Chapter 365 

Mia sobered up immediately once she heard Janice. Feeling suspicious, she asked, “What’s wrong with Felix?” 

“He’s hurt, and it seems pretty serious. He’s in the emergency room right now. Mia, I’m alone here. I’m not familiar with this place, and I don’t know anyone here, so I called you. Can you come over 


“Mrs. Quilter, don’t worry. I’m on my way.” 

After Mia got changed, she was about to head out. However, Patricia stopped her. 

“Have some breakfast before you go, Mia. It’s still early now, no?* 

Mia took her breakfast hastily and grabbed a toast to eat on the way. 

She took a cab to the hospital right away. Once she arrived, she called Janice. “Mrs. Quilter, I’m 

here now. Are you guys in the emergency room now?” 

“No, we’re at the ward. Come to Room 365.” Mla thought it was strange. Didn’t Janice say Felix’s injuries were severe, and he was still undergoing surgery? Why was he assigned to the ward that 


Nonetheless, she went to Room 365. Felix was leaning against the bed frame, and his leg was in a 

cast. His face was bruised and swollen, looking as if he had been beaten up by someone

Mia’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be Claude or Connor who did this to him

When she mentioned what Felix did yesterday afternoon, Claude said that he would teach him a 

lesson, or break his leg. 

She had managed to convince him not to, so she thought everything.was fine. Yet, she didn’t expect Felix would really end up being hospitalized with a broken leg. 

A pang of guilt surged in her chest. She stepped into his ward, asking. “Felix, how did you get 


Felix’s expression changed drastically once he saw Mia. He seemed afraid. He struggled to speak. yet only muffled noises escaped his lips due to the bandaged injuries on his mouth. 

Janice flashed a smile at Mia and exclaimed, “Mia, you’re finally here. I was at a loss earlier when Felix was injured. 

“He was literally covered in blood! I thought his injuries were fatal, but fortunately, it’s just a 

Mia nodded, replying, “I’m glad he’s fine. How did he suddenly get Injured?” 


Nevertheless, she had to grasp the situation. After all, Intentionally harming someone was a 

criminal offense. 

Infuriated, Janice cried, “He was attacked! I have no idea who did this to Felix. He gets along with everyone, and his business is entirely legal. He never goes against the law, and he’s always eager 

to help others out. 

“I really don’t understand why someone would hurt him. Mia, do you know If he’d offended anyone? 

Mia froze. 

“I’m not sure either. But Felix usually gets along with others. Why would someone hurt him?” 

Felix was clearly fine when she saw him yesterday afternoon. Janice thought it was strange too. Her heart ached when she saw him. 

“I’ve called the police. Let’s see what they’ll say when they arrive.” 

Mia’s expression changed slightly as she asked, “You called the police?” 

“Yes. They should be here soon.” 

Looking at Felix, she questioned, “Felix, do you remember who did this to you? The police will probably ask you the same thing later.” 

Felix cowered, seeming scared. 

Janice handed him a notebook and a pen, saying, “Fellx, if it’s inconvenient for you to speak, you can write it down here.” 

He took the pen and hesitated. He wasn’t sure what he should write.

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