Shawn looked at the girl in front of him, almost applauding her calmness and sanity as he seemed to see in her the soul he had been looking for. He tried his best to ignore some strange emotion inside him.

His eyes were filled with a faint sense of wariness when he looked at Nicole, his voice no longer calm and natural but reeked of apparent anxiety. "None of us can guarantee it," he said.

There was no smile on his face as he gave Nicole a meaningful look.

"Just by delaying for a second, your loved ones will be in more danger.Are you sure you want to gamble with me?"

Shawn could preempt any action she took.

Nicole knew very well that she would have no choice but to compromise in this negotiation.

She took off her coat, leaving only a tight vest and cargo pants, and then put the only things - two mobile phones - she was carrying on the floor.

Then she quickly took the rope, skillfully tied up her legs and feet, and finally, put her hands into the handcuffs handed over by a guy, gently knocked them on the floor, and the handcuffs click-locked in an instant. She stood there with hands and feet tied, but she looked nonchalant.

"Now what?"

Shawn beckoned the guys behind him, and immediately a man came up and examined Nicole.

The man was none other than the scar-faced guy who had to crawl out of the room in fright just now.

He looked at Nicole with resentment, trying to seek his revenge while examining Nicole. He pulled on the rope that Nicole had tied professionally, and seeing that there was no room for further tightening, he let go of the rope with indignation and punched Nicole in her abdomen.

Nicole did not look at him.

Instead, she looked at Shawn with her pair of upturned eyes.

"Is this how you all are doing things?"

Shawn looked at her and was bemused. He did not notice what Scarface did until Nicole spoke.

As he snapped back from his thoughts, a fit of indescribable anger surged inside him.

Scarface looked triumphant and was hitting Nicole, unaware of what was coming from behind him.

Before he knew it, he was kicked in the back by Shawn.


He screamed and fell to the floor, pain awakening his ferocity. He stared back to find the person who kicked him but was surprised to see Shawn and those burly guys' frosty eyes.

"I'll chop off your hand if you dare to touch her again. Shawn glanced at Nicole with mixed feelings.

He ordered someone to pick up her mobile phones, checked and put them in his pocket, then beckoned, blindfolded Nicole, and followed up with a handkerchief full of ether.

He had to be sure, just in case, as Nicole was too powerful.

Shawn watched Nicole's reaction nervously.

Fortunately, the sedative started to do its thing, and Nicole softened into his arms without resistance.

She felt unexpectedly lightweight.

Shawn thought for a moment and carried Nicole in his arms to the vehicle that had been parked up outside the Riddle Mansion.

Several cars roared away from the Riddle Mansion and sped toward an unknown location.

Snow looked at the scene below from the first floor of the mansion, covering her mouth with surprise, and then laughed gloatingly.

She did not know that Lyana was so capable and could mobilize so many people to abduct Nicole.

She called Karen and frowned at hearing the noise at the other end, but her voice remained gentle and gracious.

"Everything has gone according to plan, Mom."

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