Chapter 429 

Upon seeing the caller ID displaying “Claudie“. Timothy’s brow furrowed in confusion. Who could Claudie possibly be

He continued to stare at Mia’s phone which was ringing persistently. 

Unable to resist any longer. Timothy eventually picked up the phone. 

Claude’s voice greeted him from the other end, “Mia, I’m at the university entrance. Have your lectures. finished? I’m waiting for you outside.” 

Upon hearing a male voice. Timothy’s demeanor immediately turned cold. “She doesn’t need you to wait 

for her.” 

“Who is this?” 

As Timothy answered the call, Claude’s expression darkened. “Let’s keep this conversation civil. Maybe you should let Mia go first. Whether you’re after money or want to discuss terms, that’s your call.” 

Timothy was taken aback. He had never been in need of money before. 

His lips pressed together into a thin line. “That’s something I should be saying. In the future, perhaps your and your family should stay away from Mia. Otherwise, don’t expect me to be forgiving.” 

With that, Timothy hung up the phone. 

Claude was left perplexed, trying to make sense of the situation. 

Could Mia have been kidnapped again? 

Claude panicked as he called Jason, “Jason, it’s serious. Mia might be in danger again.” 

“What’s the matter? Tell me everything. 

Claude nervously recounted his phone conversation, his words slightly stuttering. “Guess who picked up the call? He sounded incredibly arrogant! But if I remember correctly, isn’t Felix stillin custody?” 

Jason paused for a moment before speaking, “Do you have a recording of the phone call? If you do, could you please let me listen to the voice? I might be able to identify the person.” 

Claude quickly forwarded the recording and called Jason again, unable to contain his impatience. “Have you listened to it? Who was the caller?” 

“If my memory serves me right, it sounded like Timothy,” Jason replied. 

Claude paused, taken aback at the mention of Timothy’s name. “Timothy Barrett? The son of Bern City’s richest man? Isn’t he the guy Maya, the phony heiress, was talking about marrying?” 

“Yes, that’s him.” Jason confirmed. 

Claude clenched his teeth in frustration. “You heard what Timothy just said, right? That’s not something a regular guy would say. 

“He definitely has ulterior motives toward Mial And now he’s even got Mia in his hands.” 

“I see your point. But if Mia is with Timothy, at least she should be safe. I’ll handle it, so don’t worry,” Jason reassured. 

“Why shouldn’t I be concerned? Mia is my sister too, you know. Why do I sense there’s something you’re not telling me? Is there a history between Mia and Timothy?” 

Claude, being the rogue he was, had a sharp instinct for such matters. 

Timothy’s warning to stay away from Mia only heightened Claude’s suspicion that there was more to their relationship than met the eye. 

Claude was eager for answers, but Jason remained silent, unwilling to disclose anything. 

The more 

Claude dwelled on the situation, the more unsettled he became. 

He was aware that Mia had worked as a caretaker for Laura in the Barrett residence, a role that essentially reduced her to that of a maid in such affluent households. 

But what could possibly blossom between a lowly maid and an heir to a wealthy family? 

Regardless of the outcome, Mia would inevitably bear the brunt of it all. 

Claude clenched his teeth in anger. If Timothy did harm Mia, he swore he wouldn’t let Timothy get away 

with it! 

In the lavish hospital room, Mia slowly regained consciousness. 

She blinked against the harsh light from the ceiling, slowly taking in her surroundings. 

Instinctively, she reached for her belly, wondering where her babies were. 

Could Timothy have instructed the doctors to perform an abortion without her consent? 

“What are you searching for?” Timothy’s deep voice suddenly echoed. 

Looking up, Mia found Timothy by the window and asked anxiously. “Where are my babies? Did you do 

something to them?” 

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