Chapter 556 

As Mia opened the car door and stepped out, she found shelter from the rain under the umbrella Timothy 

held. 1 

Facing him, she suggested, “Let me borrow your umbrella for now. I can handle it from here. You should 

head back.” 

It dawned on Mia that she had forgotten to inform her brothers of her arrival. 

However, Timothy remained unmoved. “I’ll walk you over.” 

Just then, Dominic’s voice reached them, “Mia!” 

Mia subtly turned her head and indeed spotted Dominic and Claude. They, too, had noticed Timothy standing beside her. The atmosphere tensed momentarily. 

Dominic approached swiftly, his expression cold as he confronted Timothy, “What are you doing here?” 

Claude’s demeanor turned hostile. “Timothy, I made it clear last time to stay away from my sister. She’s not someone you can toy with. Didn’t you get the message?” 

Turning his gaze to Mia, Dominic urged, “Mia, come here.” 

Emerging from beneath Timothy’s umbrella, Mia approached Dominic. He handed her another umbrella. ” 

Take this. You and Claude go ahead. I need to have a few words with Timothy.” 

Sensing the tension escalating, Mia urgently grasped Dominic’s arm. “Dominic!” 

“Mia, listen to me!” 

Dominic’s voice remained resolute as he advanced to confront Timothy. “Mr. Barrett, since you 

you appear to be disregarding the warnings from me and my brothers, I’ll just have to demonstrate what happens when 

you mess with my sister!” 

With that, Dominic delivered a punch straight at Timothy, sending his umbrella flying in the process. 

Mia noticed that Timothy was completely defenseless. His right arm hung limply at his side, unable to even hold his umbrella. 

She realized that his right arm was likely injured from protecting her just moments ago. Disregarding everything else, Mia hurriedly dashed into the pouring rain to interven 

+15 BONUS 

Observing her getting soaked, Timothy swiftly retrieved the fallen umbrella and sheltered her. “Are your crazy? Why are you rushing out into the rain?” 

Mia reached out and gave his right arm a gentle squeeze, causing Timothy to grimace and inhale sharply. 

Turning to Dominic, she pleaded, “Dominic, his arm is injured. Please don’t hit him anymore.” 

Seeing Mia defend Timothy, Dominic suppressed his frustration. “Mia, injustice isn’t acceptable. Please 

go upstairs first!” 

However, Mia stubbornly refused to budge. 

Sensing the tension, Claude swiftly interjected, “Dominic, considering Timothy’s injured arm, it wouldn’t 

be fair to engage in a fight now. 

“Let’s postpone it for another day. Today, let’s just teach Timothy a small lesson.” 

Mia pursed her lips and added, “Dominic, Timothy got injured while trying to protect me just now.” 

Upon hearing Mia’s explanation, Dominic reluctantly released Timothy, maintaining a cold glare. “Let me make it clear: Mia will never be involved with the Barrett family. Don’t get any wrong ideas!” 

Feeling exasperated, Mia interjected, “Dominic, Timothy was simply giving me a ride home. It has always 

been me who likes him. 

“In reality, he has no romantic feelings for me at all, so there’s nothing inappropriate about his intentions.” 

Timothy’s expression became intricate upon hearing Mia’s words. He glanced down at her, struggling to hold back his response. “Actually, I-” 

“Alright, Timothy, there’s no need to explain further. Let’s leave it at that for today, okay?” Sensing Timothy’s urge to speak, Claude swiftly interrupted with a jest, pretending to be oblivious to Timothy’s 


After all the effort it took for their divorce to be finalized, there was no way he would allow Mia to be 

entangled with Timothy again. 

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