My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 24: Birthday

Happy birthday beloved wife." Elmir speaks without looking up from his phone. “I have a special gift prepared today, just for you.” This time he lifts his head long enough to make sure he has her attention.

"Thank you, husband. I'm looking forward to that special gift.” Lyra says politely without emotions. The perfect gift would be to be left alone for at least this entire day, but know very well that will never happen. Elmir's plans, gifts or other things he can think of is never good. Not for Lyra at least.

"Here are your first gifts for today. I know you will like it." Holds out one medium sized package wrapped in blue paper with white ribbon on top and a slightly smaller one with same wrapping. Lyra takes the present, says thank you, and opens the bigger present first only to rest her eyes on clothes that can only described as slutty. Deep red skirt that barely covers her butt cheeks, black/red corset and black fishnet stockings ending mid-thigh but no underwear. Holding it all up she wonders about his reason for buying this but refrains from asking out of fear. The second one contains 9-inch stilettos in same colors as the corset. Knowing Emir by now she knows he’s never satisfied with verbal gratitude only. Gently putting the clothes aside, she walks up to Elmir.

"You were right husband; I like them very much. Thank you." She purrs giving him a kiss on cheek followed by a proper kiss with tongue and all. Every fiber of her body feels sick by just being close. Now she is ready to throw up right in front of him

"A bath is waiting for you so go and clean up but be quick about it, then come to the dining room for something to eat. You will need all the energy today." Stroking the side of her face ever so sweetly he motions for her to do as told. Following his words, she cleans up fast but wish she could stay and soak in the warm water instead. The water is still steaming when she gets up and dresses in the clothes, she just received. Inspecting herself in the mirror she can't help but feel exposed. Naked. Hating her own reflection, she turns away. With hair combed and hideous stilettos on she walks out. When entering the dining room, she notices people crowding the large table. All twelve seats are taken by men between the age of 35-60 wearing suits, and all eyes are on her. EImir sits at the head of the table wearing a black silk suit that makes his usual watery blue eyes lose all color. His dark hair slicked back in a non-complementing way. Elmir is neither tall nor really short and not fat either, yet the suit makes him appear shorter than his 5'10 and it also makes him look chubby. Lyra swallows down her fears.

"The guest of honor, gentlemen.” Emir says in a sycophantic way then greets Lyra with a kiss on each cheek before seating her next to him. "Let's enjoy a luxurious dinner before having the much-awaited dessert."

Sitting down Lyra is convinced she will be part of that dessert after hearing that little speech. Sneaking a glance around the table, swiftly as not to be noticed, she recognizes Greg and also the skinny rat-like man who was with Emir the first time he forced himself on her. The rest are unknown to her but they seem to be pretty well off if their suits, behavior and jewelry is anything to judge by. Everyone seems to enjoy the endless choices of meat. Smoked wild boar, deer, ostrich, beef to different types of salad, sauces, bread, fruits, sweets and wine. The table is packed with food but Lyra only gets to eat what is given to her which isn't much.

"Elmir, my dear friend. “Greg starts." You have really outdone yourself this time and I'm not only referring to the food.”

"Happy to hear that, old friend." Emir grins back.

"Might one perhaps be so rude and dig in on the dessert now? My sweet tooth is aching for something tasty.”

"If no one else objects?" Elmir asks looking around the table but no one speaks up. " Dessert is all yours."

EImir leans closer to Lyra and whispers in her ear.

"Make me look bad today and you will regret it badly. Getting others to take your place is not the only thing I can do, just so you know. Now go to Greg and enjoy your birthday.” He slaps Lyra a hard on her ass as she stands to walk, causing some to laugh in approval. Walking

around the table Lyra sees Greg sitting in his chair, fly down and erected cock on full display, grinning like a mad person.

"Be a doll and serve a man some sweets will ya." He more demands than asks as he pushes his chair back. Sick to her stomach but forced to obey Lyra puts on a fake smile after glancing over at Elmir and sits down on Greg letting his gross cock enter her. She bites back her tears of humiliation. Hides her feelings deep inside hoping her performance is believable.

"Ride me good, doll." Greg moans out. "Tell me how much you want me. How much you want to be fucked by me.” He keeps on moaning out holding her tightly around the waist.

"I want you so much, just thinking about you make me wet.” Lyra fake moans out hating every word. "Fuck me hard with your huge cock.” More tears are forming but holds it.

Seeing Elmir smile proudly Lyra knows she has done good but that only makes her hate herself even more. Looking around the table she notices how some has started jerking off while looking at them and others seems to make comments among themselves.

"Stand up.” He demands and bends Lyra over the table and enters her again. "I'll fuck you good now." Croaks out through clenched teeth. It hurts. Hurst bad but locking eyes with Elmir she can't show

that or he will make the pain a lot worse than this. She only has to wait for Greg to finish and she can breathe again.

"Think I'll have some dessert after Greg, if no one else objects?” A well-dressed man with blond hair, blue eyes, blue suit and reeking money asks.

"No objections, Ricky. She is all yours for as long as you wish." EImir almost purrs out. "There is a room to your liking just down the hall should you wish for some privacy.”

The man, Ricky, nods in appreciation seeming to understand very well what kind of room Emir is referring to. Lyra did, all too well and wishes not to enter it ever again. Thinking about the room itself gives her nightmares. Adding this stranger into all it if almost makes her faint.

"Thank you. But for now, I'll enjoy her here for all to see. Perhaps later this evening I might think about accepting your offer.” Rick says with a surprisingly clear voice.

All men seated at the table takes their turns with her during the entire day and night but Rick was the one who took most of her time. Although he treated her with some resemblance of respect, he was also the one hurting her the most and Elmir let him do as he pleased. Never has someone else had that kind of freedom before. Whoever that man is, he must have been important. This was the first time Lyra ever been put through something like this and it got permanently scarred into her soul. That night she felt dead. That night she hated the day she was born.

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