Chapter 43

Mr. Wright was now beyond worried about his daughter's whereabouts. He had called the cops after it was impossible to reach her. The worse part now was that, she was nowhere to be found. Same thing as lan who was long due to have returned back to sea.

The cops had searched every resort, hotels and any other place they could think of, in California, but there was still no trace of Kimberly or lan. This is getting more frightening as the possibilities of his daughter being kidnapped or even killed ran through his mind. He shuddered at those thoughts, hoping none of them were a reality. He prays his princess, his world and pride was okay, because if something bad happens to her, he doesn't think he'd be able to live.

At that moment, his phone rang. He didn’t bother checking the caller ID, hoping it was the cops calling with good news.

“Ben, it's Tony”

He let out a disappointed sigh

"What is this I'm hearing?” Tony asked in a worried tone.

“I don't know what else to do, Tony. I only hope my baby isn't dead” Ben replied, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence.

“How far have they gone with the search?”

Ben couldn't blame Tony for asking that because he was out of the city, when Ben got really worried and went over to his place to enquire if they were aware of lan’s whereabouts.

“They've searched every damn resort and hotels, there's still nothing”

There was so much frustration in Ben's voice.

“Resort? What are you talking about?... Was that where she told you they'd be spending the vacation?”

“Yeah?... Why?”

There was silence at the other end of the phone, making Ben quite impatient.

“Ben... I don't want you getting mad at her. Whatever she did, she had her reasons”


"Kimberly and lan didn't go to a resort like she had told you"

"Where are they, then?”

"Hmmn. Actually... they went camping in the woods”

Those weren't the words Ben expected to hear. It was like everything around him started to spin. “No, no, no”

Those were the only words coming out of his mouth as he dropped his phone.

"Hello? Ben, are you alright?” Tony worriedly asked several times before the line went dead.

Ben couldn't believe this was happening to him. No wonder he wasn't one bit at ease since she left for the vacation. Why didn't he think of this when he couldn't reach her on her phone? He is such a terrible father. Now more than ever, he is scared about his daughter's well being.


Roy was beyond ecstatic about having his mate in his arms. He didn’t care anymore if she was human or not. All he wanted was to be with her, care for her and love her. She was currently cuddled up in his arms, on the couch, in the living room. He gazed at her breathtaking face, with a smile on his face as he thought about the make out session they shared over an hour ago.

Flash back

Her lips were so soft against his as they shared a passionate kiss. Her tongue responding to his in a gentle manner. His hands travelled from her cheeks down to her lower back while hers were tangled in his hair. He could smell her arousal, making him hard under her. Within seconds, he flipped her over, changing their position. Kimberly was laying on her back on the couch as he connected their lips once more, his hands exploring her body as he wanted to know every inch of her body. His lips slowly found its way to her neck, kissing and sucking on it. Her moans made him want to mark her so badly. His hands soon went under her night shirt, finding its way to her hardened nipples. "Roy..." she moaned, driving him crazy.

He still found it hard to believe that the same person he had been trying really hard to stay away from, even though what he really wanted was to take her and make her his, was now underneath him, begging for his touch. He lifted her night shirt up and started kissing his way up, from her belly button, to her stomach, stopping at her nipples, nibbling and sucking on it. He felt her tremble under his ministration, letting out a loud moan.

“Please...” she breathed, begging and yearning for more as her body exploded with pleasure.

His fingers found her panties and he was about pulling it down

“Alpha” he heard, making him jump to his feet.

Kimberly immediately pulled down her night shirt. Roy turned around just in time to see Elijah walk into the living room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw them together.

"Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?” his beta asked, looking from Kimberly to Roy.

"Of course not. Did you need something?” Roy replied, sounding unaffected by his beta’s presence, even though he was fuming inside.

“Uh, okay. I just wanted to tell you that my dad is back”

Roy could tell Elijah was nervous because, as a werewolf he could smell both their arousals, so he was aware of what they were doing or about to do and was afraid of what Roy's reaction would be when they're eventually alone.

"Wait outside. I'll join you in a minute” he said to Elijah, who nodded and immediately left the living room without another word.

“I'm sorry about that” he apologized to an abashed Kimberly, who only nodded, her eyes not meeting his, as she was unable to look at him after what just happened, neither was she able to form any words.

He squatted in front of her and lifted up her chin with his finger.

“Will you be okay?" he asked in concern, causing Kimberly who was still embarrassed about the whole situation to give a small smile, hoping that would make him less worried

“I'll be back soon” he whispered, slowly placing his lips on hers for a soft kiss.

He joined Elijah in his car and they headed for Alan's house.

Roy walked into his uncle's living room and found him sitting quietly on the couch, with a distant and worried look on his face.

“Uncle...” Alan whirled his head around towards Roy's direction, that worried look never leaving his face.

"How did it go?” He asked

“He wants her too” was all his uncle said

End Of Flashback

Roy tried shaking off the thoughts of Hugh taking his mate from him, but it was difficult as that was the only thing that ran through his mind since he returned home.

He stared at Kimberly one more time and held her closer against himself.

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