Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 12

I stand in the corridor of the swanky hotel, my shoulders dropping as my nerves take over.

I’m wearing a black strapless evening gown tonight.

I feel nervous—more nervous than ever before—and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I actually love this dress, I feel like a princess, and this kind of feels like a real date.

I know it’s not. Of course I know it’s not. But, I can let myself forget the reality of the situation for just one night, can’t I?

My timid hand knocks on the door, and Julian opens it in a rush, smiling as he sees me. My breath catches immediately.

He’s wearing a black dinner suit. His hair is styled to perfection, and the way he’s looking at me might set me on fire.

“My beautiful Bree.”

My heart races. ‘Hello.’ I smile and walk in. He closes the door behind us, taking my overnight bag from me to carefully place it on the luggage stand. When he turns back to me, he takes my face in his hand and kisses me softly. ‘I’ve been looking forward to this all day long.’

I smile against his lips, my hands resting on his hips. “You only had me yesterday, Jules.”

“It wasn’t enough. How could I possibly get enough of you in two hours?”

Oh, man. I’m totally screwed when he’s being sweet.

We smile against each other’s lips and I put my arms around his broad neck. “What are your plans for me tonight?” I ask.

He smiles down at me. “I thought we would go out for dinner, and then maybe enjoy some dancing.”

My eyebrows rise. “Really?”

He smiles at my excited reaction and then pulls me into an embrace, holding me tight. “Really.”

God, he’s beautiful. I close my eyes as I rest my head against his shoulder.

Stop it. This is nothing more than a façade—a part of his game. Don’t fall for it, whatever you do, Brielle.

He steps back and takes my hand in his, slowly lifting it to his mouth to kiss the back of it. “Where does my girl want to go tonight?” His eyes hold mine.

His girl.

Fuck, he was safer when he was a typical asshole who just wanted to fuck me.

I shrug shyly, overwhelmed by his tender seduction. “I have no idea where to go in London.”

He holds his arm out for me and I link mine through it. “It looks like I’m in charge then.” He smirks.

I giggle and rise up onto my toes to kiss him. “Are you ever not in charge, Mr. Masters?”

“Not if I can help it.”

We walk out of the room to where the elevator is waiting for us.

Not if I can help it.

What does he mean by that? Is that why he doesn’t want to fall in love, because he won’t be in charge anymore?

The lift arrives at the ground floor and we step out hand in hand.

Hmm, that’s a very interesting thing to say, I’m going to come back to it.

Three hours later, and I’m practically melting across the table from him.

We are at Closs Maggiore, an exclusive restaurant in Mayfair, and we’re sitting in the courtyard. The tables are lit by single candles, and fairy lights hang above us. Relaxing music is being piped throughout the entire outdoor space.

The champagne is going down well and we’ve had an amazing meal. The conversation has been flowing easily. Julian is actually the most relaxed he’s ever been around me, laughing freely, and being his charming, witty intelligent self. We’ve talked about college, his work, my work at home, friends and family. It really does feel like we’re on a real date.

The reflection of the open fire dances across his face, and he’s watching me intently as he takes a sip of his champagne.

“So, what did my mother have to say to you today?”

I giggle. This alcohol has gone to my head already. “She wants me to pursue you.”

He smiles and winces. “She actually said that to you?”


“My apologies. She’s shameless.”

I smile and sip my champagne, remaining silent for once.

His eyes hold mine. “What did you say to her, Bree? What did you say to her when she said you should pursue me?”

This answer is important to him, I can tell.

“I told her that I don’t pursue men.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Is that true?”

“Yes.” I lick my bottom lip. “A relationship with a man is the last thing I want.”

He sits forward, his eyes darkening. “What do you want?”

“What I’ve already got.”

Our eyes are locked. “What’s that?”

I smile softly. ‘A hot boss with a huge jackhammer dick.’

He chokes, laughing out loud. “Honestly, Bree, you are out of this world.”

I laugh and then our eyes linger on each other’s as we fall serious. “Your mother is trying to marry you off,” I whisper.


“Promise me that when the time comes for us to part…”

A frown crosses his face. “Promise you what?”

“Promise me that you won’t make me the other woman.” His eyes hold mine, and I know I’ve hit a nerve.

“Promise me that you’ll make a clean break and pursue any future wife without me on the side.”

He sits back slowly. “I can assure you that I’m not in the market for a wife.”

I pick up his hand and kiss the back of it. “And I’m not in the market for a husband. We don’t have long together, Jules. I’ll go home to Australia eventually.” I kiss his hand again, and he frowns as he watches me. “Let’s just make the most of the short window of time that we do have.”

He turns his hand and cups my face, his thumb dusting over my bottom lip. “You may be the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he admits softly.

I can feel myself getting stupidly emotional because I know for a fact that he is the most beautiful man I’ve ever been with. His mother’s confirmation that he’s really lonely and troubled has opened up a can of worms in my heart. The grief he has been through alone, while bringing up his two beautiful children… I can’t imagine the pain. No man should have to go through that. It’s no wonder he’s so closed off to the world. He’s afraid to let anyone get close.

I just want to make everything right for him and help him find his way. To be honest, I’m grateful for Frances’ little lunch meeting today. Now I see Julian in a new light entirely.

A beautiful, tortured light.

I smile, trying to snap myself out of these sappy emotions. “You said you were taking me dancing.”

His hand rests under his chin. “Where would my girl like to dance?” he whispers.

My eyes hold his. “Anywhere, as long as I’m with you.”

We hit the wall with a thud, his lips crashing against mine and his hips pinning me to the wall. “Open the door,” I pant. “Open it.”

He struggles to get the key from his pocket, but eventually the door creaks open. He grabs me again and kisses me as he walks me backwards into our suite.

We’ve danced for hours, kissed for hours, and now we’re home I can’t wait one minute longer to have him.

He turns me and unzips my dress, letting his lips linger on my neck. He unhooks my lingerie and it falls to the floor, leaving me in nothing but my black sky-high stilettos. His hungry eyes drop down my body when he turns me back to face him, and then they rise up to my face.

“I want you,” I whisper. “Please. I can’t wait any longer.”

He loses control and tears his suit jacket over his shoulders, throwing it on the floor.

I slip out of my shoes and pull back the covers on the bed, laying myself down and placing my head on the pillows.

His eyes hold mine as he slowly unbuttons his shirt and removes his pants.

My eyes drop down his body, to the broad, muscular chest, his rippled abdomen, down to the thick, hard cock hanging heavily between his legs. I can see every vein on it, and pre-ejaculate drips from its end.


“How do you want me?” He leans over to kiss me.

I cup his face. “On top of me, holding me close.” We kiss. “I need it slow tonight, baby.” He closes his eyes and his lips take mine.

He’s right here with me. He feels it, too. Whatever this is.

Julian moves over the top of me. My open legs cradle his large body, and I smile at him as my hands roam up and down his broad back. He slides in slowly and we both close our eyes, moaning blissfully.

Our kisses are tender, his cock is deep, and in this moment, I feel so unbelievably close to him. He slowly pulls out and slides back in. “Fucking hell,” he groans. “You’re going to be the fucking death of me.”

Steam fills the bathroom.

I have no idea what time it is, but we’ve just made love for hours, and now we’re sitting in a deep, hot bath together. It’s like we don’t want to go to sleep because our night will be over. He lies back and I’m lying on top of him, my weary head on his chest. He rubs his face back and forth across my forehead as he holds me close.

I feel closer to him than I should.

“How did you lose your virginity?” I smile to myself.

“Oh God, don’t remind me of that balls up.” He tips the hot water over my shoulders. “Literally.”

I giggle.

“Janika Merris.”

I smile against his skin, already knowing I’m going to like this story.

“She was older than me. She wanted me badly.” He hesitates. “She offered me a head job at our school dance.”

“What?” I giggle as I look up at him in surprise. “How old were you?”


I shake my head before I put it back down on his warm, strong chest.

“She sucked my dick at the back of the school hall.”

I chuckle as I imagine the scene he’s setting.

“And then she had sex with me as my two friends watched on.”

I sit up in shock. “What?” My mouth falls open. “Your friends watched you lose your virginity?”

He smiles and pulls me back to his chest. “Yep, and then she had sex with them, too. We all lost our virginity on the same night to the same girl.”

I burst out laughing. “Oh my God. That’s the worst virginity story ever. She’s such a slut.”

“Appalling.” He winces. “Funnily enough…” His voice trails off.

“Funnily enough, what?”

“I’ve never told anyone that story before.”

“Good. You shouldn’t.” I laugh.

I can feel him smile above me, and he kisses my forehead, tightening his arms around me.

“Do you still see those friends?” I ask.

“They’re still my two best friends. Sebastian and Spencer. We see each other all the time.”

“Well, I suppose you do have a special bond now.”

He chuckles. “Yeah, it’s a funny story that we often discuss when drunk.

We let the silence linger for a moment longer.

“Jules, can I ask you something?”

He softly kisses me on the temple. “What?”

“Why the skits?” He stays silent. “When you invite me here on these nights, why do you want me to dress up and not be here as myself?”

He pauses for a moment before he eventually answers.

“Because the beautiful woman who lives in my house and cares for my children is too good for me.”

I listen in silence.

“I couldn’t fuck her the way that I fuck you.”

I frown against his skin, weighted down by his fingertips as they trail across my back.

“Why couldn’t you fuck her like you fuck me?” I whisper.

“Because she’s the kind of girl you fall in love with, and I’m not wired to love. I’d only let her down.”

My eyes tear up. Good God, he is broken.

The two of us become lost in our own thoughts and I know I need to lighten the mood. “That girl who lives in your house is frigid and would never fuck your friends anyway.” I look up at him.

He smiles and kisses me softly.

“You should stay away from her.” I smile against his lips.

“I intend to, don’t worry. She’s the devil in disguise.”

I giggle, and we kiss again.

And just for tonight, all is right in my world.

It’s now Friday, and Julian is due home at any moment. He’s taken the afternoon off to come with me to the meeting at the school. I’m looking forward to what this teacher is going to say to us both. Hopefully it’s not as bad as I’m imagining.

I put some things away in Sammy’s room, and I walk down the hall and glance into Julian’s bedroom, frowning when I see something out of place.

There’s a book, upside down, left open on his bedside table. I walk in and pick it up.

When Children Grieve

For adults, to help children deal with death.

My eyes instantly fill with tears and I sit on his bed with the book in my hand.

Sadness engulfs me. I wish a book like this never had to be written. I wish nobody ever needed it. How do you ever teach your children to live without their mother?

I sit for a moment with tears in my eyes.

They’ve been through so much. I imagine them at the funeral, and then at the wake. Willow would have been ten, Sammy only three. He probably doesn’t even remember her. I get a vision of them all dressed up, of Samuel in a little suit in his father’s arms. Julian would have had to organize the funeral.

Was she buried or cremated? Where is her grave?

Has the house been silent and sad ever since?

I hear his car come up the drive. I carefully place the book back on his bedside table and run down the stairs to meet him.

I want to tell him everything is going to be okay.

But she wasn’t my wife, I’m not grieving, and it’s not okay because she’s never coming back.

For the first time, I can understand why he’s the way he is, so closed off to the world and afraid to get too close to anyone ever again.

The door opens, and he appears in front of me, smiling warmly. He’s wearing a grey suit with a white tie, looking like everything but a man swallowed in grief.

“Hello, Miss Brielle.”

My heart skips a beat. I just want to throw my arms around his neck and hug him. “Hi,” I breathe.

“You ready to go?”

I nod, but I hesitate. This really isn’t any of my business.

“What?” he asks, sensing my need to say something.

“You’re doing a really good job.”

He frowns, waiting for me to expand.

“With the kids. You’re doing a really good job with the kids. You’re a great father.”

He smiles softly, offering his thank you in silence. “Let’s go.”

We’re sitting outside the principal’s office waiting to be called in. Julian is next to me, his hands linked in front of him, staring straight ahead. We went out for breakfast this morning and made love again. Scratch that. He fucked me like there was no tomorrow, and his vow to make it impossible for me to walk for a week may actually come true. After, he kissed me goodbye and went to work, slipping back into his cold, indifferent persona.

It’s like he’s two different people. The man I fuck in the hotel is warm, sexy and tender.

The man I live with is reserved, cold, and doesn’t show his emotions at all.

I’m not sure how to reach out to him at home, or if I even want to.

He came back to pick me up for the meeting we’re here for regarding Willow, and now it’s like last night didn’t even happen.

Did it?

Did I imagine the whole beautiful thing?

The office door opens. “Please, come in.” The principal smiles.

“Julian Masters,” he asserts as he shakes the two men’s hands.

“I’m the principal, and this is our school counsellor.”

I smile and take a seat next to Julian.

“So, Miss Johnston, last time we spoke you were concerned about Willow and how she is getting on at school.”

“Yes.” I smile as I clutch my purse in my lap.

“Well.” The counsellor raises his eyebrows, seeming uncomfortable. “I’ve had a meeting with each of her teachers throughout the week and, unfortunately, I’ve heard some things that have left me feeling very uncomfortable.”

“Such as?” Julian asks sharply.

“Willow.” He grimaces. “Doesn’t actually appear to have any close friends at the moment.”

My face falls. “What?’

“Since her only friend left nine months ago, she sits alone at lunch and doesn’t really mix with anyone.”

Julian frowns. “What do you mean?”

“She goes to the library alone.” He shrugs. “I was unaware of this until the teachers started asking other students questions.”

I squeeze my hands together on my lap. Oh no.

“Is there a problem?” Julian asks.

The counsellor frowns. “Apparently, and this is just what I’ve heard and hopefully it may not be true, there is a problem. There’s name calling going on, for a start. Everyone calls her Weird Willow.”

Julian frowns.

“Is there a certain incident that triggered this?” I ask.

“I’m not sure, but we’re getting to the bottom of it.”

“How is this the first I’ve ever heard of it?” Julian snaps. “This isn’t good enough. I pay thirty-thousand pounds a year and the school doesn’t even keep me informed when my daughter is suffering under their watch.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Masters, I’m sorry, but you’ve never been to a parent-teacher evening before. Nobody in this school knows you on a personal level. Willow’s previous nannies attended any functions or galas we had. We didn’t even know that Willow’s mother had passed away.”

Julian drops his head and stares at the carpet. I see him internally start blaming himself.

“This isn’t his fault,” I snap. “Don’t try and blame him. The school counsellor, which is you, should have been aware of a problem long before I got involved. She is in your care and one of you should have noticed and called Mr. Masters to discuss what’s been going on here. If a child has no friends, it’s a huge issue.”

The counsellor lifts his chin defiantly. “I can assure you that I’m aware of it now and we will be handling it.”

“How exactly?” I snap. “And I want to know what you are going to do about the bullying. Willow is being attacked daily about her mother’s passing and we will not tolerate it.”

The headmaster and counsellor exchange looks.

“Are you aware of the destructive effects of bullying on young teenagers, and how deeply it’s linked with depression?” I ask.

“Yes… but—”

“There are no buts! I want the girls reprimanded for saying what they did to her.”

“It wasn’t on school grounds.”

“I don’t care,” I hiss, losing my temper. “This simply isn’t good enough. I warned you before that if I have to bring the police into the school to press charges, I will.”

“Miss Johnston, please calm down.”

I glance over at Julian who is still staring at the carpet, lost in a world of regret.

For God’s sake, he’s useless.

I scramble through my handbag and retrieve the piece of paper I have brought from home. “Here, these are the six girls involved. I would like a meeting with their parents as soon as possible.”

Emily Edwards

Michella Topan

Kiara McCleary

Teigan Hoslop

Bethany Maken

Karen Visio

The headmaster’s face falls as he sees the names. “I’m sorry, this isn’t going to be possible. This matter is confidential, and until something happens on school grounds, the parents and children won’t be involved.”

“What?” I snap in horror. “This is simply not good enough. I don’t want another incident. She can’t take another incident. More to the point, she shouldn’t have to.” I hit Julian on the leg to drag him out of his daze.

“There won’t be another incident, because if there is, I’ll personally have you charged with neglect of a minor who has been placed in your care,” he growls.

The headmaster sits back in his seat, unsure what to say next.

Julian stands. “I’ll be back next Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. to meet all of her teachers in this office.” He pauses as he glares at the two men, and they wither under his glare. “Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“If one thing—one more thing—is said to my daughter about her deceased mother, I’ll bring Hell and all its fire down on those involved.”

The two men glance at each other.

Julian glares at them intensely, and then he turns and storms out of the door.

I smile proudly. That’s my man.

I power walk to catch up with him. He marches to the car, not forgetting to open my door for me.

Ah, ever the gentleman even when furious.

He gets in the car and pulls out into the traffic like a maniac.

“You handled that well.” I smile over at him.

He shakes his head. “I didn’t even know. What kind of a fucked up father am I?”

“Don’t say that.” I reach over and take his hand to comfort him. He rests it on his thigh while we drive in silence.

His hand is warm, strong, and I feel myself begin to weaken.

We stop at the lights and he glances over at me, his eyes dropping to my lips.

“I’m furious with myself,” he whispers.

“I know.”

Oh God, take it out on me.

He slowly lifts my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. This is the first time he’s ever touched me outside of our arranged night together.

“You should really get some of that anger out,” I breathe.

He closes his eyes, as if he’s imagining the same thing.

The air in the car begins to buzz. Hot, hard sex is all I can think about.

What would he be like when he’s angry and naked?

“We should get home,” I whisper.

His eyes darken, and he pushes down on the accelerator, sending the two of us flying back in our seats. “We should do a lot of things, Miss Brielle.”

The adrenaline hits me hard. Let’s do this. Let’s fuck at home.

We tear up the driveway, and my stomach drops when I see his mother’s car waiting there.

Damn her for interrupting my angry sex.

Julian exhales heavily, obviously annoyed, too.

“Your mother is here.”

“I see that,” he mutters flatly. “I am not in the fucking mood for her shit today.”

I wince. “Be nice, please.” He glares at me.

“Let’s take the kids out for dinner tonight?” I try to diffuse his annoyance.

“Fine.” He gets out of the car and slams the door, marching into the house without me. I find myself smiling goofily after him.

I think he’s even hotter when he’s angry.

How is that possible?

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