My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 545 - Matters Of The Heart

Chapter 545 - Matters of the Heart

Camille didn't make any euphemisms just because Horace was a financing representative for Armstrong Corp. She stared directly at Horace and waited for his answer.

The latter naturally nodded in agreement.

It just so happened that his assistant also drove over in his car, and he just nodded his head down at the two of them to say goodbye, and then got in the car.

Once the car door was closed, Camille then looked to Grace and asked, "What's the deal with Horace? How did you get into this project?"

I thought it was just Armstrong Corp joining the project, but how did it turn out that the financing company would arrange someone to intervene in the project?

Camille from the first glance of Horace has questions, but because of the crowd is not appropriate to ask so this is held back until now. Grace sighed lightly and whispered, "This is a necessary condition for financing, because Armstrong Corp's situation today does not have a project that can satisfy the other side, so Dad went to great lengths to find Grandpa Qi hoping that he could agree to Armstrong Corp to join this cooperation, after all the information and data to organize after After that, he submitted all the information and materials to get the financing.”

Camille furrowed her brow, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I also only found out yesterday, Dad also hid something from me before, probably because he was worried that I would be uncertain to consult you.”

Grace is also helpless, in fact, she does not quite approve of this financing, but BrodyPage side but want Armstrong Corp to rise again back to the top, so completely ignore other issues, just can not wait to get this huge amount of financing.

According to Brody's words, "This opportunity doesn't come along all the time, and since we've come across it, we can't miss it, and we have to do whatever it takes to get this financing."

As soon as the financing is in hand, then Armstrong Corp will be able to restore its past glory.

Camille looked at Grace with a somewhat heavy face, especially since Grace's words made her have some less than understandable questions about the matter.

But she did not say it, but only lightly reminded: "You pay more attention to everything, if there is anything need to tell me directly, in addition, except for yourself, do not trust anyone 100%, eh?"

This is not the first time Camille has said this to her.

Grace has always lived in an environment where she has never suffered, and naturally has not seen too much darkness, so there are things Camille has a hundred times more experience than her, but is worried that she can not bear, so can only hint to mention her.

After seeing Grace and Horace leave by car, Camille stood still for a long time.

She waited until Dan drove up, and only then did she withdraw her gaze and get into the car.

Dan asked, "Something on your mind?"

Camille shook her head, "It's okay."

Some things have not been confirmed, and she naturally does not talk nonsense.

Just the heart of this financing is not so agreeable, because or her previous that doubt, not proportional to the interest is difficult to make her believe that the other financing does not have any purpose.

But everything is still just her guess, if there is really a problem sooner or later will find out, then let's talk about it then.

Camille was not the only one who had doubts, but also Ayan.

After returning to the office, Ayan immediately instructed Kian: "Check the background of this Horace and the financial company that financed Armstrong Corp before you sign a contract with Armstrong Corp." Because the Armstrong family has been keeping the financing company and information confidential, Ayan doesn't know much about Horace and the company behind Horace's financing.

Originally his idea is very simple, after all, the financing company is Armstrong Corp, with Armstrong Corp today's situation the other side want to have a picture also difficult, but now Armstrong Corp joined the project becomes different, there are any problems this project may be reduced to nothing.

So Ayan had to be careful.

In particular, Horace's remarks in the meeting that rebutted him made Ayan deeply interested in this man.

Where does a newcomer get the courage to question and refute his words on his turf?

This makes it hard for him not to be curious about Horace.

Before that, Kian made a query about what Austin had just said.

Kian said, "Master Simpson, if Austin does take Mrs. Norman out of the hospital should the hospital side be released?"

"Of course, Austin is her husband, and whether he visits or wants to take someone away is fine, but it's still contingent on Cora volunteering."

Ayan responded with little emotion.

Kian then nodded and exited the office, then rushed to finish the work that Ayan explained.

Only in foreign countries is not like Hance City, although there are people who belong to their own network, but it still takes a little time to check.

Horace and Grace, who had left the Simpson Group, sat in their car and went back to Armstrong Corp.

But the atmosphere in the car was very quiet, and there was no conversation from start to finish, as there had been when she came over to the Simpson Group in the morning, so Grace had slowly gotten used to it.

She also met with Horace only yesterday, except for a brief greeting to introduce themselves, and then there was no communication.

She kept quiet and just hoped to get back to Armstrong Corp soon, staying in a space with Horace felt as cold as the ice that was freezing her body.

Just as she shifted her eyes to think of something else, Horace's voice suddenly sounded at that moment, "What's on Miss Armstrong's mind?" Grace turned her head to look at him, those dark eyes staring straight at her made her have a feeling of suffocation, it is with this kind of people stay together, a lot of pressure.

She used to think that Ayan was cold, but now she finds in contrast that Ayan is not cold, but simply a distant to unimportant people, not giving the slightest opportunity to approach easily.

But Horace is different, he is a very cold person, like cold-blooded, giving a person with him will be living cold.

Grace just glanced at it and then subconsciously moved his eyes away to look elsewhere, and his words responded indifferently, “No.” Horace obviously doesn't believe it.

His face was as cold as ice and his dark eyes were warmless as he said, "Miss Armstrong is distracted because of what that Miss Camille said, right?"

Grace subconsciously looked at him and immediately denied it shaking her head, "Of course not, Master Burris don't think too much, we just had a few words of family conversation.”

"Oh, really? As far as I know, you're not close, even though you're sisters.” Horace nodded to just that, and stopped talking after giving Grace a deep glance.

Grace heard the unfinished words, he was reminding her that Camille and her relationship was average, so how could she have a family conversation?

But since he did not say anything else, Grace also do not want to make a special explanation, even Brody and Page do not know, she and Camille from the Armstrong Corp accident after the relationship has changed, although not very obvious, but now meet can also simply chat on two, the heart of those mutual dislike of emotions also disappeared with time.

Horace didn't say anything after that, and Grace naturally didn't initiate any conversation.

Back at Armstrong Corp, Grace was the first to get out of the car, but Horace in the car did not move, just a faint glance at Grace said: “I will not go to the company today, Miss Armstrong can call me directly if there is anything, and also have to trouble Miss Armstrong to pick a suitable restaurant for me. I'm not familiar with Hance City, so I'll give Miss Armstrong a lot of trouble.”

Grace: "Master Burris is very kind, I will choose two suitable restaurants and send them to you later, you can choose!"

Horace didn't say anything, just a cold hmmm. From yesterday to now, Grace hadn't seen any other expression on his face other than this one at the moment.

Grace said goodbye and then turned into Armstrong Corp, before Horace instructed his assistant to drive.

Although he only arrived in Hance City yesterday, he had arranged for someone to come over and shop for a place to live years ago.

The assistant respectfully asked, "Mr. Burris, should we go back to our residence or go somewhere else?"

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