My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 52 – Moving into the packhouse.

Enzo's POV

"Alpha John is requesting a meeting with you,” Beta Ethan said during a mindlink. “He agreed to meet you somewhere in Higala. Perhaps a coffee shop in the morning.”

“Did he say what it's about?” I asked, curiosity piquing my interest. It was odd that John would request a last-minute meeting like this. It was out of character.

“I asked and he said it was a personal matter,” Ethan said in return.

“I see,” I said, thinking carefully about this. “All right. We can meet at the coffee shop in the morning. 8:00 am.”

“I'll let him know,” Ethan said as he disconnected the link.

The next morning.

The coffee shop was fairly busy in the morning with the college students all scrambling to get their morning coffee before their first rounds of classes.

I knew I wasn't going to see Lila this morning because coffee wasn't something she typically drank. She was a tea drinker.

I wasn't even sure how or why I knew that information.

“You think about her often,” Max teased. “It's like you can't help yourself.”

“Shut up,” I seethed between my teeth.

Nothing else was said by my wolf.

I saw Alpha John sitting in a booth with a cup of coffee laid out in front of him. He was sipping it gradually, staring at the dark elixir in the cup.

I went to him and took my seat in the booth before him, and he genuinely looked pleased to see me.

“I'm in charge of all the workers in the packhouse,” she explained. “I do most of the cooking as well. Like a mother.”

"Oh, you're the head maid,” she said, almost dismissively. “Got it.”

Dee frowned at her choice of words.

“I'll be cooking dinner for this evening. If you'd like to join me in the kitchen, that would be wonderful,” Dee offered.

Bethany frowned at the suggestion and gave Dee a disgusted look.

“I don't cook,” she said bitterly. “The help does that.”

Dee tensed at Bethany’s words before turning away.

"I see,” Dee muttered. “Well, if you want to be treated like any other pack member, then I suggest you get off your high horse and help me in the kitchen. If not, then that's fine. I'll fetch you once dinner is ready.”

Dee wasn't afraid to tell it how it was and Bethany kind of admired that. Not that she would ever tell anyone that.

Bethany decided to go to her new room and unpack her belongings.

Her room was smaller than she would have wanted, but it had a nice view of the ocean out the bay window and there was a decent-sized bathroom inside the room.

If she was going to be here for a while, she was going to have to decorate the room how she liked it. Floral designs were practically a crime.

Knock knock!

There was a small woman standing at her doorway. She had a faint smile on her face as she looked up at Bethany and her face reddened slightly. She looked a bit timid, but she bowed her head slightly.

“Dee asked if I could get you for dinner,” the woman said.

Bethany said nothing as she brushed past this woman and down the stairs. She hadn't eaten all day, so she was kind of hungry. Not that she ate much anyways; she had a figure to maintain after all. She went into the kitchen and frowned when she saw the stew in a bowl on the counter. Dee glanced at her and then at the stew.

“That's for you,” Dee said.

"Stew?" Bethany asked with a disgusted look on her face.

“It's delicious,” Dee assured her. “Try it.”

Bethany groaned, but she was too hungry to deny this meal, so she went to the bowl and took a bite. It instantly tasted odd; she didn't like it and she made it painfully known to Dee.

“What the hell is in it?” Bethany asked, pushing the bowl away. “How do you fuck up making stew?” Dee's frown deepened.

“I didn’t mess anything up. It's a new recipe. A collab of two recipes actually,” Dee explained. “It's half my recipe and half Lila's recipe.”

“Lila?” Bethany couldn't help but ask.

The same name as that student at school.

"Yes. She's a young girl that visits occasionally. She's a friend of Enzo. If you ask me, I think he has a little crush on her,” Dee chuckled.

That piqued Bethany's interest.

“A crush you say? How interesting...”

Who was this Lila girl?

She couldn't possibly be the same person.

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