Chapter 320 

Was Timothy not concerned about upsetting Maya and the potential impact it could have on 

Laura’s surgery? 

Sharon quickly intervened, advising. “Tim, Ms. Lane is here specifically for Grandma. It isn’t 

appropriate to ask her to leave.” 

Timothy replied coldly. “Maybe those whom Grandma dislikes should stay away from her to avoid 

affecting the outcome of her surgery.” 

Mia struggled to stifle a laugh, surprised by Timothy’s straightforwardness. 

Hadn’t he noticed how close Maya was to tears after that snide remark? 

Maya spoke with a quivering voice, “Tim, how can you treat me this way? After all, today’s surgery 

is only possible because of me!” 

Timothy stared at Maya and retorted, “Are you sure Grandma Laura’s surgery is only possible because of you, Maya? Are you so accustomed to fabricating stories that you’ve convinced 

yourself of your lies?” 

Upon hearing this, Maya’s expression tensed. Under Timothy’s piercing gaze, a sudden unease 

settled in. It felt as though Timothy was privy to all her secrets. 

But that couldn’t be possible, could it? How on earth could Timothy know? 

Maya instinctively glanced at Mia beside her. Could it be that Mia had mustered the courage to 

disclose the truth to Timothy? 

Nonetheless, Maya doubted Mia’s bravery, suspecting that Mia, entangled with Connor, might have persuaded him to agree to today’s surgery. 

Certainly, no man could endure betrayal, and Mia, eager to rekindle Timothy’s affection, wouldn’t 

risk exposing the truth. 

Hence, Maya confidently seized Mia’s credit without any hesitation. 

Mia stood in place, aware of the scrutinizing gazes from Maya and Timothy. She couldn’t help but feel perplexed–why were these two observing her in such a peculiar manner? 

Maya glanced at Timothy, adopting a strained tone. “Tim, when did I lie? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

Timothy’s face displayed evident frustration. Did he have to unveil the truth

+15 BONOS 

However, Timothy hesitated to bring up the topic of Mia and Connor’s relationship. If Sharon were to find out about this, she would undoubtedly create a scene in front of Laura. 

Laura had just begun the surgery, and even if it were successful, her body would be in a fragile state. Therefore, Timothy couldn’t risk letting Laura become aware of these issues. 

Observing Timothy’s displeased expression, Sharon promptly ushered Maya aside. 

“Ms. Lane, your presence here during Grandma’s extensive surgery is truly commendable. However, there’s no need for you to stay here. I will update you as soon as there is positive news.” 

If the situation escalated, it could put the prospective alliance between the Barrett and Lane 

families at risk. 

Observing Sharon offering her an opportunity to step out, Maya hesitated for a moment before complying. “Sure, but I’ll be waiting downstairs. Please let me know as soon as the surgery is 


“Ms. Lane, would you like some company downstairs? It can be tedious to wait alone,” Sharon suggested, seeking to appease Maya. 

After all, waiting anywhere seemed equally mundane. Sharon believed it was crucial to mend their relationship before moving forward. 

Once Laura’s surgery was over, Timothy would no longer have a reason to keep Mia around, and integrating Maya into the family would simply be a matter of time. 

Maya felt a sense of satisfaction. This was the kind of attitude the Barrett family should have exhibited from the beginning. 

Wearing a triumphant expression, Maya cast a glance at Mia. 

Sharon swiftly interjected, “Mia, there’s no need for you to linger here either. The surgery has already commenced, and your presence won’t be necessary. Please; go ahead and leave.” 

Mia rolled her eyes and casually dropped a document in front of Maya, unveiling its title=“Barrett 

Group’s Heir Agreement.” 

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