Marriage is not a child’s game. Now that we’re married, we need to decide how we will do a certain

something that married couples do! “Heh… As expected of a man!” Mackenzie rolled her eyes when

she heard that. I knew it! Men and women do think differently, after all! I care about our life as a married

couple, but he’s only concerned about our sex life! “Unless you win my heart over, you can forget about

laying even a finger on me!” “Very well, then!” Emmanuel liked Mackenzie’s short and simple reply. He

never believed that a dense man like himself would be able to win the heart of an ice queen like her.

While it was true that she could get his heart racing with her beauty, that didn’t mean she would turn

him on. In fact, he even thought he was unable to be turned on by women. Hence, one of the main

reasons he didn’t want to get married was that he was afraid of not being able to satisfy his wife

sexually. As such, Mackenzie’s refusal to have sex with him came as a huge relief. Mackenzie,

however, wasn’t too pleased with his response. What the… This b*stard! I can tell he’s not faking it! I

know that most men wouldn’t dare express their interest in me because of my cold personality, but that

doesn’t mean they don’t lust over me! I know I’m a very beautiful woman, so why doesn’t this b*stard

even want to have sex with me? Is it because he’s a gynecologist? I hate this so much! The two then

headed their separate ways after they had made their terms clear with each other. Emmanuel saw

Milani at his doorstep with a basket of fruits the moment he got home. She looked like a completely

different person with that sweet smile on her face. Disgusted by her pretentious behavior, Emmanuel

told her the truth right away. “What? You rejected all of the gifts?” Milani was shocked to the core when

she heard that he had returned the gifts worth ten million. Oh, my goodness! Why would he do

something so stupid? Does he think he’s all high and mighty for turning down those gifts? Ugh! Now I

see why he’s so unsuccessful in life! No one in their right mind would ever want to marry a guy like him!

They’d be poor for life! Alessandra came out of her room when she heard the commotion. “Ah, Milani,

you’re here! Come on in!” She welcomed Milani excitedly when she saw the latter standing at the door.

After all, that was the first time a woman had come to see her son. Alessandra was so desperate to

marry Emmanuel off that she didn’t even care if Milani’s family were a bunch of horrible people. To her

surprise, however, Milani’s attitude changed instantly. “Sorry, but I’m really busy! Also, you can forget

about having me marry your son! He isn’t even worthy of being my footstool, let alone my husband! I

bet he’ll never be able to find himself a wife! Goodbye!” Milani shouted and stormed off immediately

after. Honestly, I don’t even know why my mom wanted me to come visit him! This was such a huge

waste of time! Alessandra was left speechless by her sudden outburst and change of heart. What just

happened? Why would she change her mind so suddenly? Did she bring those fruits here just to insult

my son? What is wrong with her? Emmanuel knew full well that Milani’s response was due to the ten

million that he gave up on. Naturally, he had no interest in a gold-digger like her either. “My goodness!

What a crazy woman she is!” Roselynn exclaimed angrily when she came out and saw Milani leaving.

She then turned toward Emmanuel and tried to comfort him, saying, “You need to stay away from

women like her, Manny! Don’t take her words to heart!” To her surprise, however, he didn’t seem to be

bothered in the slightest. “Mom, Roselynn, I’m already married, so you two don’t have to worry about

me anymore.” Alessandra and Roselynn were so shocked that they both screamed in unison, “What?”

Roselynn’s voice was so shrill that she nearly shattered the glassware in the house. “Did you just say

you’re married?” “Who are you married to?” “You’re not messing with us, are you, Manny? If I recall

correctly, you never had a girlfriend!” Alessandra and Roselynn both fired questions at him one after

another. Instead of trying to convince them, Emmanuel simply whipped out his marriage certificate and

showed it to them. The truth spoke for itself, leaving the two women wide-eyed with shock. Although

the woman on the marriage certificate looked gorgeous, they were still worried about her personality.

“She looks hard to get along with!” “Are you sure this isn’t some kind of scam?” Emmanuel could

understand their concerns, so he lied to reassure them. “Don’t worry. She’s a woman I met while I was

a soldier at Northern Region. She’s a strong woman and a perfectionist who cares a lot about her

image, so she didn’t want people to know about our relationship. That’s why we’ve been keeping it a

secret all this while.” “Ah, so that’s what happened…” That explains why he refused to get himself a

girlfriend all these years! Turns out, he already had one all along! “I’m sorry for keeping it a secret from

you two for so long! I only did it to protect her career. Anyway, you two no longer have to worry about

me getting married. Mackenzie and I will surely live a happy life together,” Emmanuel reassured them,

but they were still worried. Roselynn was especially suspicious of his explanation. If Manny already had

a girlfriend all along, then why did he wait until now to tell us about it? Why did he waste his time

attending those eighteen matchmaking sessions? Oh, well… He must have his reasons for lying to us,

and I don’t want to make Mom worried by exposing him. “What does she do for a living, Manny? Why

didn’t she come home with you now that you two are married?” Alessandra asked curiously. No mother

wouldn’t be curious about her daughter-in-law, and Alessandra was no exception. Emmanuel knew she

would surely ask about Mackenzie’s background, so he had prepared himself to answer her questions.

“Mackenzie is a high-level executive in a huge company, Mom. That’s why she can’t come home with

me.” “What? Where will she stay, then?” Alessandra pressed on. “She bought a house of her own,

Mom. Now that we’re married, I’ll be moving in with her soon.” “I…” Alessandra’s eyes teared up all of a

sudden. Roselynn didn’t want Emmanuel to leave either, but she tried to comfort Alessandra anyway.

“Manny is a grown adult now, Mom. It was only a matter of time before he moved out. You want to have

grandchildren, don’t you? It’ll be hard for that to happen if he stays with you all the time!” Of course,

Alessandra understood that very well. After all, no woman would want to live with their in-laws these

days. It would be very inconvenient for them to have sex at night, too. Even so, Alessandra’s tears still

refused to stop flowing. “I won’t object to your relationship if you love her, Manny. I just have one

request. Could you bring her over so I can have a look at her? Also, I want you to arrange for both our

families to meet each other.” Alessandra’s sincere requests were actually very simple ones, but they

were incredibly difficult for Emmanuel to fulfill. There’s no way a woman like Mackenzie would be

willing to visit our house! I don’t know what her job title is, but her attire and attitude alone show that

she’s no ordinary woman. I doubt I can even afford to pay for the dry cleaning if we end up getting her

clothes dirty! As for meeting her parents, that’s practically never going to happen. She said she only

agreed to marry me to satisfy her grandfather, so getting her to show up here and put up an act for me

is simply asking for the impossible. What do I do now?

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