Chapter 292 

Dominic’s eyes focused on the monitor as he contacted Nathan. “Nathan, a hacker has infiltrated. our company’s system. A daring one. Any ways to track him down?” 

“Oh? Who is bold enough to confront the boss? No hackers in Nord City dared to do so.” 

“Cut it out. This is not Nord City. The Technical Department is at their wit’s end. The hacker seems to have something up his sleeves. Didn’t you say that there’s a brilliant program? Send it to me. I’m going to catch that hacker today.” 

With Nathan’s help, Dominic believed that he could track down any hacker he wanted. 

Nathan smiled. “Not a problem. What’s that hacker’s virtual IP address? I can make a vague guess of his origin through that.” 

“Sittle Island.” 

Nathan choked on his coffee and burst into a cough upon hearing that. “What did you say? Where is it again?” 

“Sittle Island. What a weird name. Does this place even exist?” 

No. It’s a virtual one.” 

Nathan attempted to connect the dots. 

What a coincidence. He and his gang actually formulated the IP address themselves. Only a few were able to use it as of today. 

Last night, he shared the program with Mia and this IP address was found out soon. 

A sense of foreboding cloaked him. Did he just sabotage his own people with his program? 

“Why the silence, Nathan? Send it to me.” Dominic’s patience was running thin. 

Nathan coughed. “Wait. I have nothing to do anyway. I can settle this for you. There’s something that I have to verify.” 

Dominic raised his eyebrow. “You know this hacker? Are you trying to give him the leeway?” 

“I can’t say anything for sure right now. I have to see it personally first.” 

“Fine. I’ll ask them to share the control access with you. Your company built our system for us. You know what to do next, don’t you?” Dominic asked sternly. 

+15 BONOS 

The call disconnected. Dominc’s hunch kept telling him that something was off about Nathan. Could the hacker be someone Nathan knew? 

Nathan received access to the internal system and began his counter against the hacker. 

Slowly, he gained the upper hand in the confrontation. 

However, the hacker’s modus operandi gave him a sense of deja vu. 

His fingers suddenly stopped. After a moment of contemplation, he reached out to Mia. 

Meanwhile, a great hacker was attacking Mia. If she had not used the defense barriers from Nathan, her laptop would’ve been intruded instead. 

At that moment, her phone started ringing. It was a call from Nathan. 

he sudden? 

Nathan. Anything? 

of guilt put her into a momentary trance before she answered the call. “Hey, 

He coughed. “Mia, did you use the program I gave you yesterday?” he dived into the topic right 


It would be a waste of time beating around the bush anyway. He asked his friends to see if anyone used the defense barriers but the answers were negative. 

Therefore, that left him with only one answer. 

His question placed her in silence. “How did you know?” 

He sighed lightly. His guess was right. 

The guilt plagued her more. “Did I cause you trouble, Nathan?” 


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