Chapter 394

Connor pursed his lips. “Mia, you don’t have to do this. Even If you go after Felix, Timothy wouldn’t dare to lay a finger on you.”

“Connor, I’ve already made up my mind. I can’t go back on my word now.” Mla sighed.

Mia knew her brothers would go all out against Timothy for her sake, but she didn’t want to drag them into the mess. Plus, she was about to leave. It was better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Connor frowned. But for Mia’s sake, he decided to let it be for now.

However, giving up on pressing charges against Felix was out of the question. While they couldn’t sue for Mia’s injury, there were other ways to deal with someone.

But Connor chose not to inform Mia of their plans.

The siblings both had secrets of their own and decided to drop the topic.

After getting back to Connor’s apartment, Mia immediately called Felix after going to the

bathroom. “Drop the charges with the police. We’re not pursuing this anymore.”

“Mia, you’re giving up on pressing charges so soon? What did your ex offer you?” Felix asked.

“That’s none of your business. Just drop the charges. As for your mother, I won’t press charges on

her too. We’re even now,” Mia hissed.

Felix continued, “Mia, now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, why don’t you come back to

the studio and work? I…”

Mia wasn’t in the mood to listen to Felix’s nonsense, so she hung up. She didn’t pursue Janice’s matter to protect her child, not because of Felix. In fact, she didn’t want to see those two disgusting individuals ever again.

Before long. Claude brought back a variety of tasty food for Mia.

Seeing how careful he was around her, Mia knew he felt guilty about her injury. She could feel her

brothers’ love for her.

So she made up her mind and decided to go back to Nord City to live with them.

At night, Jason arrived at the apartment right as he got off the airport. However, Mia had already fallen asleep when he arrived.

Connor waited for Jason in the living room. He said in a lowered voice, “Don’t let Mia find out


Jason nodded. “I know. I’ve already figured out how to give Felix what’s coming to him.”

Claude’s expression turned unpleasant. “We can’t let those two off the hook. That sly fox was ogling Mia. He must think that he can have her, Dream on.”

After exchanging glances, the three brothers agreed to deal with Felix and make sure he didn’t get away with it.

Mia stayed at Connor’s house for two days. After her wounds had almost completely healed, she went back to her classes and prepared for exams.

When she stepped out of the study room, a middle-aged woman suddenly rushed over to her.” Mia! Mia, I’ve been looking for you. Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

Mia’s smile faded when she saw Janice. “I’m not obligated to answer your calls.”

She had long blocked Janice’s number.

“Mia, I know I was too impulsive at the hospital. I apologize. Please don’t hold a grudge against an uneducated old lady like me.” Janice pleaded.

Mia frowned. “Let go. I don’t want to see you, nor do I accept your apology. I’ve already made myself clear to Felix. Don’t come looking for me again.”

“Mia, wait. Don’t you know? Felix was arrested by the police,” Janice cried.

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