Chapter 25

Despite that, Kimberly and Olivia were willing parties.

This was the tacit understanding they had between them.

They were not biological sisters but were closer than biological sisters.

In the past, when Kimberly was still unaware of her true identity as Larson, she was Kristin’s step-sister.

However, despite their familial ties, they were no better than strangers.

Not only did Kristin not treat Kimberly as her sister, but she was also actively taking steps to guard against her for fear that Kimberly would take away Kristin’s perks of being the daughter of an affluent family.

On the other hand, Daniel was cold to Kimberly. There were no brother and sister exchanges between them.

Therefore, Kimberly very much cherished the friendship she shared with Olivia.

The amusement park was huge, and there were many rides available. As it was the weekend, it was jam-packed with people.

Looking around, most of the visitors were either couples on dates or families with children.

If it weren’t for Kimberly’s badgering, Vincent would never visit this kind of place.

He found it somewhat childish.

However, after experiencing the park rides and attractions, he felt it was pretty good. Gurgle…

Just as everyone was deciding which attraction to visit next, Kimberly’s unborn babies, Dexter, Sebastian, and Candice, voiced their dissatisfaction.

Glancing down at his luxury watch, Vincent gently guided Kimberly to the entrance. “It’s already some time past noon. Come on, Kimberly, let’s go for lunch. We wouldn’t want to starve the babies now, would we?”

However, Kimberly felt that she hadn’t had enough fun just yet. It was too bad that her belly had betrayed her wishes to stay.

It had been a long time since she was this relaxed. In the meantime, Vincent had already opened the car door for her.

Chapter 25


With reluctant eyes, Kimberly turned back to have one last look at the amusement park before going into the car. It was like she was silently protesting because she was unsatisfied and wanted more.

Olivia saw right through her intentions.

Olivia knew her too well. It was in Kimberly’s nature to do so.

If she saw her favorite food, she would start a food-bingeing session and devour everything she loved until she felt nauseous.

If she found a good book, she would read the whole thing in one sitting, even if it meant sacrificing her sleep.

During her university years, in order to hide from her dormitory manager, Kimberly would always read her books secretly under the covers.

Therefore, Olivia knew Kimberly was really bummed out because she couldn’t go on most of the amusement park attractions.

Once her compulsions were triggered, they would not stop within an hour or two.

Hence, to deal with Kimberly’s irrational behavior. Olivia teased, “Kimberly, although you’re about to be a mom, you’re still so childish. I’m sure you already know this amusement park belongs to you. So, you can always come back here after you’ve given birth.”

Then, she poked Kimberly’s forehead before continuing, “I know you to go on so many rides it makes you sick to your stomach and not feel like coming

too well. You want again for a few years, right?”

When Olivia nagged at her, Kimberly smiled sheepishly, and the dissatisfaction in her heart dissipated.

At this moment, Vincent said. “There’s a good restaurant I know of. Their desserts are tasty. What do you think, miladies?”

As far as Kimberly and Olivia were concerned, good food was irresistible.

They were not picky about where they got their meal from, as long as it was good. Therefore, they believed that wherever Vincent recommended could not be too bad. “Okay, we’ll check out that restaurant. Vincent, please go a bit faster! My stomach is rumbling!” Kimberly complained. She felt that she was about to die of hunger.

After Vincent shifted gears, he stomped on the gas before gently reminding the two, “Sit tight, my queens. We are about to take off!”

With a whoosh, the car sped off. Kimberly and Olivia reflexively grabbed onto the handles on each side of the car.

Olivia screamed, “Vincent! Go slower! Don’t you know there’s a pregnant lady here in the back?” In reality, Olivia was the one who was scared. Meanwhile, the pregnant lady in question, Kimberly, was unperturbed.

Looking at how pathetic Olivia was acting, Kimberly laughed without remorse at the back.

In no time, they reached their destination.

Vincent was actually a regular at this restaurant.

When the manager saw them, he quickly greeted them..

He was smiling car to car as if he had just seen Lady Luck in person.

“Mr. Sullivan and missus, this way, please, the manager said before turning around and leading them inside.

Kimberly looked at her surroundings. “This looks like a good place. Vincent sure has good taste,” she thought.

The restaurant’s exterior seemed plain. As if complementing the shops around it, its style blended well with the surroundings.

However, as soon as one walked into the shop, the interior was elegant yet innovative. The feeling it gave was not one of extravagance and luxury but more of a refined and dignified air.

Clearly, the owner of this establishment had a unique taste.

Vincent had called the manager prior to their arrival.

As soon as they sat in the private room, the waiters served their food. Judging by this, it could be said that their service was truly impeccable.

The restaurant proprietor was sharp in the sense that they knew how the wealthy greatly valued their time.

For example, they could earn up to a couple of millions during the time spent waiting for their food to be served.

Hence, after Vincent’s call, the manager analyzed the time required for the restaurant to prepare the dishes based on the location Vincent was at, the traffic conditions, and the type of dishes that were ordered.

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Chapter 25

That way, once the customers were seated, they could seamlessly serve the dishes with a minimal waiting time.

According to Vincent, Hidden Gem was the name of the restaurant. It was a famous. establishment in Dellmoor, and its customers were often dignitaries and wealthy.

The restaurant’s top-tier taste and service made it one of the evergreen favorites for the people in Dellmoor.

At this moment, Kimberly was famished. As soon as she saw the delicious food in front of her, she threw away her decorum and scarfed down the food.

“Kimberly was indeed hungry,” Vincent remarked inwardly. Moreover, he noted that pregnant women consumed much more energy than ordinary people.

It was no wonder that when she was at work, Frederick would keep feeding her.

The ice cream she had during the amusement park visit was not enough.

Vincent had never seen her like this. So, he thought that his plan to take Kimberly out. for a chance to unwind had worked.

As Vincent filled her plate with food she loved, he also reminded her not to eat too fast. “Slow down, Kimberly. You need to save some room for dessert.”,

“Vincent, do I look like a glutton right now? I’ve totally forgotten this restaurant is famous for its desserts,” Kimberly said with her mouth full.

I you mentioned

Compared to Kimberly’s rough eating habits, Olivia ate gracefully.

After all, Vincent was still a stranger to her at this moment.

She wasn’t that acquainted with Vincent.

It was best for a girl to be reserved and mind her own manners in public.

Moreover, she felt uneasy with the way Kimberly crammed food into her mouth. So, she would take it upon herself to remind Kimberly to go slower for fear of choking herself.

The desserts were finally served.

Knowing this was the first time the two girls were there, Vincent spared no expense on the food, ordering all of the restaurant’s signature pastry dishes.

The pastries included shortcakes, a Chocolate Mousse cake, Opera cakes, soufflé, sandwiches, and macarons.

Kimberly was stunned by the assortment of pastries in front of her. Unfortunately, just as Vincent predicted, she didn’t have any space for dessert anymore.

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