Luna anyway if I ended up with Percy but wow, having all eyes on me was a lot. Josey came to my rescue by dragging me up to her room to tell her all about my night with Max. "I'm not going to get into detail but we did it many times. That's all you need to know." I say to her.. "Don’t be a bore Brina. I need tips on what to do and what to expect.” She says to me and I laugh. "Nobody could ever prepare you for sex with two men Josey. You're on your own there.” I say back to her and she let's out a sigh..

"Ok I'll say this, he is very gifted down south and I almost died when he thrust himself inside me" I say and she shrieks. This is what she wanted so I told her everything.

After some time with Josey, we both decided to go do some training with the pack as we all prepare for war. We all wanted a normal life because we had no idea when the rogue alphas family would make their appearance. It could be today or next month.

We also knew we had to prepare for them because we have been warned of their capabilities and a witch in their pack. Everyone wanted to protect me but I wanted to protect everyone.

After training I went to wash up and meet up with my dad to go over our war plan.

I walk in Max's office to find my dad in deep conversation with my mother and Maximus. They stop talking as soon as they see me and I raise my eyebrow at them

"Don’t stop on my account guys" I say in an annoyed tone. They all stay quiet and I let out a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry little moon. We just want to protect you." My mother says to me.

"How is this protecting me? What am I, 12? I'm probably the most powerful wolf here and what you should be doing is focusing on making sure I'm able to use all my powers." I say to my mother.

"We have people who want to take me and use me. This is not the time to be keeping secrets. I need to feel like I can trust all of you and right now I don't think I want to be around people who keep things from me." I say to all of them.

"Little moon.” my mother tries to talk and I hold my hand up to stop her.

"I'm not finished. I get that me being here and now being Luna is putting the pack at risk. I'm the one they're looking for but if they are as strong as Reginald then you guys don't stand a chance against them, I do. I'm in the middle of this entire thing so you can't keep things from me. I'm the one in real danger!" I say to them.

"I'm going to bed before I'm tempted to touch one of you and dig for the truth.” I say and then leave the room. My father tries to follow me but I run out the house and into the woods. I change into my wolf and I go hunting. Deer would do me good right now.

I spot one in a clearing in the woods and make sure to approach slowly and quietly. A twig snaps behind me, making the deer look my way and then dart off. Just great.

I turn around to kill the pig that ruined my hunt, only to meet steel blue eyes that scream ice cold. I sniffed the air and his scent was different.

Mr. Blue eyes walked up to me.

"Shift" he says and throws me a shirt. I don't deem him a threat so I shift and throw the shirt on. "Wow, you are absolutely gorgeous. If you weren't marked, I'd take you myself." He says to me.. "Who are you and what do you want?" I say to him.

"Boring. Anyway, my family and I are searching for Reggie. See, my little brother was last seen on this territory and we want him back.” He says to me. My eyes widen at that revelation.

"Ahh so he is here. You run along and go tell your lycan alpha I want my baby bro. He's got 2 days to hand him over or I will have to hurt some people. Understood?" He says to me and I nod.

My wolf wanted me to kill this man but that would mean I have to expose myself and I can't risk that. I don't know who he brought with him. He doesn't know who I am, which is a good thing. I run off towards the pack house, linking Max to meet me at the door.

I jump on him and take in his scent. I needed to calm down and even though I was upset with my family, the pack was in danger.

"They are here Max. They want Reginald. They are here" I say to him.

"Who's here?" He asks me.

"This guy. He says Reginald is his little brother. They don't know who I am so that's great because I was alone in the woods." I quickly say to Maximus.

He looks out to the woods hoping to see something. Nothing.

"Max, you have 2 days. We have two days before they attack us.” I say to him with panic in my eyes. I met the guy that wanted to take me and use me as a breeding machine. I looked that guy in the eyes and he looked cold, evil. With all my powers, I was scared.

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