My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 74 – Assistant duties

Lila's POV

“Sarah?” I said, standing to my feet. “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to check out the new art gallery that just opened,” Sarah said, raising her brows. “But my question is, what are you doing here?”

“I work here,” I explained. “As Cassidy-Ann’s assistant.”

"You?" Sarah nearly scoffed. “What would she want with someone like you?"

That sounded like an insult, but I ignored it, allowing it to brush off my back.

“She liked the portrait I made of Professor Enzo. She said I have real potential and wanted me to start here as her assistant,” I said in return.

At that point, the other girls had disappeared to continue their own work. They were Cassidy-Ann’s artists, so they stayed in their own section of the studio, painting for the next art show. Which I knew was going to be held soon and I would have to help with that.

“I see...” Sarah said, almost bitterly.

It was like she was disregarding the entire apology she made to me a few days ago. But I knew she wasn't being genuine as soon as I figured out, she was forced to apologize to me.

"Well, clearly, she doesn't know real talent. As soon as she sees my paintings, you will be last month's news,” Sarah said, batting her long lashes and throwing a lock of her hair over her shoulder. I wanted to ask her what happens to us being friends. But I decided against it. It wasn't worth the time, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be friends with someone who was forced to make a heartfelt apology to me.

"She's always looking for new talent,” I say with a shrug. “I can always book you an appointment and you can consult with her.”

I sat back down at my desk and glanced at my computer.

“You are doing a very nice job, Lila. I'm so glad you are here,” she breathed as she took a sip of her coffee.

“I really appreciate the opportunity,” I said in return. “I'm hoping that one day I could open my own studio and paint the world as I see it through my eyes.”

“I hope that for you as well,” Cassidy-Ann said with a kind smile.

I went back to my desk and continued to do my initial task. Which was invoicing for the last batch of paintings that Cassidy had sent.

Once again, I could hear the gossiping of the painters from across the studio and I couldn't help but wonder if they had anything better to do than sit there and gossip.

It was strange that they were asking me about my father. Of course, everybody knew Alpha Bastien and not many knew I was his daughter. I wondered how they even found this information out and why it mattered.

“I'm getting a strange feeling,” Val said with unease.

I could feel her anxieties and it was making me feel unwell. I was also getting a bad feeling. Like something was about to happen that neither of us was going to like.

I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out my phone.

I had a couple of missed texts from Brianna, just wishing me luck in my new job. Same with my mother.

I also had a missed call from Rachel, and I grew nervous wondering what could possibly be wrong. I wanted to call her back, but I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day of work. I shoved my phone back into my desk drawer and took a deep breath.

Maybe that's all it was. A feeling. That didn't mean anything bad was going to happen.

But then again, I couldn't help but think about Enzo. I wondered what he was doing at that moment and who he was with. He spent a lot of his time with Connie, and I felt uneasy thinking about it.

I shook the thought of my head; I couldn't let him distract me.

Not again.

Just as I brushed the thought out of my mind, a couple of those gossiping artists appeared. The same ones that were asking about my father. They were giggling with one another as they stood in front of my desk.

“Can I help you?” I asked, raising my brows.

"We were wondering... because you are Bastien’s daughter, and you are a student at the academy... do you happen to know Alpha Enzo?” One of them asked.

I stared between the two curious girls and then I was starting to realize why I was getting a bad feeling.

“I do,” I answered, nodding my head once.

They both giggled again.

"He's so hot,” the other cooed. “I don't know how you can stand being in the same room with him without ripping his clothing off.”

"He's my professor,” I said quickly, feeling my face warming. “Why do you ask anyways?”

They looked at one another and then looked at me.

"Would you maybe be able to introduce us to him? We want to see if he'd pick one of us for his chosen mate!”

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