Chapter 28

Daniel also realized that the circumstances had changed.

He discovered that she loved him genuinely, and likewise, he had no ulterior motives.

Today, it was the Xander family who was trying to exploit her, taking advantage of her unattainability.

However, Daniel believed in being open and honest.

“You probably know that Levine Group unilaterally terminated our cooperation. We hope the Coleman family can enter a marriage of convenience with us to overcome the crisis at Xander Group.” Daniel did not want to hide anything. The girl in front of him had nothing but clarity and pureness in her eyes.

Marissa, seated across from him, blinked her large eyes rhythmically. She regarded him affectionately and inquired, “What about you?”

She wanted to understand the extent to which his agreement to the marriage of convenience was voluntary versus driven by necessity.

With a few words, she conveyed a strong sense of determination, and for a moment, he felt a lump in his throat.

Daniel raised his coffee cup with his slender hand, took a sip, and responded with a touch of warmth in his typically cool tone, “If I had to choose someone, I’d prefer it to be you. I’m willing to put in the effort to love you for the rest of my life.”

It was a common saying that a man’s words couldn’t always be trusted.

Yet, Marissa believed that this was the response she had hoped for.

She had confidence in herself and faith in him.

If it were in the past, she might have been deeply moved by such a declaration and shed


But now, she needed to remain composed.

Marissa offered a slight smile, revealing a faint dimple on her left cheek.

Instead of replying verbally, she raised her coffee cup, inviting him to do the same, and they gently clinked their cups.

In reality, she was delighted.

She relished their private time together, feeling like they were on a date.

Chapter 28

However, she had to exercise some restraint.

Marissa had received advice from her elders, who emphasized the importance of maintaining composure, as assertive girls were often not well-received.

From her own experience, she knew it was true.

As she prepared to leave, Marissa offered Daniel some reassurance. “Regarding the marriage of convenience, I’ll discuss it with my family when I return.”

After conveying her intentions, she walked confidently toward the door where the driver was already waiting.

Once Marissa departed, Daniel sat alone, deep in thought.

After meeting Marissa, Daniel didn’t return home. Instead, he went to Blue Dusk, for he had no desire to deal with his family.

The only thing that could provide solace for his worries was alcohol.

It was a rare occurrence for Daniel to visit bars or nightclubs, but on this particular day. he yearned to break from his usual routine, engage in something out of the ordinary, and attempt to numb his troubled heart.

He made no effort to invite any of his friends. Instead, he chose to sit alone at the bar, where the bartender promptly handed him a drink, which he swiftly downed.

Daniel proceeded to order a variety of alcoholic beverages-vodka, Bl oody Mary, Alexander, gin, rum, and more.

Throughout this time, a few flirtatious women attempted to approach him, but he rebuffed their advances with his cold and disinterested demeanor.

Christopher and Noah coincidentally witnessed the scene.

“Hey, isn’t that Daniel, the heir of Xander Group? He’s actually getting drunk alone here,” Noah remarked, his tone laced with a hint of teasing.

Christopher was drinking and didn’t bother responding.

Noah, with a mischievous demeanor, commented, “I heard you severed ties with the Xander Group, all for Katherine’s sake. It was a rather ruthless move, like striking at the heart.”

Christopher hadn’t heard the name Katherine for a long time, and he knew Noah was joking

He cast a cold glance at Daniel before responding, “You’re partially correct. We did

terminate our cooperation, but it wasn’t because of Katherine. Over the past two years, Xander Group relied heavily on Levine Group for survival.”

“Originally, it was all for Grandpa’s sake,” he continued, “Levine Group isn’t a charity, and now that she’s divorced me, there’s no need to consider her anymore.

Noah couldn’t help but acknowledge that Christopher’s statement was well-structured and grounded in reason.

Yet, he sensed a unique attitude from Christopher toward Katherine.

His curiosity was aroused, and he desired to unveil the truth. “Even after the divorce, you seem quite committed to investigating her. May I infer that you still harbor feelings for your ex-wife?”

Noah experienced a sense of gratification. Christopher had always been unyielding, resembling an impenetrable fortress, and it was a rare occasion to discover a ch ink in

his armor.

Now, it appeared that Noah had located Christopher’s vulnerability, and that sensation was immensely satisfying to the former.

However, Christopher could read Noah’s thoughts with just a single glance and retorted, “You, the all-knowing detective, might face some challenges in the future. I had merely tasked you with finding someone, and you couldn’t even provide a lead.”

Christopher seldom criticized his friend, but today, because of that woman, he deviated from his usual composed demeanor.

He lifted his gaze slightly and observed that Daniel on the other side of the table was still drinking steadily.

Christopher, lost in contemplation, decided to confide his doubts, “I’ve heard that Daniel is pursuing your sister. Gregory, that cu nn ing man, seems to be attempting to get close to the Coleman family.”

Upon hearing Christopher’s words, Noah abruptly placed his glass on the table.

He found Marrisa’s behavior incredibly foolish. She had been chasing after Daniel for years without receiving any acknowledgment from him. It was evident that he was manipulating her, and she appeared content being a pawn in his game.

Alas, it seemed she would continue to be kind to the person who had betrayed her.

“It appears you’ve also noticed,” Noah remarked. “My house was in turmoil before I left. My unreliable sister insisted on marrying Daniel and even resorted to a hunger strike. And here’s Daniel, leisurely drowning himself in alcohol.”


Chapter 28

Noah gave Daniel a displeased look, as though he genuinely wanted to approach the latter and give him a piece of his mind.

However, Christopher shook his head in resignation and patted Noah on the shoulder, signaling for him to stay composed.

“Gregory is considered one of ‘the best’ in Norham. He first traded his daughter, gaining two years of prosperity for Xander Group. Now, he’s planning to trade his son,” Christopher remarked.

As he said this, he unexpectedly felt a twinge of sympathy for Katherine.

He thought to himself, ‘But that woman left the Levine family and cut ties with the Xander family. How will she support herself? Will she end up handing out flyers on some small-town street or working as a waitress or dishwasher in a restaurant?”

The more Christopher pondered it, the more restless he became. He wondered when he had become so lacking in self-control.

Noah and Christopher had initially gone out to catch up, but unexpectedly, they crossed paths with Daniel, disrupting what was supposed to be a leisurely evening. Noah swirled his glass and raised it above his head, clinking it with Christopher’s.

His expression was icy. He showed a touch of disdain as he spoke nonchalantly. “Let’s enjoy ourselves and not concern ourselves with all those complicated matters. We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it.”


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