My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 35 – Healing powers

Lila's POV

I woke up with a start, glancing around my dark dorm room.

It wasn't like I had a bad dream or anything, but it certainly felt like I had.

A feeling like this had never happened before.

I glanced over at the clock, frowning that it was only 3 am. I glanced over at Rachel from across the room and saw that she was sleeping soundly in her bed.

My mother had left hours ago to return to Elysium, but I told her I would be going there over the weekend to work on practicing using my abilities. She told me as long as I keep calm, I can control them.

I thought maybe this was just my abilities resurfacing, so I took a deep breath.

It wasn't until Val woke that I realized it wasn’t my abilities that were causing this feeling. Val's words only confirmed my fears.

“It's our mate,” she gasped. “Something is wrong!”

I don't know how I knew where he was. I shifted into my wolf form and allowed Val to take me to the Calypso pack. We raced through the quiet streets until we were enclosed in the Calypso Forest. His scent was all over the place and it was so intoxicating. I had to stop for a moment to gather my thoughts, but then I smelled the fresh scent of blood and I knew I didn’t have time to sit and think any longer.

My heart was racing so wildly, I thought it was going to jump out of my chest.

I heard the soft sounds of groaning as I continued through the forest. Val knew exactly where to go and then we stopped when we saw him.

Enzo was leaning against the tree, and it seemed the color in his face was draining before my eyes. I realized that his shirt was covered in blood. Even as weak as he looked, he was ripping his shirt off his body, revealing the gaping and darkening wound on his stomach.

That's when I saw the dagger sticking out of his back. With trembling fingers, he pulled the dagger out and screamed in pain.

The wound was giant and filled with so much blood, but I also saw that it was turning black around the edges.

I paused when I realized something.

"Was it who attacked your mom? I asked. “Is that who stabbed you? Was it the same wolf?”

He paused as well; his silence was all the answer I needed.

“In what direction did they go?” I asked, feeling a wave of fury boiling through me.

He snapped me a look and I saw anger flashing in his eyes.

"You aren't going to do anything. You are going to stay clear of them. Understood?” He seethed. His tone was dark and sent a chill down my spine; I knew better than to argue with him.

But these monsters couldn't get away with this.

“You don’t want to do anything?” I asked; I couldn't hide the disappointment in my tone.

“I didn't say that,” he said, turning away from me and walking toward the packhouse.

“Then, why can't I help?”

“Because it's not your battle, Lila,” he said; he was sounding annoyed now. I knew better than to press him.

He paused in his tracks, making me run into him. I looked up, startled by the quick stop.

“I saw my portrait in the art room earlier,” he said coldly.

My heart fell into my stomach.

“I can explain...”

“Explain why a portrait that was meant as a gift to my injured mother is sitting in the art room waiting to be submitted to the art exhibit?”

“l was going to tell you..."

“Tell me how you used me to get an A on your project?”

I was surprised by his accusation and a little hurt. He really thought I would use him like that?

“It was a mistake,” I explained, shaking my head at him. “I grabbed the wrong painting. I had another portrait I was going to present. A family portrait. But I grabbed yours instead...”

“And you didn't think to correct that mistake? Instead, you lead Miss Grace to believe that I gave you permission to present my portrait as your project. You lied to her and left me to clean up the mess.”

Clean up the mess?

Oh, goddess. What did he do?

I lowered my gaze, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread. I was going to fail this class and make Enzo hate me.

My heart was so heavy.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” I breathed, keeping my eyes fixated on the ground. “I'll apologize to Miss Grace first thing in the morning. Maybe it's not too late to submit my actual project.”

“Don’t bother; she already thinks my portrait is your project. The damage is done.”

He turned away again and began to walk.

I stood my ground, confused.

“I thought you said you cleaned up the mess,” I called after him.

“I did,” he muttered. “I confirmed your lie and told her I gave you permission.” He paused and glanced over his shoulder, staring at my stunned face. “Now we are even.”

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