Mila: The Godfather (Unholy Trinity Book 7)
Mila: The Godfather: Part 2 – Chapter 44


“I fell in love with a dream.

That sweet dream is now my reality.

My forever.” – R


“All I see is him. He’s all I ever want to see.” – M

I should be used to how life changes in the blink of an eye by now. One moment, I was on a magical island, experiencing life like I’ve never done before, and the next… well… I ended up here.

In his world.

No longer blissful paradise.

The reality of my situation sank in the second I watched several bullets fly, hitting flesh and taking lives. All while I stood behind Riagan, covering my ears but not my eyes. I witnessed everything, not feeling pity or even a slight feeling of guilt, as he took the lives of those who intended to hurt us with Cianne’s help.

Logic tells me I should feel terrified of what I saw, but I am not.

To be fair, in the moment, I did feel scared, but not of Riagan. No. Never him.

I was terrified of losing him when I had just found him.

So, yes, life changes in an instant.

We’re no longer dancing in the rain in a faraway paradise but in Philadelphia.

Riagan’s city.

After the long flight and car drive, we finally arrived at a mansion just as grand as the one he has in the islands, but this one fits more his style. The large medieval architecture and modern building stands out among the tall trees that surround it. This place is so big. He doesn’t even have neighbors, just a whole bunch of acres. It’s stunning, in a different way than the beach mansion was, but beautiful just the same.

The car stops as Cianne pulls in front of a gate. He has to step out, not just to enter a passcode into the security box, but to also press his palm against the green screen before the gate makes an audible groan as it rolls open. Then, he drives down a path and around to the back of the large mansion, the gate slowly closing behind us. The first thing I notice is that there’s an army of men dressed in black guarding every inch and corner of this place from the outside and the inside. None of them wear suits like most guards do back home but jeans and t-shirts. Much like their boss does.

I can’t help but press my nose to the car window and watch the tall trees as we pass them. It wasn’t until we reached the fountain—a black fountain —that one word slipped out.

“Wow.” Thick patches of grass bisected tiles of concrete. The landscaping was just as beautiful as the house itself.

But that didn’t sound quite accurate.

Despite its proximity to the city, the place was a mansion with so many windows that I wondered how the view would look when winter came.

“Is this yours?” I ask, unable to help my awe as I look around at the garden and the towering willow tree in the very center of it.

 “As of a week ago, it is.” He quickly answers.

Wait a second.

A week ago?

I turn quickly, trying to read his expression. “You purchased this castle a week ago? Just like that?”

“It’s not quite a castle, baby, but yes.” His smile was a touch clever. “Are you impressed?”

I nod. “Very much so.” I answer truthfully.

Riagan’s laughter echoes as a man with a gun strapped to his chest and wearing an earpiece opens a large, ornate door for us. I watch as Riagan steps to the side to allow me in first. I do.

I thought I was prepared for the opulence when I stepped inside—something that reminded me of a museum more than anything else—but instead, I got the complete opposite.

Art hung along all the walls, colorful sculptures tucked in corners, and the sofas that I could see weren’t made from leather or some other impossible fabric that meant it could get damaged very easily. The living room itself looked open and inviting, as if it were well-lived in rather than just a room meant for show. I could feel his energy surrounding me.

Paintings hung on the walls, some abstract—made of harsh brush strokes in bright, vivid colors—while others were more classical, beautiful, and incredibly old.

With Riagan still distracted for the time being, I wandered on my own to check out the rest of the place.

As far as I could tell, there were three bedrooms on this floor alone and just as many bathrooms. As I swept through the back hallway, I found another spiraling staircase that led down instead of up, and the closer I came to stand by it, the better I could smell and even hear the water below.

There was a pool down there. Somewhere I would definitely need to explore while I was here, but that would come later.

“Welcome home, butterfly.” Riagan whispers from his spot behind me. Turning, I look up at him for a moment before going back to inspect this place. Welcome home. 

I never had a home. Not really.

Love made a home.

Love and care.

My sisters were my home.

Now, there’s Riagan.

How strange that it really feels like that.

Like a home.

“You have white walls here too.” It’s the first thing that comes out of my mouth. I chuckle awkwardly, trying to not sound so brash.

“Think of them as a canvas.”

I whirl around so fast I’m sure I pull a muscle on my neck. “What?” I look up at him once again, but this time I force my eyes to remain trained on him. Blue. So pretty. And not at all angry like before when he took the lives of those strange men.

I stare at him as he reaches over and plays with one of my curls. He does that a lot, I’ve noticed. It makes my heart flutter every time he does. “Do whatever you want with the walls. Paint them. Redecorate them. Make this place your own. It’s been sad for far too long.” He whispers, and I detect a bit of sadness in his tone. Reaching up, I tap his chest three times I stop, and then do it again. His heart is hurting. I don’t like it when he is hurt. I can’t stand it when he doesn’t smile. It feels as if my day turns dark.

“Bruno! Heel! No! Bad doggy!” I am startled by a loud feminine voice and a tiny bark. “Oh, Riagan, you’re back!”

Giving Riagan my back, I turn just in time to watch as a small golden retriever comes running my way with his tongue out. A short, curvy girl that looks to be around my age with a boisterous laugh, wild, red-colored locks and big brown eyes runs after the puppy.

I instantly become on high alert, knowing I don’t do well with new people. It took me at least a day or two to get used to Cianne’s presence before I was able to not feel anxious around all the time.

But the girl with the loud laugh doesn’t seem to take me by surprise when she sidesteps Riagan and greets me with an air hug, which catches me by surprise because who does that? Most people would pull me in for a hug or offer me their hands when first meeting, not caring about personal space at all. Not this girl with the pretty hair, smile and laugh.

“What are you doing?” I look at her hair first, wondering if it’s as soft as it looks. Then, I notice the freckles on her tiny button nose, her big plump lips and weird shade of green eyes. I wonder who she is. She’s not dressed like the other women who I assume work for him with an established uniform. This person is wearing baggy jeans and an oversized white graphic shirt. Her hair falls over her chest and she even has bangs.

She is very beautiful in a way that’s effortless.

“Giving you a big bear hug without touching you.”

Did Riagan tell her about my discomfort when meeting new people?

When I say nothing, she pulls back and says in a serious tone. “Okay, you got me. I hate germs, and I don’t like people touching me, especially people I don’t know.”



She hates germs.

“Mila, this is Maeve, my–”

“His best employee and longtime bestie.” The girl says while side eyeing Riagan.

He rolls his eyes, but there’s a small grin on his face while Maeve flips him off before turning back to me with a smile.

I can’t help but frown when I think of how close they might be that she feels comfortable joking around with him. I also refuse to admit how territorial I felt when he smiled at her. I am not a jealous person. That is not who I am.

“Anyway… it’s nice to finally meet the woman behind this,” she points at Riagan. “brute’s obsession.”

“Maeve, do you want this to be your last day on earth?”

“As if you had the guts to kill your third favorite person in the world?” Maeve shrugs.

Third? Is she talking about his father? Who is the second, then?

I take a mental note to ask him later.

“What kind of work do you do for Riagan?” I ask, interrupting their banter.

Maeve smiles proudly. “I hack a lot of shit, and most of the time, steal money for him.”

Riagan hisses before pulling her behind him with an annoyed look.

“That is…” I think of the right word.

“Illegal? Immoral?” Maeve jumps behind Riagan, so she can see me better.

Looking at both of them, the tall man with tattoos on full display and the tiny ball of spitfire jumping behind him and saying. “Badass.”

“Badass.” Maeve stops jumping while Riagan looks proud? Yes, proud. “I think you and I are going to be the best of friends, Mila.”

Smiling shily, I just nod. Making friends has always been difficult for me and not something I really sought to do much, but this is different.

These are Riagan’s people.

They obviously mean something to him.

I have to try hard to fit in his world to not cause trouble.

I wouldn’t want that.

Not for me or him.

An older-looking lady with a weird vibe and a scowl on her face approaches us, interrupting my silent staring. “Everything is ready for the wedding, sir.”


“Who is getting married?” I ask Riagan curiously.

He dismisses the grumpy lady and turns to me. “We are.”

“We?” I frown, looking at his chest now. “N-now?” I cringe when I stutter in front of them.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t tell her…” Maeve pushes him aside, looking wide eyed. “Cap… that is so unromantic.”

Tell me what? 

After a second, it dawns on me.

I stare at Riagan, looking for answers. “Are we…?”

I watch his every move with my heart in my throat as he moves Maeve aside and steps forward, getting closer to me. As close as he possibly can to me. Chest to chest. I feel my heartbeat race. He stands tall, towering over me, looking so handsome and fierce. “Do you trust me, Mila? Do you trust that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe?” He gives me his hand, and I look down at it. Trust?

I do.

There is no doubt in my mind, after all we’ve been through in such a short amount of time, that I trust Riagan O’Sullivan with not just my life but my heart.

Placing my hand in his, I give him my answer without speaking.

There’s no going back now.

Not that I would want to.

Woof! The small dog reminds us he’s here when he barks at my feet. I smile wide when Maeve picks him up and makes him wave at me. I feel a wave of warmth rush through me.

I love dogs.

Always wanted one, but I was never allowed to have one.

Nothing that would bring me joy was allowed.

Maeve drops Bruno in my arms before clapping once. “Mila, meet Bruno. Our honorary little shit-head. He loves chasing Cianne around the mansion, and belly rubs.”


Bruno barks as if he understands just what Maeve is saying, and I laugh when he squirms in my arms, trying to get to my face. Lifting him up, I hold him close to my face, and he takes the opportunity to lick my nose.

“He likes you.” Riagan speaks.

Hugging Bruno close, I look at Riagan and beam.

Nerves about the events of the night are completely forgotten, I smile wide like I’ve never smiled before in this moment with Bruno in my arms and Riagan smiling softly down at me with a light in his eyes I only witness when he looks at me.

A light that shines from within.

I didn’t know it then, but I was already falling hard.

So hard that it both excited and terrified me.

“Let’s get you married, cap!” Maeve’s excited voice breaks through my thoughts, reminding me of my current situation.

Yet I feel zero nerves.

It feels… right.

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