Chapter 431 

Mia felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment upon hearing Timothy’s words! 

What was Timothy going on about? 

However, Dakota remained remarkably composed, seemingly unaffected by the situation. “We have informative books on this topic available at the hospital. If you’re interested, you can buy one to take 


Timothy stroked 

stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Is that so? That’s quite considerate.” 

Mia interjected hastily, turning to Dakota. “Are my babies truly alright?” 

Even though Dakota reassured her about the twins‘ well–being, Mia wanted to verify once more for her 

peace of mind. 

She was wary that Timothy and Dakota might have conspired to deceive her. 

Glancing at Mia, Dakota responded, “If your children weren’t alive, you wouldn’t have the energy to speak 

so vigorously at the moment. After all, abortion isn’t a minor procedure.” 

Mia found reassurance in Dakota’s words. She felt no discomfort in her body, especially in her lower 

abdomen, and detected no scent of blood. 

If she had indeed undergone an abortion, it would surely devastate her. 

Mia finally breathed a sigh of relief, her heart lifting as she woke to find Timothy by her side. 

Yet, the memory of Timothy coercing her into an abortion and confining her in the hospital continued to 

haunt her. 

After a routine examination, Dakota turned to Mia and said, “As you progress through the later stages of pregnancy, it’s vital to take good care of yourself. 

“You seem to be showing signs of malnourishment, especially considering you’re carrying twins. Given your husband’s financial stability, do you need to overexert yourself every day?” 

Timothy received another nudge from Dakota, causing him to hastily interject. “This doesn’t concern me. It’s not like she needs to strain herself so much at home.” 

Mia smirked and glanced in his direction. “Hmm, who was the one cooking, who managed the household chores, who picked out your outfits for the day?” 

After she finished speaking, both Dakota and Genevieve simultaneously turned their gazes toward Timothy, their expressions filled with disdain. 

Dakota’s demeanor toward Mia noticeably softened. “As a pregnant woman, it’s crucial to prioritize your 

own health. If you disregard your well–being, how will you manage to care for the babies growing inside you?” 

Mia nodded earnestly. “I understand now.” 

After Dakota and Genevieve left. Timothy cautiously voiced his thoughts, “Are you satisfied now that you’ve lectured me?” 


“I wasn’t lecturing you. Was anything I said untrue?” 

“But all of that happened in the past. It’s not like you were occupied with chores when you fainted this time, right?” 

Feeling a pang of guilt, Mia redirected the conversation, stating, “Well, didn’t I just mention that it was in 

the past?” 

“Mia, is this how you show gratitude to someone who saved your life? If I hadn’t caught you in time and rushed you to the hospital, do you genuinely think you’d be here now, talking nonsense?” 

Timothy was so furious that he had wanted to yank at his tie, only to discover it had already loosened while he was waiting for Mia to emerge. 

Reflecting on the moment she fainted, Mia acknowledged that it was indeed Timothy who caught her. 

Mia shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if he hadn’t acted swiftly when she collapsed

Despite the babies in her belly being Timothy’s, she had no intention of revealing this to him at the 


After taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat and said. “Thanks for your help just now.” 

Timothy arched an eyebrow slightly. “Well, well, it’s not often I hear a thank you from you,” he remarked. 

Ignoring Timothy’s sarcastic comment, Mia swiftly grabbed her canvas bag from the bedside table. preparing to leave the hospital. 

If she didn’t make it home that evening. Patricia and her brothers would undoubtedly question her 


Timothy furrowed his brow. “Where are you off to?” 

Holding her bag tightly, Mia answered, “I’m going home, of course.” 

Timothy teased, “Why the hurry to leave? Are you concerned I might try to take advantage of you?” 

Remembering his recent phone call with Claude, Timothy realized that Mia would soon be meeting the Lanes when she got home. Contemplating this, his mood darkened. 

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