Chapter 572 

Why did Timothy want to disturb Mia’s mental state at such a critical moment? 

Shortly afterward, Mia thought she heard the doorbell ring. 

She snapped awake, unable to shake the thought that Timothy might have arrived. 

Nonetheless, Mia pondered it carefully, convincing herself that she must have misheard. After all, there was no reason for Timothy to come up and find her. 

Despite this, the knocking persisted. 

Mia quickly opened her bedroom door, only to find Patricia heading toward the entrance. “Who’s knocking at this late hour?” 

“Aunt Patricia-” Mia wanted to intervene, but it appeared to be too late. 

As the door opened, Mia noticed Timothy standing outside

He wore casual gray attire, a far cry from the serious and austere look he had in a suit during the day. This time, he emanated a more laid–back vibe. 

Mia wore a slightly awkward but polite expression, taken aback by Timothy’s unexpected arrival. 

Patricia’s eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of Timothy. “Mia, why why is he here?” 

Standing by the entrance, Timothy politely stated, “Grandma requested me to bring her some gifts.” 

“Ah, I see. Well, please come in.” 

Having met Timothy before. Patricia recognized him as Mia’s ex–husband. However, she hadn’t expected him to show up here after their divorce. 

Sensing Patricia’s discomfort, Mia intervened, “You should go to bed first. He’s just here to drop something off and will leave soon.” 

“Alright, then, please fetch Mr. Barrett a glass of water.” 

Upon seeing Timothy, Patricia also felt somewhat bewildered. Nonetheless, she obediently retreated to 

her room. 

Now, only the two of them were left in the living room. 

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Observing Timothy holding a paper bag, Mia’s voice turned cold as she said. “You can just place the 

items on the coffee table.” 

Following Mia’s words, Timothy calmly took a seat on the sofa. He briefly scanned the cozy living area, 

noting its modest size with just two bedrooms. 

Furrowing his brows, Timothy commented, “I can’t believe your brothers let you live in such a small place. 

Mia’s mood instantly soured, and she replied bluntly, “Mr. Barrett, you’re already here. Spare me your 


Raising his head, Timothy countered, “Must you use that language?” 

“To be honest, you were the one who started it! My brothers have offered me lavish cars and mansions

but I prefer staying here. 

“Even with my newfound wealth, I hold onto a non–materialistic outlook. I remain the same frugal, 

optimistic, and self–sufficient woman who values truth, kindness, and beauty!” 

Timothy’s lips twitched; it appeared that Mia was subtly mocking him. 

He set the paper bag on the table. “Grandma wanted me to give this to you.” 

“Alright, thanks. You can leave now; the door is right there.” Mia accepted the gift, her expression 


Timothy gazed at her. “Aren’t you going to open it?” 

Bending down, Mia unwrapped the package, revealing a box of pastries adorned with the words, “Wishing 

you great success“. 

Mia was surprised. “Did Grandma Laura make these herself?” 

She remembered Laura preparing a similar treat for Timothy’s birthday, but Laura hadn’t been in the 

kitchen since then because of her advanced age. 

“Yes, she was aware you have an exam tomorrow, so she arranged for the ingredients to be prepared 

early this morning. 

“However, due to her age, she encountered some challenges and had a few unsuccessful attempts. 

Despite the late hour, she insisted that I deliver it to you.” 

Mia’s eyes glistened with tears as she opened the box and took a bite. “It’s delicious. I’ll give my best in 

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the exam tomorrow. 

Timothy observed her intently, his expression suggesting he had something to say but was holding back. 

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