Chapter 51 He's Hungry

Instantly, the atmosphere in the car crackled with tension.

When Faye thought Colin would lose his temper, the latter reached out and touched her head dotingly, saying, "Baby, it's a good idea, but don't think about it anymore." Faye froze...

Then, he opened the car drawer, took out the cigarette case, fiddled with it for a while, knocked one cigarette out, and put it into his mouth, asking, "Shall we go back to the show?"

Faye expressionlessly stared at him for a moment and then turned her head ahead to start the car.

And neither of them spoke on the way back.

When they were about to arrive, Colin rolled down the car window and flicked the cigarette out with his slender fingers, asking, "Why are you tired of it? Do you think my tricks are too few?"

Faye slammed on the brakes, looked at him as if looking at a fool, pushed open the door, got out of the car, and walked away in high heels.

Colin narrowed his eyes when staring after her in the passenger seat and then showed a faint smile.

When Faye returned to the show, the others were sitting at the dining table.

Sebastian had made breakfast. Seeing Faye, he got up, took out her slippers, and asked in a low voice, "Did you go out last night?"

Faye thanked him, bent down to change shoes, and said, "Yes, I dealt with some work last night."

Sebastian nodded and said in a low voice that only the two of them could hear, "I heard Mason injured a staff member of a theater."

Faye didn't answer but smiled lightly.

"Sebastian's fondness for Faye is too obvious."

"Cradle-snatcher love is so cute."

"Faye is mine! No one can snatch her from me."

"Let go of Faye! She is mine!"

Faye had unwittingly attracted a lot of fans, and they left comments every day and said that she was theirs.

After putting on the slippers, Faye walked to the dining table together with Sebastian.

Flora winked at them and teased, "Sebastian, there are sparks in your eyes when you look at Faye."

Hearing this, Sebastian blushed with shyness, hurriedly put a bowl of porridge in front of Faye, and said, "It's seafood porridge. I hope you will like it." Faye said, "Thank you."

When they were eating quietly, Colin suddenly appeared at the door in a royal blue shirt, looking dashing.

Flora and Gail blushed as soon as they saw him.

Flora asked, "Colin, have you had breakfast?"

Gail asked, "Colin, did you go out for a morning run?"

Colin draped his suit jacket on his sturdy forearm when walking to the living room and said, "No, I haven't had breakfast yet."

Flora looked at Colin like a teenage girl in love and said, "Would you like some seafood porridge? Sebastian made it, and it tastes good."

When Colin glanced at Sebastian, the latter was putting some food onto Faye's plate with flushed ears.

Colin had answered Flora's question instead of Gail's, so the latter was unhappy. After a pause, she reluctantly asked again, "Colin, did you go for a morning run just now?" Colin glanced at her with a playful look in his eyes and replied, "Yes, do you want to run with me?"

Gail nodded, "I also have the habit of running in the morning. Can I join you tomorrow?"

Colin loosened his tie with his fingers with a wicked smile and refused, "No."

"F*ck! Why is Colin so tempting when saying no to others?"

"Bad! Both Flora and Gail like Colin."

"Guess who he likes more?"

"I feel like it's Flora."

After breakfast, everyone went to do their own business. Faye talked with Fanny briefly and then went back to her room.

She hadn't slept well last night, so she was in a bad state today. She went into the bathroom to wash her face and then casually picked up a book to read.

Although she was holding the book, she was so sleepy that she could not even read a word of it. If she had not had strong willpower, she would have long fallen asleep. When she was flipping through the book, her phone vibrated on her lap.

She looked over and saw a message pop up on the screen.

Colin said, "The camera in your room monitor has been turned off. You can sleep now!

When Faye looked up at the camera, she found the red light on it had gone out. It seemed it had indeed been turned off.

She felt relaxed and threw the book aside. When she was about to lie down, Colin sent her another message, saying, "You go to bed first, and I'll go to accompany you later."

Faye stared at the screen of the phone for a few seconds and got out of bed with a cold face. When she was about to lock the door, her phone vibrated again with the third message, saying, "Don't lock the door! Otherwise, everyone would know our relationship."

Faye was speechless, thinking Colin was a shameless rogue.

She stood by the door with her phone for a while and chose to obey his order in the end because she knew it was pointless to reason with a rascal.

Colin came in when Faye was soundly asleep, so she did notice it at all.

Feeling something warm behind her, she even subconsciously moved into his arms, and this move pleased him.

He grinned and hugged her tightly.

They didn't wake up until the afternoon. When Faye opened her eyes, she felt an arm on her waist and guessed whose arm it was without looking back.

She had slept very well and was too lazy to move now, so she did not get up but looked at the warm sunshine outside the window.

This winter was very cold. When she was lying in bed in the afternoon and feeling the warm sunshine coming in through the window, she felt very comfortable.

When she was enjoying this moment of peace, Colin tightened his hug and asked in a low voice, "Are you awake?"

Faye was enjoying the sun, so she replied lazily, "Yes."

He then rubbed his thin lips against her neck for her while and asked, "Are you hungry?"

She responded sluggishly, "No."

Hearing this, he whispered in her ear, "But I'm hungry."

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