Chapter 501

It was only normal for Nicole not to go.

Soon the little episode was over, and the fat chewing continued until it was evening.

Many of them proposed to hang out outside.

Just then, Nicole's mobile phone rang. She glanced at the phone screen, and a faint smile flashed across her face.

As she turned to go out, everyone looked at her from behind with a thoughtful look in their eyes.

Austin nudged Sammey and asked in a low voice, "Have you ever seen our boss have such an expression on her face?"

As Sammey did not answer, Bill Allen looked at Austin with disdain and said casually, "What's so surprising about it? Boss always has that expression on her face whenever she looks at her man." Sammey let out a gentle cough.

As Austin seemed to have realized something, they all tacitly shut their mouths.

Lulu and others looked at them, clueless about what they were talking about.

'What man? What do they mean by she has always been like that? These guys are so strange"

Nicole walked outside to a quieter place to answer the phone.

A male voice soon sounded on the other end of the phone, his voice gentle, as if he was smiling, and also as if the crisp clinking of the glasses.

"Congratulations on winning first place."

Nicole smiled, and her voice became much softer.

"How did you know?"

Jared looked at the black coffee beans and ground them with one hand absent-mindedly. He chuckled upon hearing her question.

"Claus told me. By the way, are you free now? I need your favor for something."

Nicole was surprised; she had never heard him ask anyone for a favor before.

"I'm having a meal with friends at the fondue restaurant near the school. How may I help you?"

Jared stopped what he was doing and took off the thin rubber gloves on his hand, and then held the phone, which was clamped between his ear and his shoulder, with his hand. "Nothing serious. Give me a minute.I will go to you."

The line went dead.

As Nicole returned to the private dining room, she found that the atmosphere inside became eerily silent. She could not help but frown to see everyone look at her. "What's wrong?"

June and Lulu exchanged a glance, and Lulu took the lead in speaking.

"I thought we were best friends, Nicole; why didn't you tell us you have a boyfriend?"

June also looked at Nicole with quizzical eyes.

"Yeah, Nicole.I thought we were best friends."

'Boyfriend? What boyfriend?' Nicole looked at the two of them and was confused.

She held her forehead as if she had a headache and then looked over at Bill.

"What did you tell them?"

Bill waved his hand innocently, saying that he had done nothing; the girls had guessed it by themselves, and she should not blame him.

But Lulu would not back down until she got the answer. She sat down next to Nicole and stared at her threateningly.

"It's time to talk, Nicole. Tell us the truth."

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