Chapter 369

The operation lasted eight hours. From early morning to evening, the red light in the operating room was always on, and no one came out.

At six o'clock in the evening, as the night slowly fell, with a squeak, the door of the operating room was finally opened, and someone came out. Arabella, who was wearing a white coat, came out.

Mr. Gilbert, Ms. Roth, Rebecca, and many others quickly walked to her, but none of them were as fast as Maddox. Maddox rushed forward and grabbed Arabella's shoulder. "Ugly girl, how is the operation going? How is my grandma doing now?"

Arabella reached out and took off the white mask on her face, revealing the veil inside. Her greasy forehead was beaded with sweat after eight hours of work. Looking into everyone's expectant eyes, she smiled, "The operation... is successful."


Everyone cheered in disbelief. This operation, which was judged to be a failure by the medical community, really succeeded. It was a success!

Maddox's anger at being slapped died away because of the good news and he didn't detest her that much anymore. "Ugly girl, you're lucky this time. I'll let you go first..."

Before he finished speaking, Arabella's legs went limp, and she slid to the ground.

"Hey, ugly girl!" Maddox was startled, quickly put his arm around Arabella's waist, and pulled her back. Maddox's hand froze for a moment. Her waist was thin and soft, and an arm was enough to hold it.

She was an ugly girl but had a good figure. An evil thought suddenly popped into Maddox's head.

But the next second, Arabella was snatched away by Rebecca. Rebecca helped Arabella sit on the chair and asked worriedly, "Bella, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Mr. Gilbert came over and laughed, "Bella is exhausted because of eight hours of work. Just drink some water and take a rest."

At this moment, the nurse pushed out Mina, who hadn't yet woken up from the anesthesia after the surgery. All her physical indicators were normal, and she was sent to the ward. Maddox glanced at Arabella and then turned to look at his grandmother.

After the eight-hour operation, his white coat was still clean and spotless, and he was still cold and elegant. Just after washing his hands, he handed Arabella a glass of hot water. "Dr. Snyder, you performed very well today."

He called her Dr. Snyder.

Arabella got her strength back after a rest. She took the water glass and looked at Tyrone. "Academician Lucero, you're also great today."

The two of them had worked together in the street of Faykarta two years ago, and this time there was an unspeakable tacit understanding between them. Now they looked at each other with a smile. "Tyrone and Bella, you're both very impressive. Tonight is my treat. Let's go," Mr. Gilbert announced.

Everyone started to cheer. "Hooray for Bella, Hooray for Academician Lucero, Hooray for Ms. Lucero!"

At this time, the Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly stopped at the gate of Confidential Medical Institute, and Kenneth came to pick up Arabella from work.

He had known the success of this operation early because Twitter and all major TV stations were scrambling to report it.

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