Chapter 486 

To Timothy’s surprise, Mia’s family was the rightful owner of the VIP membership card. 

According to Shelly, Mia’s sister possessed the card, eliminating any possibility of it being lost or stolen. 

Indeed, it seemed that Mia’s family was quite wealthy! 

No wonder Mia’s confidence had skyrocketed. Discovering her family was undoubtedly a joyous occasion. But why would she choose to keep it a secret? If Laura knew, she’d be thrilled too. 

“Tim, are you paying attention? I’m instructing you to remove Mia from the mall!” 

Timothy couldn’t help but feel excluded, realizing that he had been kept in the dark about Mia’s family. 

Rubbing his temples, he replied, “Mom, everyone is familiar with the rules regarding the brand’s membership cards. 

“When you were clearing out the mall previously, did you ever take into account the lower–tier members?” 

Sharon was momentarily taken aback. “Tim, that isn’t a fair comparison.” 

“Why should it be any different? The mall, invested in by the Barrett Group, has its own set of rules. If we start disregarding these rules, who will want to visit and shop here in the future? 

“If news of today’s incident spreads, it could significantly jeopardize the mall. Do you understand the implications?” Timothy explained. 

“But we’re talking about Mia here. How can we treat her as if she were just any other customer?” Sharon shot back. 

Timothy’s tone grew serious. “She owns a VIP membership card, and as a VIP guest, she is entitled to its privileges!” 

Sharon’s anger flared up instantly as she exclaimed, “Tim! Mia, this bitch, had the audacity to bully us, and yet you still treat her like a VIP just because of some rules!” 

“Mom, it seems like you’re seeking retaliation because you were kicked out for not being a VIP member, and now you want me to help you get even. 

“However, as the CEO of the Barrett Group, I am not authorized to engage in such actions. If I were to 

compromise our principles first, who would want to associate with the Barrett Group in the future?” 

“But you’re my son. Is it truly so difficult to advocate for your mother?” 

Timothy responded nonchalantly, “I can assist you in handling this situation, but you’ll need to explain the repercussions to the board yourself.” 

Upon hearing this, Sharon angrily slammed the phone down. 


+15 BONUS 

Shelly asked cautiously, “What happened? Did Timothy agree?” 

“Agree my ass! I think he’s completely under Mia’s spell!” 

Sharon was furious, yet she hesitated to let Timothy act on her behalf. She dreaded facing the board of directors; their inevitable criticism would surely damage her reputation! 

Stomping her foot in frustration, Sharon declared, “Let’s go.” 

Shelly had no choice but to comply, secretly longing for a VIP membership card herself. Imagine the 

luxury of selecting from the newest and most exclusive items! 

Meanwhile, Timothy stared blankly at his phone. 

Recalling Sharon’s remarks, Timothy couldn’t resist checking Mia’s Instagram. There, he stumbled upon. 

her recent post. She wrote: “Graduation season calls for fresh wardrobe additions!” 

She shared a selfie showcasing her new attire, her round face appearing charming under the soft 

lighting, accentuating the delicate hairs framing her cheek. 

Timothy gazed at the photo briefly before proceeding to open his direct messages to compose a 


Meanwhile, at the mall, Mia lounged on the sofa, clutching the VIP membership card. Eva, what’s so special about this membership card?” 

Initially, she had regarded it as just another membership card. However, after Shelly’s revelation, she realized its significance. 

Apparently, it had the authority to evict guests, with even Sharon being promptly escorted out of the store! 

Eva hesitated, uncertain of what to do next. Should she inform Mia beforehand? 

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