Chapter 554 

After uttering those words, Jolene walked away, leaving Ramona standing alone in the pouring rain. 

Ramona’s eyes brimmed with jealousy and disbelief as she exclaimed, “I refuse to believe it! I just can’t!” 

To her, Mia had been nothing but an orphan, struggling financially during their school days. How could 

she have possibly become a wealthy heiress now, with a billionaire ex–husband? 

Seated in the car, Mia couldn’t hold back a sneeze, causing her to rub her nose as she imagined Ramona 

outside, likely cursing her. 

Despite the heavy rain outside, the luxurious confines of the car provided a tranquil sanctuary. 

Timothy offered her a tissue, and without hesitation, she accepted it, using it to wipe her nose. Just at 

that moment, her phone finally rang. 

It was Dominic on the line. She promptly answered, “Hello, Dominic, what’s going on?” 

“Where are you? It’s pouring outside. I had to call the driver over for an urgent matter today. I didn’t 

expect Claude to assign him to you. 

“I just realized you haven’t returned home. Where are you? We’ll come pick you up.” Dominic’s tone was 

tinged with anxiety. 1 

Had he been aware beforehand that Antonio would be assigned to Mia, he wouldn’t have called him over 

for assistance. 

To him, even his brothers weren’t considered worthy of utilizing his car. 

Sitting next to Dominic, Claude intervened on the call, “Mia, I take full responsibility for this confusion. 

“Antonio assumed there was a prior arrangement on your end and didn’t mention anything, leading to 

this mix–up.” 

Claude hadn’t anticipated Dominic calling Antonio over for an urgent matter today, and he had also forgotten to inform everyone in the group chat that Antonio was assigned to Mia. 

Mia finally grasped the reason behind Antonio’s absence. It was simply a misunderstanding. 

Che reaccured them calmly “It’s alright. I’m already on the way home. I’ll be back soon, so there’s no 

+15 BONUS 

need to worry.” 

Frowning. Dominic questioned. “Is your classmate dropping you home?” 

A profound silence fell over the vehicle, the voice from the phone ringing clearly through the quiet space. 

Upon hearing Dominic’s question over the phone, Timothy instinctively glanced at Mia, curious about her 


Raising an eyebrow, Mia replied, “I’m currently in a cab. It’s safe, and the driver is maintaining a steady 


“Good to hear. Once you’re outside the neighborhood, give us a call, and we’ll come get you.” 

“Sure thing. Bye, Dominic.” As she ended the call, Mia couldn’t help but notice Timothy’s gaze fixed upon 


Meeting his eyes calmly, she questioned, “Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on 

my face?” 

Timothy hesitated momentarily but couldn’t help asking. “So, you’re taking a cab, huh?” 

He had thought she would say that her classmate was dropping her off, but he was surprised when she 

said she was taking a cab instead. 

Mia reclined slightly in her seat and responded casually, “Yeah, pretty much.” 

“I’ve never met a woman who lies as effortlessly as you. Or maybe you’re just afraid to tell your brothers 

the truth, huh?” 

Mia’s anger flared. “I’m doing this for your sake. If my brothers found out, do you seriously think you 

could handle them?” 

She simply wanted to avoid trouble and prevent any potential conflicts. 

Timothy felt a pang of indignation. “How do you know I can’t handle them? Are you worried about me getting hurt?” 

“Don’t be so conceited. I’m more concerned about my brothers‘ safety. Who’s worrying about you?” 

Timothy was taken aback by her blunt response. Frustrated, he adjusted his tie. “When do you plan on leaving?” 

“After my exams, I suppose,” Mia replied, glancing up at him. “Timothy, why are you so interested?” 

Timothy’s demeanor shifted awkwardly. “I’m just trying to make conversation.” 

“Timothy, you’re not attempting to stir up trouble, are you?” 

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