My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 191 Negative

After all, a blank piece of paper is inculcated with negative energy for a long time, and sooner or later, it will be discolored.

Later, instead of envying Grace, she tried to forget her and the Armstrong.

But just after she forgets, they're picking her up again.

The call-to-arms behavior made her feel very ridiculous.

But she asked herself if she had ever harmed the Armstrong family, so she didn't understand why Grace was asking if her heart was made of stone.

Looking at Camille's response and light smile, Grace's eyes also tightened, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

But as far as she's concerned, it's all about the Armstrong family no matter what.

After all, without the Armstrong family, they wouldn't be there.

She wrinkled her brow and whispered, “I understand that you're upset with Mom and Dad because you were sent away as a child, but you've always been family with us, and if the Armstrong family suffers a big crisis because of it, will it make your face light up?"

"My sister, what do you think?"

“Isn't it?"

“You are well protected by the Armstrong family, you are not in any predicament, but I am not like you, if you are trying to convince me to talk to Ayan about the Armstrong family, then you don't need to waste more breath, I won't go, and Ayan won't agree to it either.”

Grace asks, "Camille, why won't you help the family when Mom and Dad have asked you to do so? You think because you're pregnant with Ayan's baby you can't take everyone for granted? You're going to be a mother yourself, so why can't you think about your own parents? Do you deserve to be a mother like this?"

Camille's repeated refusals made Grace's emotions out of control.

She looked at Camille coldly and continued, "It's just a handful for you, won't you help even then?"

Camille was silent, and because of that, she had given Grace the answer.

Her silence became indifference in Grace's eyes, and Grace laughed coldly: "Camille, don't you forget that no matter how much you separate yourself from the Armstrong family, you are always the Armstrong, and what flows through you is always the blood of your parents.”

"So what are you trying to tell me? Give them back their lives? But do you know how I survived being sent to a strange environment? Do you remember how my mother gave me the cold shoulder? Of course you don't, because they gave you all their love, so who are you to ask me to give as much as you did?"

Camille's eyes narrowed, and she didn't want to say these words.

But Grace kept pushing and pushing to make her feel very annoyed. Since they all feel in their hearts that she is cold and heartless, let them continue to feel that way.

Camille did not look at her, she hung her head and began to look at the drawings in her hand, and suddenly thought of something in her mind, slightly paused and said lightly: “It is impossible to solve the problem with help from charity, if you do not want Armstrong Corp to go bankrupt and let the Armstrong family disappear in Hance City, then persuade Dad to let him change the operating model! Give the company a major internal reshuffle!"

Grace didn't listen and just thought Camille was being sarcastic.

She said with cold eyes, full of displeasure: "Camille , you don't think that being pregnant means that you are sitting in the position of Ayan's wife, you should not be too complacent.”

Grace turned around and left the office.

Her words made Camille subconsciously raise her eyes, looking at her back as she left Camille was also slightly stunned, she thought this sister was a little smarter than her parents and could understand the implication in her words.

So she was overthinking it?

Camille put down the drawing and couldn't even look at it.

Armstrong Corp's problems are not just a day or two old, it is impossible to get back on track immediately, but if we don't adjust in time it will only become more and more troublesome.

She pursed her lips lightly and mentally fell into contemplation.

But Ayan didn't keep her quiet for long before she called.

On the phone, Ayan volunteered, "I'm leaving Hance City tonight for a business trip to Hence City."

“Leaving tonight?"

"Well, tonight.”

"Okay, how long is it going to take?"

His voice was low Dawryan: "Two or three days."

Camille hmms again.

Then the atmosphere was quiet.

A few seconds later, the man asked in a low, faint voice, "Nothing more to say?"

"Bon voyage?"

"Ha co”

His magnetic laughter reached her ears through the phone, leaving her subconsciously stunned.

What's so funny?

"Very funny?"

"Camille , is that all you have to say?"

“You're going to be traveling for two or three days, what's wrong with me letting you have a safe trip?"

"Well, no problem, maybe I'm the one with the problem." His tone instantly overflowed with displeasure, followed by a faint: "I'm on a business trip, you move back to the Simpson's manson for two days? It just so happens that mom misses you too, and she and grandpa would be happiest if you went back.”

"I'l visit them, but I don't want to move there, it's too much trouble and not very convenient, and I can take care of Grandma by living in the apartment, so that's it."

She said so, Ayan also did not insist.

But still instructed her, "Still chauffeured to and from work, huh?" "Okay, got it, so any other arrangements?"

"Arrangements?" He grunted, the displeasure in his voice intensifying, "Camille , you think I'm making arrangements? I'm concerned for you, tsk!"

Camille doesn't say anything.

With him it seems that you can never say win, simply not his opponent. The only conclusion that can be gleaned from so many engagements is that silence is the best response.

As long as nothing is said, it's a win.

The call lasted for a few minutes, but Ayan finally came up with a purpose: "You'll organize my clothes for the trip, huh?"


"What do you say?"

"Ayan , I'm pregnant, can you bear it?"

Can, now know with pregnant to plug him up.

Ayan's handsome face emerged with a light smile, and his thin lips faintly said, "It's okay not to unpack, tell me yourself that since you got pregnant, we? Hmm?"

"Okay, I'll get your luggage organized in advance, will you come back to pick it up yourself or will Kian pick it up then?"

“I'll go back on my own, there's no rush on the late flight, I'l accompany you to dinner tonight before I leave, en?"

"Okay, I'll talk to my aunt ahead of time and have her prepare the meal."

After Camille said that, she hurriedly found an excuse to hang up the phone.

Although the two of them live together now, Ayan really hasn't touched her when all is said and done, and he hasn't even said anything suggestive like what he just said, so all of a sudden, she is a little unsure of what to do?

But they are still married now, and some things are justified.

There was just always a feeling in my heart that I couldn't say. Between them she knew very well that some changes had taken place and it was probably impossible to go back to the way nothing had happened.

Camille rushed to get Ayan's bags ready before he returned, something she was very good at because she had done many times in the year she had been married to Ayan.

But this is the first time since the two filed for divorce.

Camille finished unpacking and got sweaty herself. I don't know if it was her pregnancy, but she felt her body temperature was a little higher than normal and she would sweat when she moved a little.

Because she was alone in the bedroom, she simply removed her home T-shirt, leaving her with a sports-like tank top, revealing a slightly bulging belly, but her waist and arms were as slim as they were before she was pregnant.

She stretched out facing the window, not noticing that Ayan had returned at some point and was standing in the doorway with the bedroom door open, watching her.

Her skin is very white, the black sports undershirt on her body reflects the skin even whiter, as if blown.

Ayan narrowed his eyes and closed the door directly, then walked towards her and took her into his arms from behind.


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