Erica slept so soundly that she couldn’t hear her mother waking her up. After she woke up, she went downstairs to find the breakfast the maids had prepared for her. Just as she was about to complain about the food and her lack of appetite for it. her phone rang. Taking a glance at the caller ID, she then answered her phone. “Hello?”

“Miss Erica Tillman, your mother has been arrested for the attempted murder of your father, Francis Tillman. I need you to pack two sets of clothes and bring them along with you down the station.”

“What?” To her dismay, Erica dropped the spoon in her hand. After she confirmed that her mother was currently in the police station, she was so frightened that tears started rolling down her cheeks. She immediately dialed Alex’s number and told him about what had befallen her mother.

“Erica, listen to me. When you meet your

mother, you must make sure that she admits to everything and does not. implicate us in this.” Alex gave a stern warning from the other end of the line.

Erica was bitterly disappointed, as Alex planned to forsake her mother at a time like this, wanting for her mother to bear the entire responsibility alone.

“Erica, if we are all implicated in this. everything your father has will fall into Anastasia’s hand. And us? We would all be going to jail. Do you understand?” Alex warned once more.

Holding back her grief, Erica replied, “Okay, I’ll beg my mother to do so.”

When Erica arrived at the station, she noticed her mother wasn’t there. Just as she was about to call Alex, her phone rang instead. “Hello!”

“Is this Erica Tillman? Your mother has fainted in the detention center. Please come over to the General Hospital.”

“Alright. I’ll come over right now.” Erica hadn’t expected her mother would faint. so she hurried over to the hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, there were two police officers standing guard. Erica then asked them in a hurry, “How is

my mother? Let me see my mother.”

Just then, the doctor came out and reported, “The patient just woke up. She fainted due to hypoglycemia and can be discharged after an infusion treatment.”

Erica pushed the doctor to the side and immediately entered the ward. Noticing her daughter, Naomi pulled Erica close to her. “Erica, I can’t look after you anymore. Your birth certificate is in my closet. Hurry up and take it to get a marriage certificate with Alex! Let Alex look after you from now on.”

“Mom, what happened? Why were you arrested?!”

“It was all Anastasia’s plan. That wretch deliberately set me up.” At the station.

Naomi had thought everything through and came to the conclusion that it was all a trap set by Anastasia, as it was simply not possible for Francis to regain consciousness. However, Anastasia had acted out a play to plant seeds of fear inside Naomi.

“Lowell, stand up! It’s time for the


“Erica, listen to me. You need to hurry up and get the certificate with Alex. Take over the company together with him.”

“What about you, Mom?”

“Don’t worry! Your mother will make sure the rest of you are fine.” Naomi showed her mother’s love at such a time, She wanted her daughter to get the shares of Tillman Constructions so that her daughter would have it easy for the rest of her life.

Erica understood that her mother was planning to bear all the responsibilities alone to ensure both she and Alex would

be found innocent in this matter. “Mom, I’ll definitely get you out of there.” She followed along as Naomi was being marched away. Looking at her mother getting into the police car, she felt pain and regret, as her mother was her only blood relative left in this world. “Anastasia Tillman, I will never forgive you for this. I’ll come after you even at the cost of my life!” Her eyes were furious with anger, she could not wait to end Anastasia’s life.

Back in her car, Erica called Alex and told him about the matter of the marriage certificate. Alex, on the other hand, had always planned to have a proper status to manage Tillman Constructions. The title of the son-in-law of the current president was the best position he could be in.. Considering that he had experience in finance, he would only need to put in some effort, for now, to move the funds of the company, as it would not last any longer due to the absence of Francis. At the end of it all, Tillman Constructions would just be an empty shell that was on the brink of bankruptcy.

The next morning, Anastasia received a call from one of the managers in Tillman Constructions. They asked for her to come to the company at ten in the morning, as there was going to be an important meeting. Since Anastasia had received such a call, she would definitely not miss attending the meeting.

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