Chapter 521 

Timothy’s words immediately sparked fury among the five brothers! 

Claude stepped forward, grabbing Timothy’s tie and tugging his arm in the process. “You scoundrel, do you have a death wish? Mia is no longer the orphan you could mistreat! She is now the heiress of the 

Lane family!” 

“Exactly. Timothy, just because your family is affluent, you presume ours isn’t? Well, believe me, I’ll use 

money to beat you at your own gamel* 

Timothy remained composed, but the tug on his arm caused his wound to reopen, and blood began to 

seep out. 

Heath broke out in cold sweat as he observed the tense situation. “Mr. Claude. Mr. Barrett’s arm is still 

injured from rescuing Mrs. Barrett. Please, let’s not act hastily.” 

Jason arched an eyebrow. “Who are you referring to as Mrs. Barrett? Come on! They’re already divorced!” 

Liam was furious. “Timothy, what makes you so certain that Mia can only be Mrs. Barrett? What gives 

you the audacity to make such a statement?” 

Timothy’s lips tightened as he glanced at Connor. “Because I understand her.” 

Meeting Timothy’s gaze, Connor suddenly realized that Timothy was aware of Mia’s pregnancy! 

Damn, this was a mistake! 

After all, no one else was aware of Mia’s pregnancy yet! 

Connor stepped forward, pulling Claude aside and bringing Timothy with him 

Lowering his voice, he cautioned, “If you even think about spreading news of Mia’s pregnancy, you’re finished. Do you honestly believe that having a child with her will make her cut ties with our family?” 

Timothy was somewhat taken aback. It appeared that only Connor was privy to the news of Mia’s 


After all, familial bonds were enduring. 

Timothy couldn’t help but feel somewhat thankful for that unexpected incident in the past that allowed 

him to keep Mia close. 

Now, the idea of having a child didn’t seem as overwhelming as he had initially thought. 

Timothy, you better keep your mouth shut. You’re aware of Dominic’s temper, aren’t you? If he were to discover Mia’s pregnancy now, do you think the child would stand a chance?” 

Timothy’s gaze narrowed. “Well, it’s not as if you can simply get rid of a child from the Barrett family like 


“Oh, really? The Lane family in Nord City is not to be underestimated. Go ahead, try it if you dare!” 

After delivering his warning. Connor finally let go of Timothy and left the scene. 

Timothy remained standing. Observing the Lane brothers walking away, he felt slightly disoriented. 

Heath quickly moved forward to assist him. “Mr. Barrett, are you okay?” 

“I’m fine.” 

Timothy composed himself as he watched the Lanes depart: he wasn’t willing to give up so easily. 

Beside him, Heath let out a sigh. Who could have anticipated Mia’s sudden ascent to the status of the 

Lane family’s heiress

The timing of this revelation couldn’t have been worse–right after they had finalized their divorce. 

If only this information had surfaced before their divorce, perhaps there would have been a chance for 


Facing Mia’s six formidable brothers just now, it was clear that dealing with them wouldn’t be a simple 


Mia settled into the car, catching Dominic and Eva’s gazes. “Why are you two looking at me like that?” 

Eva grasped her hand, speaking earnestly, “Mia, I understand you have a history with Timothy, but that 

scoundrel didn’t treat you well. 

“Sure, he’s good–looking, but there are plenty of handsome men out there. When you’re back in Nord City. 

I’ll introduce you to someone even more charming.” 

A smile tugged at Mia’s lips. “I haven’t really considered getting into another relationship for now.” 

“Mia, you shouldn’t give up on love just because of one man, that’s foolish! Plus, now that you’re the 

heless of the Lane family, nobody would dare to cross you.” 

+15 BONU 

Alia was beginning to reconcile with her newfound identity. She exchanged glances with Dominic and Eva. “Should we tet Aunt Patricia know about this?” 

“It’s your call. We’ll support whatever you decide.” 

Mia averted her gaze. “Let’s hold off on telling Aunt Patricia until we’re back in Nord City. I’m worried she might get overly excited and blurt out the news to her relatives right away. Some of them can be quite 


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