Chapter 562 

“There’s a student entrepreneurship event happening at the university today, so I thought I’d check it out 

to see if there are any promising projects worth investing in. After all, I’m now taking on the role of an 


“How did your inspection go? The entrepreneurship events at Halvard University have always been quite 

popular. I remember some alumni projects receiving investments and eventually becoming listed 

companies, right?” 

“That’s correct, and interestingly, those projects were ones our company invested in. We’ve always had a 

good rapport with your university. 

“In the past, there was a graduate from the Design School who initiated a business venture, which we 

subsequently invested in. Unfortunately, he was later apprehended by the authorities for various 

violations and economic crimes. It’s a real pity.” 

Mia suddenly remembered–wasn’t he referring to Felix’s studio? 

Contemplating the fate of Felix’s studio, she couldn’t shake off a hint of melancholy. Had it not been for 

his reckless behavior, the company might have flourished even more by now. 

She sighed, and Jeremy interjected, “You used to work there, didn’t you? I heard they brought in a big 

shot, and that was you, right?” 

“Yeah, don’t even mention it. I never imagined the studio would end up that way. It’s a shame.” 

Just as Mia finished speaking, she heard Timothy’s cold voice beside her, “What’s there to feel sorry for? That man had a flawed character and lacked competence. He brought this upon himself.” 

Timothy remembered the studio owner who had once taken an interest in Mia. He was truly audacious! 

Jeremy was perplexed. How did Timothy know about this? Could there be something he wasn’t aware of? He’ll have to return to the office later to gather some gossip about the studio. 

Jeremy chuckled and swiftly shifted the topic, “You’re absolutely right, Mr. Barrett. The food has arrived, 

let’s dig in first.” 

The Cagon dishes were placed on the table, emanating their distinct spicy aroma. 

Catching the familiar scent, Mia felt her mouth watering suddenly. It had been quite some time since she 

had enjoyed Cagon cuisine. 

+15 BONUS 

She picked up her utensils and took a bite of the gumbo. “It tastes just like I remember, absolutely 


Despite being cautious about her intake, Mia indulged in a few bites of each signature dish, relishing the flavors and closing her eyes with contentment. 

Observing her expression, Timothy instinctively reached for the nearest dish–the crawfish boil. 

As soon as the seafood entered his mouth, the overwhelming taste of paprika assaulted his taste buds. He grimaced, quickly covering his mouth and reaching for the glass of water beside him, taking a gulp. 

Coughing ensued. 

Even after drinking the water, Timothy struggled to alleviate the spiciness and continued coughing. 

Jeremy swiftly opened a chilled bottle of cola and offered it to Timothy. “Mr. Barrett, have some of this. It might help more than plain water.” 

Taking a few sips, Timothy managed to subdue the spiciness. 

He dabbed the corners of his mouth with a tissue. It was evident that he wasn’t accustomed to such 

intense flavors

Watching his response, Mia couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. After all, she had intentionally wanted to observe Timothy’s reaction to Cagon cuisine. 1 

Jeremy remarked, “It looks like Mr. Barrett isn’t accustomed to spicy food. Fortunately, we have some milder dishes available. Mia is truly thoughtful.” 

Mia’s movements came to a halt. She wasn’t being considerate for Timothy’s sake. 

Nonetheless, she couldn’t help but notice Timothy’s slightly awkward movements as he picked up the food with his right hand. 

It seemed like his arm injury hadn’t fully healed, which made it challenging for him. 

Observing this, Mia refrained from commenting further. 

Feeling discomfort in his right hand, Timothy decided to set down his utensils and turned to Jeremy, asking. “Were you and Mia classmates in high school?” 

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