My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 66 – Going into heat!

Lila's POV

Having Enzo here at the Nova packhouse was not something I wanted. But I wasn't going to argue with my father about it. He was keen on having him here to thank him for helping me in the fire.

It's not like I could tell my family the reason why I didn’t want him here. Now I just had to hope that Enzo would decline the offer. I don't think he wanted to see me either. I thought he would try to avoid me at all costs.

My father went to call Enzo while my mother and I talked a little more in the kitchen.

"Did anybody get seriously hurt?” She asked. “I heard the host was in critical condition.”

“Ryan...” I told her sadly. “Rachel's boyfriend. He was the host.”

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands as she peered over at me.

“Rachel as in your roommate?” She asked, eyeing me carefully.

I nodded once.

“We don't know if he’s going to be okay. But we are hoping for the best. She won't leave the hospital until she knows for sure. I stayed with her last night and Becca is staying with her for the next couple of days. She told me I needed to rest too,” I explained.

My mother’s eyes showed such sadness that it tugged at my heart. She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my body.

Val was instantly relaxed from the comfort of my mother. She liked my mother and enjoyed being around her. She knew that my mother meant so much to me and being near her meant home.

“I'm so sorry,” she breathed. “I'm sorry you had to go through all this and I'm sorry your friends are suffering.”

I didn't wake up until Val got a whiff of Enzo from nearby. I was groggy when he arrived, but Val was wide awake and going nuts due to his incredible smell.

I had to admit that it was practically mouth-watering.

My heart was beating so heavily in my chest that I could barely contain myself. I thought about Enzo and his lips on me; the way he kissed me in the past left me in complete turmoil. I wasn't sure why that was all of a sudden in my mind, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

A smile tugged at my lips as I thought about his mouth trailing down the nape of my neck and nibbling every corner he could get to. I could physically feel his fingers on my flesh, pulling down my clothing until I was revealed to him fully.

The way he felt pressed against me and the way I felt his bulge against my pelvis was mind-blowing. I closed my eyes, envisioning him in my room and having his way with me. Those were thoughts I never thought I would have. But I couldn't help myself.

I wasn't sure if they were my thoughts or Val's, but regardless, I could practically feel him with me, and it was making my entire body warm.

In fact, I was getting grossly warm. My pale skin was turning a light shade of pink, and I felt my nipples hardening without much control. It was a strange sensation; they felt tender to the touch, and I had to press my hands against them to keep them from causing too much pain.

My body continued to warm to the point where my skin began to sizzle slightly. I wiggled uncomfortably in bed, feeling .my lower abdomen warm as well and tingling. I squeezed my legs together to keep myself under control, but I couldn't contain myself.

A small whimper of distress escaped my lips as I continued to wiggle against my bed, trying to get some sort of relief.

My body was practically on fire.

It felt as hot as it was when I was in the house that caught on fire.

Enzo was only in the next room, which was the guest room. Everyone else was downstairs in the main packhouse kitchen.

I knew Enzo was in the next room. I could feel him.

At that moment, I needed to get my clothes off before I died of a heat stroke. I grabbed my blouse and threw it over my head and to the ground, doing the same thing with my pants. it left me in only my bra and underwear.

That didn't seem to be enough though; the heat of my lower abdomen was growing more intense due to my underwear and my nipples felt like they were chafing against my bra.

I had to get them off too.

I kicked my underwear to the ground and unhooked my bra, allowing that to fall to the ground too. I wasn't in the right frame of mind, and I knew that. But I needed to find relief and Val was so sure that Enzo could be the one to help us.

I whimpered again as I pressed myself against the wall, rubbing my body to calm it down. It was like trying to scratch an itch that wasn't there.

I finally and my way to Enzo’s door and knocked ferociously.

There was hesitance on the other side of the door, but soon, he opened it, and his eyes found mine. Then they lowered and darkened.

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