Chapter 456

Arabella looked at Sharon through teary eyes and noticed that there were suddenly many more white hairs on Sharon's head. Chokingly, she called out, "Grandma."

"Oh!" Sharon responded and walked over, embracing Arabella and gently patting her long hair. "Good child, you've been away for so long. Grandma has missed you." Arabella also missed Sharon but was hesitant to visit her because of what had happened between her and Kenneth. She was afraid that Sharon would think she was playing games.

"Grandma, what happened to him? Why did he take a whole bottle of sleeping pills? Is it because he has trouble sleeping or is his mental state even worse?"

Sharon shook her head. "Kenneth didn't tell me anything. I only found out when I got to the hospital that he had taken a bottle of sleeping pills. The doctor said his mental indicators are all abnormal now, and his condition is probably even more severe than... than that three years ago. He can only rely on sleeping pills now."

Arabella's tears fell even harder, and her heart ached. She looked at Kenneth with a mix of blame and resentment. Fool, if you insisted on a divorce, then prove that your life is better without me. Who are you lying on a hospital bed for?

"Grandma, his condition requires continuous treatment. Haven't you consulted a doctor for him?"

"I did. I've even invited a medical team to Floweret Garden, but Kenneth refuses to cooperate with the treatment. He keeps sneaking out, and I know he sneaked out to see you." Sharon tightly held Arabella's tiny hands. "Bella, I know this might sound selfish, but Kenneth really... can't be without you."

Tears rose in Arabella's tiny face, and she bit her red lips. She shook her head, feeling deeply wronged. "That's not true, Grandma. You don't know. He doesn't like me anymore. He doesn't want me. It was his idea to divorce, and he forbade me from telling you about all this. He has been treating me so badly..."

Sharon wiped Arabella's tears away with her hand. "Bella, you're such a silly girl. How can Kenneth not want you or like you? He likes you too much, which is why he wants to divorce you and push you away." Arabella's slender shoulders trembled as she expressed her confusion and disbelief. "I don't understand..."

"Bella, did you test poison and concoct medicine for Kenneth?" Sharon asked.

Arabella froze as she looked at Sharon through her tear-filled eyes. Then her gaze fell upon Kenneth's face. So they both knew...

"Bella, we both know it. Kenneth told me. He said it's been hard for you to stay by his side, and he said he couldn't give you anything. He even asked me not to call you or tell you about his terrible condition. Bella, you are his remedy, but he can only push you away with a heavy heart. If he had any other way, he wouldn't have let it come to divorce. He loves you so much."

Arabella realized how foolish she had been. She was a complete fool. How could she believe that he didn't like her anymore?

He was just acting.

He wanted to push her away.

"But what about him and Stephany, Grandma? Don't you know that he was in the same room with Stephany at that time? I was banging on the door outside, begging him to come out quickly, but he ignored me..."

Whenever she thought of that incident, it tore at Arabella's heart. The resentment and grievances she had been suppressing burst forth, and she wanted to tell Grandma everything and let Grandma know how terrible he had been to her.

Arabella cried incessantly, gasping for breath. Her delicate shoulders trembled. "Grandma, I don't like him being with other women. Even if he has a thousand reasons to be forgiven, I can't accept it. He said he belongs to me, that he is only mine. How could he let those women who covet him into his bed? He is mine..."

As Arabella spoke, a coldness flashed in Sharon's eyes. Kenneth was her grandson, and he had dealt a blow to himself. She would investigate the situation, and that's how she discovered that Stephany had drugged him.

Sharon had lived for over half a century and had never encountered such a despicable woman as Stephany. Stephany was practically seeking death.

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