Sylphiette hastily called to ask about the situation.

“How’s everything?”

“Who said an accident was a good idea? I still don’t know what’s going on there. Even my men are injured.”

Dont know whats going on there?

The joy in Sylphiette’s heart slowly faded away into worry. She prayed that Davin could never talk for the rest of his life from now on.

“You can’t even deal with a man after so long. Sylphiette, it’s best for you to prove your capability soon. Otherwise…”

“I understand.”

“Come over and help!”

Abruptly, Evan’s deep voice came from behind her. Sylphiette turned around to see him walking in with a dark figure.

She hurriedly ended the call and started to scrutinize the figure.

After realizing who it was, her heart jumped to her throat.

Good God, luck isnt on my side. Davins already in such a horrible state, but he still managed to appear in front of Evan.

What the hell are his men doing?

Several maids rushed over to help Davin into the living room.

Meanwhile, Evan quickly took out his phone to call their family doctor.

Sylphiette anxiously walked toward Davin, who was on the couch, and tried to put on a calm front. “What happened to you?”

Davin raised his blackened face and gritted out, “I met some idiot who followed me half of my trip. When I was about to reach Rose Garden, that idiot suddenly rammed into my car!”

So they didnt take action the entire time and only did it when they were near Rose Garden? That bunch of b*stards. Are they brainless?

Looking at the gloomy Sylphiette, Davin continued, “It was my fault. Outsiders might not recognize my new sports car, so they had to make sure I was heading to Rose Garden before they dared to make their move. Isn’t that right, Sylphiette?”

Snapped back to reality by his words, a tinge of panic crept into her eyes. She clenched her fists to maintain her calmness as she replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Davin’s gaze seemed to pierce her soul.

“I hope I’ll never find out who she is. Otherwise, I’ll crush the mastermind behind this into ashes!”

Upon hearing his words, Sylphiette’s heart raced.

She turned and excused herself to make tea for him.

When she was a distance away from him, she mumbled under her breath, “Did I leave any traces of evidence behind?”

Davin and she were destined to be archenemies.

Sylphiette would have to be extra vigilant about his words tonight as she could not afford to let him expose her.

When Evan walked over to see his sooty appearance, he cleared his throat.

“Wash up first. The family doctor will be here soon.”

“Evan, I think I broke my leg. Please find someone to bathe me.”

At that, Davin inhaled sharply.

Evan then arranged for someone to bring Davin to the bathroom and help him wash up.

Later on, at the family doctor’s suggestion, Evan sent him to the hospital. After his checkups, the doctor confirmed that his leg was indeed broken. Fortunately, it was not a compound fracture. All he needed was conservative treatment and a cast around his leg.

Once everything was done, Davin sat on the bed as he stared at his injured leg, sighing at his misfortune.

“Evan, there’s something fishy about this accident. You have to look into it for me.”

Evan glanced at him and nodded.

It was impossible for him not to investigate this incident when the culprit had dared to lay a finger on a member of the Seet family.

“Also, Evan, I’ve been meaning to tell you this. Sylphiette isn’t…”


Right then, the door suddenly swung open to reveal a worried Sylphiette. After walking to the bed, she put on a show and started crying her heart out.

For a moment, the sorrowful look on her face made Davin think that he was about to die at any time.

“Hey, I’m still alive. We’re not that close, so why are you sobbing like this?”

Sylphiette wiped her tears away before looking at Evan. “I-I just feel that life is unpredictable. All this time, I’ve always regarded Davin as my younger brother. That’s why I feel upset that something like this happened to him.”

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