My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 15: Discovery

"Whore! So useless. You need to be disciplined for running away!"

“Keep running run run RUUUUN! HAHAHAHA!"

Tossing and turning.

"Run run run little girl!"

Gripping the sheets hard.

"BOO!Found you HAHAHAH!"

With a scream caught in the throat she opens her eyes and sits up in bed in a panicked startle. Sweaty and trembling Lyra frantically looks around thinking HE has found her and dragged her back to that cold place referred to as home. Breathing hard she turns on the bedside lamp. Familiar green walls meet her eyes. Burying her face in the hands she silently counts to ten before looking up again. Calmer but still shaken up she knows sleep won't come easy after a nightmare like that. With trembling hands, she lifts the covers away and crawls out of bed then walks out the door and tiptoes over to Jaze's bedroom door. Knocking softly, she hopes he won't mind.

It is a very sleepy Jaze who answers the door."Lyra?"

Unable to keep the tears from falling she quickly wipes them. "...can I stay with you? Please?" she whispering weakly.



"Always room for you, little mouse." Jaze lifts her up and closes the door by kicking it then walks up to the bed where he carefully lies down with her resting on top. Tucking in both of them under the soft covers he makes sure to keep his arms wrapped around her much smaller body, cocooning her. "Better?" he whispers.

Burying her head in his neck she nods slowly. "Thank you."

"Anytime. I will keep you safe so try and sleep some more.”

Hearing his soft breathing and the feel of his fingers gently playing with her hair is better than any lullaby ever made. Closing her eyes and only focusing on him she doesn't have to wait long before sleep takes over again.

Waking up the next day Lyra is still safely tucked away in Jazes arms.

"Sleep well?"

Hearing his slightly husky voice so suddenly startles her at first then she blushes knowing he has been looking at her. "I did thank you...How did you sleep?"

"Comfortable like never before.” he says stretching his lean, muscled, body in a cat like way. "Hungry?"

"Can you make pancakes?" she asks shyly still not used to the idea of receiving things even if its mundane things like food.

"I'll make you some tasty chocolate ship ones after showering.”

Lyras eyes goes wide and her stomach growls as if agreeing to suggestion which makes Jaze chuckle. Crawling out of bed she slowly stretches and let's out a small sigh in satisfaction as her joints pops and cracks. Last loud pop comes from her spine. Looking back, she comes face to chest with Jaze and this is the first time seeing a chest this toned. Blushing she looks away quickly but his abs does not go unnoticed. Never has she seen the body of someone close to her own age before and never so well trained.

"You wanna shower first?"

"If you don't mind?" she asks not looking at him

"Do I make you uncomfortable?”

She can hear the little chuckle that follows and assumes he has a big smile plastered on his face, secretly enjoying himself right now.

"See you in the kitchen."

After saying that she leaves the room hearing him full out laugh as the door shuts behind her. Shaking her head, she makes way to the bathroom. Starting the water to make it warm she starts to undress when thoughts of clean clothes comes to mind. Putting the shirt back on again she walks back to Jaze.

"Jaze have yo-"

Walking in without knocking turned out to be a very bad thing to do. In her line of sight is a halfdressed Jaze with a bag of blood in his mouth. Frozen on the spot she keeps her eyes locked with his not sure how to react or what to do. Years of training suddenly kicks in. "I'm so sorry for intruding.” she says calmly, bows her head and turns to leave.


Stopping in the doorway she waits silently for him to continue.

"Did you need anything?"


"Feel free to look in there.” he says pointing at the closet. Not daring to move she remains glued to the doorway, one hand resting on the door knob. "Or I can pick something out for you.” he continues.

Hearing him move followed by rustling of clothes she tries to process what she just walked in on. Normal reaction would be to get scared and run, right? But so far, he has done nothing to harm her, in fact he has been nothing but nice and caring. Should she scream and show fear or does that count as rude? Jaze never asked about her and still took her in. Shouldn't she show him same kind of trust? To her it was the most respectful thing to do after been shown so much kindness.

"These should fit you...probably. I'll take you shopping later."

Taking the offered clothes, she tilts her head back a bit and looks into his eyes with a smile on her lips. "Thank you. Seems like I'm taking all your clothes and now your money as we-"

"After what you just saw you choose to thank me for lending clothes?" scratching his head he looks at her with confusion written in his eyes.” Can I ask why?"

"You have never asked about me so I thought its only respectful to do the same.”

"Do you wish to know?"

"Only of you want me to know."

"How about a deal?" he asks thoughtfully.

Thinking she wonders what he seeks. "What kind of deal?"

"I'll explain what you saw and you answer my questions truthfully. Deal?"

"How many questions?"

"I'm thinking four.”

"I can live with that.” Holding her hand out to shake on it she gets surprised when he hugs her tightly instead.

"Thank you. Now go and take that shower then meet me in the kitchen for some breakfast. we'll talk afterwards."

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