Chapter 378 

Sky continued, “Don’t worry, Mr. Barrett. We’ll get to the bottom of this. They haven’t paid off their medical bills.” 

“Keep it down. No need to speak so loudly, I can hear you loud and clear,” Timothy reprimanded in a hushed tone. 

But it was useless because Mia had regained consciousness. 

All she could feel was pain all over her body. As she blinked open her eyes, her hand instinctively moved to her belly, fearing for her babies. 

Their well–being hung in uncertainty, driving her anxious. She raised her head only to see Timothy standing there

Her heart skipped a beat. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you on a business trip? Is this a dream? 

He sneered. “Why? Guilty to see me?” 

She bit her lip, not uttering a word

Heath, sensing the tension, hurriedly signaled at Sky and the others. 

It was best to give Timothy and Mia some time alone for certain discussions. 

The room was emptied, leaving the duo alone

A weak Mia rested against the headboard, noticing her bandaged knees and disinfected elbow. 

Although her question was still hanging in the air, she dared not ask anything about her babies under Timothy’s presence. 

“Are you dumb, Mia Bowen? Didn’t you announce your plan to be a playgirl? Picking up as many backup men as you can? Are you happy now that your backup man has rebelled against you?” 

His snide remark hurt her. “This is an accident. Who would’ve known that crazy woman would hurt me?” Mia countered. 

“What’s wrong? Are things not going according to your plan? I thought you were taking care of that calculating man. Did you fail to do a good job and ended up getting picked on by your future 


She shot him a look of disbelief. “Who told you that I was here to take care of him? I only came for 

+15 BONOS 

“Then, why were you here? Wandering around in the hospital to see what kind of illness you fall 


Irked, she shot back, “You’re the one who’s mentally ill! It’s all because Felix is hospitalized. If I hadn’t come, he would’ve filed a police report!” 

“What did you say?” Timothy arched his eyebrows. 

“Someone beat him up and broke his leg. That’s why he was hospitalized. I came here to resolve the issue with him. Otherwise, why would I be here?” she huffed in one breath. 

His expression became unreadable. No matter how hard she tried to decipher him, his expression made her skin crawl. “Why are you staring at me like that?” 

Timothy didn’t expect Mia to confront Felix for that incident, hence the surprise. “Even if he had done that, I don’t think the culprit would be found.” 

The men he hired were veterans, who had given Felix broken legs only, nothing more. The recovery would take time, but they would heal in the end

A scaredy cat like Felix wouldn’t have known who did that to him. 

Mia snorted. “Who says so? Technology is advanced these days. How could the culprit possibly not leave a trace? If the culprit is arrested, he’ll face heavy punishment for the assault.” 

The corner of Timothy’s lips showed a faint curve. “Indeed. The punishment is heavy.” 

“You know very well and yet you talk so much nonsense, huh?” Mia was growing irritated. 

His mood suddenly brightened as he answered, “You don’t have to do that. Felix doesn’t have the evidence.” 

She scoffed. “How confident. People might even think you’re the culprit. 

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